Research Policies

The modern day higher education emphasizes more than mere class room teaching. The new generation educationists try to solve complex problems by using the advancement in science and technology. Therefore, it is mandatory that higher education institutions should develop an environment conducive for not only traditional compartmentalized research but also interdisciplinary approach.

V.H.N.Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous) develops a culture of involving faculty from various disciplines in active research. The major obstacle encountered by the faculty members of affiliated colleges is that the research work is not included in their regular work load. Teachers struggle to concentrate on intense research apart from their regular class room teaching. The teachers carry out their research projects by spending extra time in the campus as an additional work. The teachers contribute their entire might in pursuing meaningful research challenging the geographical disadvantage of being in a rural area, with rural student base and the absence of any reputed research institution in the near vicinity. Even in these conditions the contribution on research by our teachers is praise worthy that really needs an accolade.

  • To foster a conducive environment to research activities
  • To ensure publications in quality journals, indexed in Scopus/Web of Science and/or with impact factor
  • To look beyond the existing disciplines and generate new knowledge by integrating the related disciplines.
  • To evolve a collective methodology by applying the concepts in various disciplines.
  • To collate the synergic outcome of interdisciplinary approach.
  • To make the research more application oriented than a mere academic exercise.
  • To establish a vibrant colloquium in all fields of research.
  • To motivate the researchers to become a true lifelong learner and a team player through multidisciplinary research.
Research Promotion Policy
  • The college has instituted a Research Committee, comprising The Principal, Dean - Research and faculty members.
  • The role of the research committee is to develop, monitor and review policies relating to research activities of the college. It will also maintain and develop the college infrastructure supporting the development of research.
  • A senior faculty member with rich research experience is nominated as the Dean-Research for promoting research.
  • The faculty members who earn Doctoral degrees and who guide and produce Doctorates are honored by the management by prizes and cash awards every year.
  • Faculty members are encouraged to publish research articles in indexed, peer reviewed journals only and those who publish articles in journals and books are also be encouraged with prizes and cash awards annually to motivate them to achieve more in the field of research.
  • A multi disciplinary research journal is being published by the college for the researchers to publish their findings.
  • The research scholars are encouraged to undertake national level eligibility examinations for research scholarships and in addition the college management also provides monthly research fellowships for the full time research scholars.
  • The college do encourage and facilitate the students and staff to attend the conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops and guest lecture within and outside of the country.
  • The college do encourage each department to organize International and national level seminars, conferences and workshops every year.
  • The college provides partial financial support to the faculty members who participate and present research articles in International conferences / seminars in abroad.
  • The researchers are insisted to make every effort to make sure research is peer reviewed prior to it being published, publicized or disseminated
  • In order to avoid ethical violations in research and to prevent malpractices like plagiarism, the research guides and research scholars should ensure to avoid plagiarism, piracy and dishonesty in reporting research results

With a view to integrate the learning and research into the main stream society, the institution is always eager to offer its expertise to the public in the form of consultancy services.

Policy of Consultancy
  • The institution has a lot of expertise in diverse fields so that the college is keen on offering consultancy services to various industries and society.
  • The policy of the institution on structured consultancy is to encourage staff participation in consultancies which will benefit the society.
  • Staff members are permitted to undertake private and college based consultancies.
  • The faculty or staff must ensure that the consultancy work does not create a conflict of interest with the role of the faculty in the college.
  • The organization requiring consultancy services from faculty or the department shall write to the principal indicating the expertise required.
  • The Principal on receiving the request from the organization shall inform it to the department concerned.
  • The Head of the department shall nominate the faculty or a group of faculty having the required expertise and shall get prior permission from the principal for offering consultancy services.
  • In considering whether to grant permission or not for the consulting activity, the Principal shall take into account such factors as the compatibility of the activity with the responsibilities and commitments of the faculty member(s), potential conflicts of interest and the use of institution resources.
  • Publication arising from consultancy work shall include the faculty of the college and acknowledge the facilities used in the college.
  • Consultancy work shall bring financial benefits both to the institution and its employees.

In view of encouragement, the management has decided to share the revenue generated out of consultancy services to the faculty or group of faculty as follows:

S.No. Particulars Faculty Institute
1. Consultancy services from faculty or the department by use of institute space and or equipment 20% 80%
2. For providing solutions/expertise to problems of the industry 25% 75%

Code of Ethics to check Malprcactices and Pilagiarism in Research

V.H.N.Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar is committed to promote and maintain high standards and accountability in research. We are keen on establishing and sustaining a culture of integrity and transparency in research. Ethics and genuineness are the significant components in research and publication. The institute takes every measure to promote the research by encouraging publishing research articles and preventing any misconduct including plagiarism. The institute takes efforts to ensure that the research work is on par with the International standards. The researchers are made responsible for the authenticity of their research work. The institution deprecates and discourages the violation of code of ethics and the copyrights act. The researchers are advised to look in to carefully to the following research related issues such as Conflict of Interest, Disputes about authorship, Duplicate Submission and fabrication or misrepresentation of data or results.

In order to avoid Ethical violations in research and to prevent malpractices like Plagiarism, the Research Guides and Research Scholars are requested,

  • To conduct all research activities in accordance with the accepted high standards.
  • To ensure the precision of all data that have been collected and /or used in the research work.
  • To make sure that only the accurate data, information and research results are reported.
  • To cite every source of information correctly.
  • To properly acknowledge and give due credit to the funding source.
  • To follow strictly norms regarding bioethics and bio safety.
  • To avoid plagiarism, piracy and dishonesty in reporting research results.
SI No. Department Name of the Faculty Details Letter
1. BBA Dr. G. Murugesan 1491 (letterno.S3/Ph.D/Guideship/Busi.Admin/15, dt. 17.06.2016)
2. BBA Dr. K. Pushpa Veni 1404 (letterno.S3/Business Administration/Guideship/1404/14/15, dt. 28.11.2014)
3. BBA Dr. M. Jaisun 1734(letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 07.11.2017)
4. BBA Dr. B. Pavala Kumar 2286/23 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog/Busi.Admn./2023, dt. 31.01.2024)
5. Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam 1850 (letter S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017,dt. 22.01.2018)
6. Botany Dr. Bagyalakshmi 1514 (letter no. S2/Ph.D/Guide Recog/Bot/2016, dt. 06.07.2016)
7. Botany Dr. G. Premkumar 1841 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 11.01.2018)
8. Botany Dr. S. Muthu Ramkumar 1167 (letter no. R2/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/1167/2011, dt. 08.04.2011)
9. Botany Dr. N. Nirmal Kumar 1439(letter no. S2/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2014, dt. 24.12.2014)
10. Botany Dr. G. Mahendra Perumal 1898 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017,dt. 25.06.2018)
11. Chemistry Dr. A. Sarathi 1885 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 16.05.2018)
12. Chemistry Dr. N. Raman letter no. R3/Rec. of guide/98/585, dt. 05.01.1998
13. Chemistry Dr. P. Sami 1168 (letter no. R5/Ph.D/Guideship/Chemistry/11, dt. 15.04.2011
14. Chemistry Dr. R. Paulpandian 2220/22(letter no. S1/Guide Recog/Chemistry/2022, dt. 03.01.2023)
15. Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian 1322 (letter no. R1/Ph.D/Guideship/Chemistry/13, dt. 29.10.2013)
16. Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj 1426(letter no. S1/Ph.D/Guideship/Chemistry/14, dt. 24.11.2014)
17. Chemistry Dr. K. Arunsunai Kumar 1888 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 16.05.2018)
18. Commerce Dr. V. Manohar 1344 (letter no. S3/ST/Commerce/Guideship 1344/14, dt. 25.04.2014)
19. Commerce Dr. S. Muthulakshmi 1638(letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt.07.11.2017)
20. Commerce Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran 1639(letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 07.11.2017)
21. Commerce Dr. S. Maheshwari 1591 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 03.10.2017)
22. Commerce Dr. R. Shanthi 2290/23 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog/Commerce/2023, dt. 31.01.2024)
23. Commerce Dr. N. Vijayalakshmi 2291/23 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog/Commerce/2023, dt. 31.01.2024)
24. Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar 801 (letter no. R3/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2006/801,dt. 27.09.2006)
25. Computer Science Dr. D. Christopherdurairaj 1011 (letter no. R3/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2009/1011,dt. 18.11.2009)
26. Economics Dr. T. Vijayakumar 1533(letter no. S5/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2016, dt. 26.09.2016)
27. Economics Dr. P. Bharathi 2041/21 (letter no. S2/Guide Recog./2020 dt. 04.05.2021)
28. Economics Dr. J. Jayalakshmi 2036/21 (letter no. S2/Guide Recog./2020 dt. 04.05.2021)
29. English Dr. R. Kabilar 1814 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017 dt. 29.12.2017)
30. English Dr. A. Kalidass 1869 (letterno. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2018 dt. 02.05.2018)
31. English Dr. K. Muthurajan 1868 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2018 dt. 02.05.2018)
32. English Dr. R. Meena 1872 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2018 dt. 02.05.2018)
33. English Dr. M. Meena Devi 1867 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2018 dt. 02.05.2018)
34. English Dr. R. Anandam 2284/23 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog/English/2023 dt. 31.01.2024)
35. English Dr. B. Rajkumar 2285/23 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog/English/2023 dt. 31.01.2024)
36. English Dr. S. Ramanathan 1988/20 (letter no. S2/Guide Recog/2020 dt. 03.07.2020)
37. English Dr. Y. Vidya 1866 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2018 dt. 02.05.2018)
38. History Dr. G. Ravi 1441(letter no. S3/History/Guideship/1441/15, dt. 10.02.2015)
39. History Dr. C. Thangamani 1618 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 07.11.2017)
40. History Dr. A. Baskaran 1812 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 28.12.2017)
41. LIB Dr. G. Amudha 1319 (letter no. S2/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2013, dt. 07.11.2013)
42. Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam (letter no. R-3/Ph.D./Guide/2002 dt. 24.07.2002)
43. Mathematics Dr. C. Ganesan 1432(letter no. S4/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2014 dt. 26.11.2014)
44. Mathematics Dr. M. Bhuvaneshwari, 1880 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2018 dt. 02.05.2018)
45. Physical Education Dr. T. Murugesan 1803 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/guide recogn/2017, dt. 11.12.2017)
46. Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran 858 (letter no. R3/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2007-08/858, dt. 15.02.2008)
47. Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran 1141 (letter no. R1/Ph.D/Guideship/Physics/11, dt. 08.02.2011)
48. Physics Dr. P. Sriramachandran 1027 (letter no. R3/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2015/1027, dt. 12.04.2010)
49. Physics Dr. S. Prakash 1690(letter no. S1/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/Physics/2017 dt. 07.11.2017)
50. Physics Dr. R. Jeyasekaran 2015/20 (letter no. S2/Guide Recog./2020 dt. 04.05.2021)
51. Physics Dr. S. Vivekanandhan 1683(letter no. S1/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/Physics/2017 dt. 07.11.2017)
52. Physics Dr.B.Lawrence SF0002/23 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog./Physics/2023 dt. 01.02.2024)
53. Tamil Dr. D. Balaji 1598(letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 02.11.2017)
54. Tamil Dr. B. Mariraj 1175 (letter no. R4/Ph.D/Guideship/Tamil/11, dt. 10.06.2011)
55. Tamil Dr. D. Selvasankaran 1591(letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017, dt. 03.10.2017)
56. Tamil Dr. J. Manichselvam 1301 (letter no. R4/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/Tamil/1301/2013, dt. 29.07.2013)
57. Tamil Dr. E. Selvi 2132/21 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog./Tamil/2020 dt. 31.08.2021)
58. Zoology Dr. K. Nagarajan 1851 (letterno. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017,dt. 22.01.2018)
59. Zoology Dr. P. Prema 906 (letter no. R3/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2008-906,dt. 25.11.2008)
60. Zoology Dr. D. Kumar 1346 (letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017,dt.22.01.2018)
61. Zoology Dr. A. Noortheen 1377(letter no. S2/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2014,dt. 10.10.2014)
62. Zoology Dr. M. Kannan 1624(letter no. S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017,dt. 07.11.2017)
63. Zoology Dr. T. Durai Anand 2187/22 (letter no. S1/Guide Recog/Microbiology/2022, dt. 20.06.2022)
64. Zoology Dr. N. Nagarajan 1850 (letter S6/Ph.D/Guide Recogn/2017,dt. 22.01.2018)
Ph.D Students Details
SI No. Academic Year Department Guide Name Student Details Registration Date Mode of Ph.D Research Topic
1. 2021-2022 Commerce Dr. S. Muthulakshmi Biji Jose
01-07-2021 Part Time Performance of Kaivalya Scheme in the Upliftment of Differently Abled in Central Kerala.
2. 2018-2019 Commerce Dr. V. Manohar G. Abinaya
06-10-2018 Full Time Family_owned Business Practice in Madurai District : A Perspective
3. 2020-2021 Commerce Dr. S. Muthulakshmi B. Roja
21-04-2021 Part Time Marketing Strategy of Manufacturers and Consumer Perception towards solar products with special reference to Madurai District
4. 2020-2021 Commerce Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran A. Venkatesh Boopathy
07-01-2021 Part Time Digital payment systems: Perception of bank customers in virudhunagar district
5. 2021-2022 Commerce Dr. S. Maheshwari Yuvani Selva Bala
01-07-2021 Part Time Customer preference towards unified payment interface applications - A study with special reference to virudhunagar district
6. 2015-2016 Commerce Dr. V. Manohar Sheena George
24-02-2016 Part Time Retail Therapy : A Market Study to Analyse and Evaluate the Impact on Customer Buying Power Index Amongst the Adult Segment of Kerala Due to Change in Retail Strategy
7. 2023-2024 Commerce Dr. S. Muthulakshmi SATHYANARAYANA R
8. 2023-2024 Commerce Dr. S. Maheshwari ROBIN VIVIAN FRANK
27-04-2024 Part Time A Study on Financial Literacy of Commerce and Management Women Faculty in Higher Education Institutions in Bengaluru
9. 2024-2025 Tamil Dr. B. Mariraj Mr. Raja K
06-01-2025 Part Time ??. ?????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????
10. 2021-2022 English Dr. R. Kabilar I. Sugirthamaryrajammal
30-12-2021 Part Time The Muffled voices of the Others in the Select Plays of Mahesh Dattani.
11. 2021-2022 English Dr. R. Meena P. Hemamalini
30-11--0001 Part Time The Short Stories of Alice Munro: A Critical Study.
12. 2021-2022 English Dr. M. Meena Devi G. Loganathan
29-03-2022 Part Time A Study on the Socio-Cultural Aspects in Chetan Bhagat's Novels.
13. 2021-2022 English Dr. R. Meena M. Kathiravan
31-03-2022 Part Time Discourse on Ecocriticism in the Select Novels of Amitav Ghosh.
14. 2021-2022 English Dr. R. Meena A. Dharmaraj
31-03-2022 Full Time Musing on Colonialism, Politics, Violence and Apartheid in the Select Novels of J.M. Coetzee: A Thematic Study.
15. 2021-2022 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar L.R. Glington
30-11--0001 Part Time Rvival Syndrome, Quest for Identity and Neurosis in the Select Novels of Margaret Atwood.
16. 2021-2022 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy R. Pravin Kumar
30-11--0001 Part Time Ecofeminism in the Select Novels of Kamala Markandaya, Margaret Atwood and Alice Walker.
17. 2022-2023 English Dr. R. Kabilar A. Jebila Ilavarasi
06-06-2022 Full Time The Progression of Dystopian Theme in the Select Novels of Margaret
18. 2022-2023 English Dr. R. Kabilar M. Rajathi
18-04-2023 Part Time Ecofeminism and SocioEconomic Perspectives viewed in the selected short stories of Mahasweta Devi.
19. 2023-2024 English Dr. R. Kabilar S. Uma Devi
23-08-2023 Part Time A study of Bhabani Bhattacharya's Multi Dimensional Social Vision in his novels
20. 2020-2021 English Dr. K. Muthurajan M. Ganeshkumar
17-09-2020 Part Time Literature and Environment:An Ecological study of select indian english novels.
21. 2020-2021 English Dr. K. Muthurajan K. Parvatha Varthini
24-11-2020 Part Time Traits of posthumanism in the select works of Amish tripathi and Anuja Chandramouli
22. 2020-2021 English Dr. K. Muthurajan A. Parthipan
28-02-2021 Part Time Dynamics of hegemonization and fabrication of identify: A socio-cultural explication of sellect indian transgender writings
23. 2020-2021 English Dr. K. Muthurajan R. Lavanya
07-01-2021 Part Time Novels of Amish Tripathi: A Deconstructive study
24. 2020-2021 English Dr. K. Muthurajan M. Paul Joses
24-11-2020 Full Time Enthrallment and Excruciation: A postcolonial study of black lives in select women's writing
25. 2020-2021 English Dr. K. Muthurajan S.J. Brishma
21-04-2021 Part Time Fractured Human Selves and Redemptive Experience in the select novels of tim winton: A scenic study
26. 2018-2019 English Dr. R. Meena Andrina Genesia Quinn
27. 2021-2022 English Dr. R. Meena B. Tamilselvi
29-03-2022 Part Time Dilapidations and Reclamations of Human Existence in the Select Fictions of Githa Hariharan : Apperception of Post-Colonial Approach
28. 2019-2020 English Dr. M. Meena Devi S. Pradeep Kumar
29. 2020-2021 English Dr. M. Meena Devi M. Balakrishnan
30. 2022-2023 English Dr. M. Meena Devi R. Rajeshwari
03-04-2023 Part Time The Gender and Sociopolitical issues in the Select Novels of Githa Hariharan
31. 2020-2021 English Dr. S. Ramanathan M. Muthumari
21-04-2021 Part Time Nation in Narration: A critical study of select works of Arundati Roy Gita Hariharan and Aravind Adiga
32. 2020-2021 English Dr. S. Ramanathan M. Ramalingam
21-04-2021 Part Time Discourse as prologue to liberation : A critical exploration of select south Indian Dalit Narratives
33. 2020-2021 English Dr. S. Ramanathan P.V. Deepa
28-02-2021 Part Time Drives, Motives, Impulses and their literary representations: A psychoanalytic critique on kazuo ishiguro's novels
34. 2021-2022 English Dr. S. Ramanathan M.Jeswanth
29-11-2021 Part Time Muffled Voices and Mutilated Identities : A Critique on Select Indian Transgender Narratives in Sociocultural Perspectives
35. 2018-2019 English Dr. Y. Vidya S. Kamatchi
36. 2019-2020 English Dr. Y. Vidya R. Raja Nandhini
37. 2019-2020 English Dr. Y. Vidya Shinu R. Das
38. 2020-2021 English Dr. Y. Vidya M. Tychicus
07-10-2020 Part Time Incredible emprise of Globetrotters in the select travelogues of paul theroux, bill bryson and michael palin
39. 2023-2024 English Dr. R. Meena GLARIYA JASIN A
20-12-2023 Full Time Multiculturalism, Magical Realism, Quest for Identity and Self Actualization in the Select Novels of Paulo Coelho: A Postcolonial Study
40. 2023-2024 English Dr. M. Meena Devi K. Anandhababu
20-03-2024 Part Time A Socio-Cultural Study of Ha Jin`s Novels
41. 2023-2024 English Dr. M. Meena Devi P. Suwathy
42. 2024-2025 English Dr. R. Anandam Mrs. BALAMBIGA C
02-09-2024 Full Time Exploring the Concept of Psychoanalysis in the Select Works of Kavita Kane
43. 2024-2025 English Dr. B. Rajkumar Mr. KARTHICK KUMAR S S
17-10-2024 Part Time Insightful Examen of the Spiritual Peregrination in the Select Novels of Paulo Coelho
44. 2016-2017 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam P. Jeya Bala Chitra
03-01-2017 Full Time A Distance Related Parameters in Graph Theory
45. 2022-2023 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam S. Mahesh Prabha
/MKU22FF OS10761
01-12-2022 Full Time An intensive study on irregularity in graphs and irregular network.
46. 2022-2023 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam S. Uma Maheswari
/MKU22FF OS10734
25-11-2022 Full Time An indepth study on parametric analysis in graph theory
47. 2019-2020 Mathematics Dr. M. Bhuvaneshwari M. Mathan
20-11-2019 Part Time A study on Metric Based Problems in Graph theory
48. 2020-2021 Mathematics Dr. M. Bhuvaneshwari K. Sournadevi
07-01-2021 Part Time A study on Vulnerability of networks using graph models
49. 2020-2021 Mathematics Dr. M. Bhuvaneshwari N. Malathi
07-01-2021 Part Time A study on partitions in graph theory
50. 2020-2021 Mathematics Dr. M. Bhuvaneshwari S. Mahalakshmi
29-01-2021 Part Time A study on special chromatic operation in graph theory
51. 2016-2017 Mathematics Dr. C. Ganesan G. Petchiammal
03-09-2016 Part Time A Study on Integral Transforms and Algebraic Properties of Function Spaces, Generalised Function Spaces and Boehmian Spaces
52. 2015-2016 Mathematics Dr. C. Ganesan R. Muruga Jothi
23-02-2016 Part Time A Study on Algebraic and Topological Properties of G.Topological Spaces
53. 2021-2022 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran K. Subashini
21-06-2021 Part Time Preparation and Studies of Thin Films Towards Optical Device Applications.
54. 2021-2022 Physics Dr. S. Vivekanandhan D.Priyadharshini
30-12-2021 Part Time Seaweed Biomass derived Activated Bio-Carbon Materials and their Nano-composites for high performance Super Capacitors Applications.
55. 2021-2022 Physics Dr. S. Prakash Mr. R. Karthikeyan
30-11-2021 Full Time Fabrication and Characterization of Eco-Friendly Thin Film Based Dye Synthesised Solar Cell Applications.
56. 2020-2021 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran R.Saravanan
21-04-2021 Part Time Studies on compound semiconductor thin films in view of optoelectronic applications
57. 2022-2023 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran R. Chitra
21-02-2023 Full Time Synthesis and characterization study of nanomaterial in view of electronic applications
58. 2022-2023 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Poornima Priyadharshini
03-04-2023 Full Time Synthesis and characterization study of metal oxide nanomaterial in view of electronic applications
59. 2019-2020 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran M. Amirtha Varshini
31-08-2019 Part Time Preparation and study of metal oxide thin films
60. 2019-2020 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran T. Vinolia
15-07-2019 Part Time Synthesis and characterization of thin films materials
61. 2019-2020 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Ms. V. Radha Jayalakshmi
62. 2019-2020 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Mr. V. Radhakrishnan
02-12-2019 Part Time Synthesis and study of pure and doped metal oxide thin film for sensor application
63. 2018-2019 Physics Dr. S. Prakash A. Alagulakshmi
64. 2018-2019 Physics Dr. S. Prakash B. Suriya Devi
65. 2018-2019 Physics Dr. S. Vivekanandhan S. Saravana Selvi
66. 2018-2019 Physics Dr. S. Vivekanandhan M. Siva Sankari
67. 2021-2022 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj B. Sanjenuganth
31-03-2022 Full Time Design and Construction of Heterostructure Nanometrials ans Its Environmental Related Applications: Removal of Organic and Inorganic Pollutance.
68. 2019-2020 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran M. Karthikeyan
31-07-2019 Full Time Studies on cyclodextrins and conducting polymer based Neuronal markers sensors
69. 2019-2020 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran M. Dhinesh Kumar
31-07-2019 Full Time Studies of functional molecularly imprinted polymer based sensors
70. 2017-2018 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman M. Nazeer
28-03-2018 Part Time Interactive Studies on Bio-Active Transition Metal Complexs : Sumtjesos. Spectral Characterization, Redox Behaviour, DNA Fastening and in Vitro Antimicrobial Screening
71. 2021-2022 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman S. Kumar
09-12-2021 Part Time Synthesis, structural characterization and Pharmacological studies of some metal complexes
72. 2022-2023 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman S. Freeda Selva Sheela
06-06-2022 Full Time Studies on coordination compounds : Synthesis, Spectral Characterization, in-vitro DNA teraction, antibacterial and anitifungal activities
73. 2017-2018 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian M. Gayathri
74. 2017-2018 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian M. Santhameenakshi
75. 2020-2021 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian S. Soundarya
07-01-2021 Full Time A strategical design of nanocomposite to enhance environmental applications
76. 2022-2023 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj K. Murali
06-06-2022 Part Time Biological luminesence Application of Metals and Non-Metals incorporated complexes
77. 2022-2023 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Z. Nilofar Nisa
21-02-2023 Full Time Construction of 2D-Mxene based Heterostructure for Environmental Application
78. 2019-2020 Chemistry Dr. K. Arunsunai Kumar Ms. L. Ramgeetha
27-11-2019 Full Time DNA interaction and antimicrobial screening studies of mixed ligand complexes containing isoniazid Schiff bases: Synthesis and Characterization
79. 2020-2021 Chemistry Dr. K. Arunsunai Kumar G. Kaniraja
07-01-2021 Full Time Studies on design and development of sensors
80. 2023-2024 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj S. Rajasekar
11-05-2024 Full Time Photodynamic Studies of Novel Coordination Complexes and its Biological Applications.
81. 2021-2022 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam E. Nivetha
31-03-2022 Full Time Ethnobotanical Investigations on Plants used in Folk Medicines in Human and Livestock by Traditional Herbal Practitioners in Idukki District, Kerala (India).
82. 2022-2023 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Kavya Krishnan
26-08-2022 Full Time An Ethnobotanical study of indigenous knowledge on Medicinal Plants used by cholanaikkans tribes in Malappuram district, Kerala (India)
83. 2018-2019 Botany Dr. Bagyalakshmi G. Anandhi
15-02-2019 Part Time Diversity of Marine off - Shore Macro Algae, their Phytochemical Characterization and their in-Vitro Antimicrobial Potential
84. 2018-2019 Botany Dr. G. Premkumar C. Suresh Pandian
85. 2020-2021 Botany Dr. S. Muthuramkumar K. Karthiga
24-11-2020 Part Time Plant diversity inventory of selected sacred groves and its conservation strategies in Natham taluk, Dindigul district, Tamilnadu
86. 2018-2019 Botany Dr. N. Nirmal Kumar P.M. Karuppasamy
87. 2018-2019 Botany Dr. N. Nirmal Kumar T.C. Charumathi
88. 2018-2019 Botany Dr. N. Nirmal Kumar Uma @ Subbulakshmi
06-10-2018 Part Time Synthesis, Characterization and Assessment of Cytotoxic Potential of Silver Nanoparticles from the selected Medicinal Plants
89. 2020-2021 Zoology Dr. M. Kannan R. Abarna
22-10-2020 Full Time Bioactive compounds characterization form selective madicinal plant extracts and their anticancer activities
90. 2023-2024 Zoology Dr. M. Kannan S. Robinson David Raj
02-08-2023 Full Time Techno-Economic Evalution and Exploration of the Potential of Croplanktons as Natural Dietary ingredient for selected pisces.
91. 2022-2023 Zoology Dr. D. Kumar C Shiva Shankar
06-06-2022 Part Time Studies on Aquatic Beetles of Eastern Ghats, India (Taxonomy, Molecular systematics and abitat Ecology)
92. 2023-2024 Zoology Dr. K. Nagarajan K. Sasikala
23-06-2023 Part Time Biodiversity of spiders and Antimicrobial Potential of Spiders Web in Sathuragiri Hills, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu, South India.
93. 2023-2024 Zoology Dr. D. Kumar Somesh Banerjee
94. 2021-2022 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Mr. M. Ragunathan
21-06-2021 Part Time Enhanced secured group key distribution protocols for dynamic group of the IOT data in the public cloud.
95. 2020-2021 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar A. Suriya Priyanka
24-11-2020 Part Time Improved Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Diabetes with its Type by Extracting Significant Features
96. 2020-2021 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar L. Priya
24-11-2020 Part Time Identification of Characteristics Leading to Health Issues of Women and their Children from Microdata using Intelligent Mining
97. 2016-2017 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar R. Hema
07-06-2016 Full Time Mining Natural Language Artifacts in Software Repositories
98. 2010-2011 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopherdurairaj C.K. Balaji 783406621764
30-04-2010 Part Time Parallecization of Complex Data Structures and Algorithms Using Open MP Paraliec Technology in a Shared Memory Multi-core Procession" Applied to Medical Imaging Domain
99. 2021-2022 Business Administration Dr. K. Pushpa Veni T.B. Jasmine Jayashree
12-11-2021 Full Time A Study on Innovative Recruitment Techniques and its Impact on Job Seekers with reference to Selected it Companies in Chennai.
100. 2021-2022 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan S. Ramesh Babu
04-02-2022 Part Time Study on Travel Destination Decision among College Teachers and Banking Professionals with special reference to Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu.
101. 2017-2018 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Ms. C. Suratha
102. 2023-2024 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Rajapandi Thiyagarajan
23-06-2023 Part Time Role of New Generation Banks in the development of Rural Entrepreneurship through Digital Banking Services - A study with Reference to Madurai District.
103. 2022-2023 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan N. Sivapiran
18-04-2023 Part Time A study on Accident Management for quality in construction industry with special reference to virudhunagar district in tamilnadu
104. 2018-2019 Business Administration Dr. K. Pushpa Veni C.S. Sreekanth
105. 2022-2023 Business Administration Dr. K. Pushpa Veni S. Monisha
21-02-2023 Part Time A study on Female Consumer's Behaviour Towards Apparels in Madurai District.
106. 2019-2020 Business Administration Dr. M. Jaisun S. Kasthuri Priya
107. 2020-2021 Business Administration Dr. M. Jaisun V. Muthulakshmi
17-09-2020 Full Time Personal financial planning of salaried middle class employees - A study with reference to Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu
108. 2022-2023 Business Administration Dr. M. Jaisun M. Gnanaprakash
06-06-2022 Part Time A study on Product usage and Disposal Behaviour of Millennial and Post-Millennial Generation onsumers on selected consumer Goods in Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu.
109. 2019-2020 Physical Education Dr. T. Murugesan Mr. T. Lakshmanan
07-11-2019 Part Time Analysis of the Chances on Selected Health Related Physical Fitness and Physiological Parameters in Response to Aerobic Training with and Without Yogic Practices Among Trained and Untrained Men.
Ph.D Awardees Details
SI No. Academic Year Department Guide Name Scholar Name
1. 2024 Botany Dr. S. Muthuramkumar Dr. V. Ganesan
2. 2024 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. S. Karthikeyan
3. 2024 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. N. Arunkarthik
4. 2023 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. Sinthia Ganeshan
5. 2023 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelemegam Dr. A. Indira
6. 2023 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Dr. Suratha
7. 2023 Chemistry Dr. P. Sami Dr. A. Prasanna
8. 2023 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Dr. B. Filip Jones
9. 2023 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. K. Palpandi
10. 2023 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. R. Rajasekar
11. 2023 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. A. Janani Selvabala
12. 2023 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. A. Sivaranjani
13. 2023 Commerce Dr. A. A. Magesan Dr. N. Raja
14. 2023 English Dr. R. Kabilar Dr. E. Elamathiyan
15. 2023 English Dr. M. Meena Devi Dr. J. J. Dony Preethii
16. 2023 English Dr. R. Meena Dr. K. Muthumurugan
17. 2023 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. M. Murugesan
18. 2023 English Dr. R. Kabilar Dr. M. Potties Begum
19. 2023 English Dr. P. Kabilar Dr. P. Illayaraja
20. 2023 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Pravinkumar
21. 2023 English Dr. R. Kabilar Dr. S.N.I. Sathish Balakumaran
22. 2023 English Dr. R. Meena Dr. V. Karthigaiselvan
23. 2023 History Dr. A. Baskaran Dr. A. Brickston
24. 2023 History Dr. C. Thangamani Dr. C. Krishnamoorthy
25. 2023 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. B. Senthilkrishnan
26. 2023 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. S. Arun Dinesh Raj
27. 2023 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. A. Alagu Lakshmi
28. 2023 Zoology Dr. P. Prema Dr. G. Rameshkumar
29. 2023 Zoology Dr. P. Prema Dr. P. Viji
30. 2022 Botany Dr. N. Nirmalkumar Dr. D. Kayalvizhi
31. 2022 Botany Dr. K. Rajarathinam Dr. K. Susithra
32. 2022 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Dr. D. Radha
33. 2022 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Dr. M. Anantha Lakshmi
34. 2022 Business Administration Dr. K. Pushpa Veni Dr. P. Ramachandran
35. 2022 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Dr. S. Ajith Kumar
36. 2022 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian Dr. L. T. Parvathi
37. 2022 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Dr. M. Murugalakshmi
38. 2022 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. M. Samuel
39. 2022 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. V. Thamil Priya
40. 2022 Commerce Dr. R. Kabilar Dr. D. Soundarapandi
41. 2022 Commerce Dr. S. Maheswari Dr. R.K. Manju @ Mahalakshmi
42. 2022 Commerce Dr. V. Manohar Dr. S. Selvanathan
43. 2022 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj Dr. R. Vasanthi
44. 2022 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj Dr. S. Kartheeswaran
45. 2022 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. B. Kanagalakshmi
46. 2022 English Dr. R. Meena Dr. Jeyashibi
47. 2022 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. K. Latha
48. 2022 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R. Brinto Collins
49. 2022 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. R. Rajeevkumar
50. 2022 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Maharajan
51. 2022 English Dr. R. Kabilar Dr. S. Sabitha Shunmuga Priya
52. 2022 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Malathi
53. 2022 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. A. Dharmendran
54. 2022 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. S. Rajeev Gandhi
55. 2022 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. S. Vimalajenifier
56. 2021 Botany Dr. S. Muthuramkumar Dr. A. Maniraj
57. 2021 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. P. Mala Manonmani
58. 2021 Business Administration Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian Dr. K. Sindhuja
59. 2021 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Dr. P. Rajeswari
60. 2021 Business Administration Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian Dr. R. Indumathi
61. 2021 Business Administration Dr. K. Pushpa Veni Dr. R. Thanga Ganesh
62. 2021 Business Administration Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian Dr. T. Suguna
63. 2021 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Dr. M. Abinaya
64. 2021 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Dr. M. Dhanalaskhmi
65. 2021 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian
Dr. N. Prithivikumaran
Dr. S. Dhanalakshmi
66. 2021 Chemistry Dr. T. Esakkidurai Dr. N. Raman Dr. S. Hemalatha
67. 2021 Commerce Dr. V. Manohar Dr. P. Uma Shanthi
68. 2021 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. K. Aruna Devi
69. 2021 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. P. Pandiselvam
70. 2021 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj Dr. P. S. Sumathi
72. 2021 Economics Dr. T. Vijayakumar Dr. C. Praveen Sarathy
73. 2021 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. A. Mohanraj
74. 2021 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. K. Kavitha
75. 2021 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R. Mahalakshmi
76. 2021 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Karthika
77. 2021 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Subha
78. 2021 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. C.S. Sujatha
79. 2021 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R. Devi Raja Priya
80. 2021 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. K. Deepalakshmi
81. 2021 Tamil Dr B. Mariraj Dr. G. Lingamoorthy
82. 2021 Tamil Dr. P. Anandasayanam Dr. K. Prema
83. 2020 Business Administration Dr. K. Pushpa Veni Dr. A. Muthumari
84. 2020 Business Administration Dr. G. Murugesan Dr. K. Muthu Selvi
85. 2020 Business Administration Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian Dr. S. Amsha Lekha
86. 2020 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. A. Arunadevi
87. 2020 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. J. Porkodi
88. 2020 Chemistry Dr. P. Sami Dr. M. Kumaresan
89. 2020 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Dr. S. Lakshmi Prabavathi
90. 2020 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. K. Sridevi
91. 2020 Commerce Dr. A. A. Magesan Dr. P. Rajmohan
92. 2020 Commerce Dr. P. Ravichandran Dr. R. Sivajothi
93. 2020 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj Dr. A. Bharathi Lakshmi
94. 2020 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj Dr. J. Rajesh Dharmaraj
95. 2020 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. K. S. Jeyalakshmi
96. 2020 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj Dr. S. Irene Getzi
97. 2020 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. G. Ramprasanth
98. 2020 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. J. Saravana Kumar
99. 2020 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Sumathi
100. 2020 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. M.G. Ramprasanth
101. 2020 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. P. Neelayadachy
102. 2020 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. P. Revathi
103. 2020 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. S.S .Moses
104. 2020 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikmaran Dr. A. Mathi Vathani
105. 2020 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. P. Pandaram
106. 2020 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. S. Jothi
107. 2020 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. S. Palanichamy
108. 2019 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. C. Rajalakshumi
109. 2019 Business Administration Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian Dr. J. Prateeba Devi
110. 2019 Business Administration Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian Dr. M. Jothilakshmi
111. 2019 Business Administration Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian Dr. V. Mohanram
112. 2019 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Dr. J. Vinoth Kumar
113. 2019 Chemistry Dr. V. Muthuraj Dr. K. Saravanakumar
114. 2019 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. Ponya Utthra Ponnukalai
115. 2019 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. R. Rajkumar
116. 2019 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. R. Anbalagan
117. 2019 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. B. Rajkumar
118. 2019 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. J. Rachel Bhuvaneswarai
119. 2019 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. K. Rajkumar
120. 2019 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. P. Sumathi
121. 2019 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. R. Anandam
122. 2019 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R. Jain Varsia Rani
123. 2019 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. A. Johnson Navaraj
124. 2019 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. M.S.Mohamed Mohideen
125. 2019 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. P. Karuppasamy
126. 2019 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. R. Anantheeswary
127. 2019 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. S. Manohari
128. 2019 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. S. Sarikala
129. 2019 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. V. Senthur
130. 2019 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. M. Anitha
131. 2019 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. M. Reka Devi
132. 2019 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. N. Anitha
133. 2019 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. P.S. Satheeshkumar
134. 2019 Zoology Dr. M. Kannan Dr. J. Neena Priya
135. 2019 Zoology Dr. M. Kannan Dr. M. Subbulakshmi
136. 2019 Zoology Dr. P. Prema Dr. S. Subha Ranjani
137. 2018 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. A. Tamilselvan
138. 2018 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. P. Srividhya
139. 2018 Botany Dr. S. Muthuramkumar Dr. R. Packiaraj
140. 2018 Botany Dr. A. Rajendran Dr. R. Velmurugan
141. 2018 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. G. Kumaravel
142. 2018 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian Dr. K. Prakash
143. 2018 Chemistry Dr. P. Sami Dr. K. Selvakumar
144. 2018 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian Dr. P. Latha
145. 2018 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. R. Paulpandiyan
146. 2018 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian Dr. R. Vahini
147. 2018 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. T. Chandrasekar
148. 2018 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. P. Sasidhar Ready
149. 2018 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. V. Shantha Meena
150. 2018 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. P. Balasubramanian
151. 2018 Commerce Dr. A.A. Magesan Dr. P. Jamuna
152. 2018 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. M. Karthigaiselvi
153. 2018 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. C.P. Swathimuthu
154. 2018 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. L. Anushya Devi
155. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. M. Ramachandran
156. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. P. Jessintha
157. 2018 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. P. S. S. Avadaiappan
158. 2018 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. S. Senthi Murugan
159. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Venkatesh
160. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. V. Bala Murugeswari
161. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. C.S. Jeyaraman
162. 2018 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. D. Smitha
163. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. Kishore Selva Babu
164. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. L. Gayathri Devi
165. 2018 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. M. Jaganathan
166. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. M. Santhosh
167. 2018 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. N. Kowsalya Devi
168. 2018 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. P.S.S. Avadaiappan
169. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. P.Valli Deivanai
170. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R.S. Swamalakshmi
171. 2018 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R.S.Sabeetha
172. 2018 History Dr. N. Justin Samraj Dr. K. Karuppiah
173. 2018 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. S. Kandhimathinathan
174. 2018 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. R. Sinthu
175. 2018 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. A. Alfind Paul Frit
176. 2018 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Dr. I. Rathinamala
177. 2018 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. K.S. Balaji
178. 2018 Physics Dr. K. Neyvasagam Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Dr. P. Malliga
179. 2018 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Dr. R. Sudha Periathai
180. 2018 Tamil Dr. P. Anandasayanam Dr. S. Santhi
181. 2018 Zoology Dr. P. Prema Dr. N. Alagumanikumaran
182. 2018 Zoology Dr. M. Kannan Dr. V. Nithyakalyani
183. 2017 Botany Dr. A. Rajendran Dr. A. Meenatchi
184. 2017 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. K. Irulandi
185. 2017 Botany Inr.P .Mehalingam Dr. S. Geetha
186. 2017 Botany Dr.P .Mehalingam Dr. V. Siva
187. 2017 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. V.P. Elango
188. 2017 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. A.S. Shaji
189. 2017 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian Dr. J. Sherin
190. 2017 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. P. Santharaman
191. 2017 Chemistry Dr. S. Karuthapandian Dr. P. Senthil Kumar
192. 2017 Chemistry Dr. P. Sami Dr. T. Shanmugaprabha
193. 2017 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. Y. Muniyandi
194. 2017 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. M. Sivakumar
195. 2017 Commerce Dr. P. Sundarapandian Dr. M.J. Senthil kumar
196. 2017 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. S. Swaminathan
197. 2017 Computer Science Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj Dr. C.H. Arun
198. 2017 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. G . Renuka Devi
199. 2017 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. M.Murugananthan
200. 2017 English Dr. A.K. Muthusamy Dr. S. Jayanthi
201. 2017 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. A. Karuppasamy
202. 2017 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. N. Suresh
203. 2017 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. P. Seenisankar
204. 2017 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. A. Pitchumani
205. 2017 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Dr. A. Saranya
206. 2017 Physics Dr. N. Jeyakumaran Dr. B. Lawrence
207. 2017 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. J. Raj Mohamed
208. 2017 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. K. Pakiyaraj
209. 2017 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Dr. P. Uma Devi
210. 2017 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. Y. Tamilnayagan
211. 2017 Zoology Dr. M. Kannan Dr. V. Sekar
212. 2016 Botany Dr. K. Rajarathinam Dr. S. Jeyakumar
213. 2016 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. B. Pavalakumar
214. 2016 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. G. Muneeswaran
215. 2016 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. M. Balamurugan
216. 2016 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. N. Pravin
217. 2016 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. R. Mahalakshmi
218. 2016 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. S.Packianathan
219. 2016 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. T. Arun
220. 2016 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. M. Muthumani
221. 2016 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. M. Suresh
222. 2016 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. R. Panchavarnam
223. 2016 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. S. Krishnasamy
224. 2016 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. S. Kumaresan
225. 2016 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. R. Palaniappan
226. 2016 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. A.Kamaleswari
227. 2016 History Dr. N. Justin Samraj Dr. M. Jeenadas
228. 2016 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. V. Kathiravan
229. 2016 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. Antina Pathumaragam
230. 2016 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. M. Muthuchelvam
231. 2016 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Dr. J. Pandiarajan
232. 2016 Physics Dr. N. Prithivikumaran Dr. V. Lakshmipriya
233. 2016 Zoology Dr. P. Prema Dr. M. Selvarani
234. 2016 Zoology Dr. P. Prema Dr. S. Thangapandiyan
235. 2015 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. N. Maria Francis Jeffrey Bose
236. 2015 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. P.G.S. Shirley
237. 2015 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. M. Balaji
238. 2015 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. M. Selvaganapathy
239. 2015 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara pandian Dr. J. Johnson Pandian
240. 2015 Commerce Dr. A.A. Magesan Dr. M. Shunmugam
241. 2015 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. J. Jebakumari Beulah Vasanthi
242. 2015 Economics Dr. P. Dhavamani Dr. J. Jeyalakshmi
243. 2015 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. B.Anand Prasad
244. 2015 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. C.Veenarani
245. 2015 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. M.Kiruthika
246. 2015 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. M. Bhuvaneshwari
247. 2015 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. P. Sooriyakala
248. 2015 Tamil Dr. P. Anandasayanam Dr. C. Padmavathy
256. 2014 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. M. Pandiaraj
257. 2014 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. P. Subbaraj
258. 2014 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. T. Madasamy
259. 2014 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. K. Balasathya
260. 2014 Commerce Dr. N. Ashokkumar Dr. L. Pushpavathi
261. 2014 Commerce Dr. N. Ashokkumar Dr. P. Sankara Narayanan
262. 2014 Commerce Dr. A.A. Magesan Dr. P.K. Ajith Kumar
263. 2014 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara pandian Dr. S. Muthulakshmi
264. 2014 Economics Dr. P. Dhavamani Dr. S. Athi Narayanan
265. 2014 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. J. Selvamalar
266. 2014 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. K.S. Balaji
267. 2014 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R. Suriya Prakash Narayanan
268. 2014 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S.A. Mohamed Hanifa
269. 2014 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. B. Senrayan
270. 2014 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. K. Neelapuspham
271. 2014 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. O.C. Promod
249. 2014 Botany Dr. K. Rajarathinam Dr. G. Manivannan
250. 2014 Botany Dr. K. Rajarathinam Dr. G. Premkumar
251. 2014 Botany Dr. M. Jayakumar Dr. P. Periyakarppiah
252. 2014 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. G .Karpagavalli
253. 2014 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. K. Meenakshi Sundari
254. 2014 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. R. Jeyanthi
255. 2014 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. A. Sakthivel
272. 2013 Botany Dr. A. Rajendran Dr. Bagyalakshmi
273. 2013 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. M. Suresh
274. 2013 Botany Dr. P. Mehalingam Dr. S. Aron
275. 2013 Botany Dr. A. Rajendran Dr. V. Ramesh
276. 2013 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. S. Asnafi
277. 2013 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. D. Sathyanarayanan
278. 2013 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. K. Pothiraj
279. 2013 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. P. Gurusamy
280. 2013 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. C. Amirtharani
281. 2013 Commerce Dr. R.Vairamuthuvel Dr. M. Lakshmanakumar
282. 2013 Commerce Dr. A.A. Magesan Dr. P.K. Pandiyaraj
283. 2013 Commerce Dr. A.A. Magesan Dr. V. Karthigaiselvi
284. 2013 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. M. Gethsiyal Augasta
285. 2013 Computer Science Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Dr. S. Jeyaseeli Subavathi
286. 2013 Economics Dr. P. Dhavamani Dr. S. Anantha Selvam
287. 2013 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. J. Vinita
288. 2013 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. K. Anand
289. 2013 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. K. Muthurajan
290. 2013 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. K.Rathiga
291. 2013 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. M.Meena Devi
292. 2013 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. N.Gnana Selvi
293. 2013 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. N.Kalaivani
294. 2013 English Dr. A. Mohan Kumar Dr. Sobhana Devi
295. 2013 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. Y.Prema
296. 2013 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. Cellapandian
297. 2013 History Dr. N. Justin Samraj Dr. P. Michel
298. 2013 Library Science Dr. G. Amudha Dr. P. Esakkiammal
299. 2013 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. C.S. Senthil Kumar
300. 2013 Tamil Dr. P. Anandasayanam Dr. V. Prabavathy
301. 2012 Botany Dr. A. Rajendran Dr. A. Thalavaipandian
302. 2012 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. K. Pushpaveni
303. 2012 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. S. Shobha
304. 2012 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. S. Sudharsan
305. 2012 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. U.S.E. Arivudainambi
306. 2012 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran
307. 2012 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. T. Jebasheela
308. 2012 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. A. Subashini
309. 2012 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. K. Venuka
310. 2012 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. P.C. Varghese
311. 2012 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Shyamala Devi
312. 2012 History Dr. S. Palanichamy Dr. P. Maran
313. 2011 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. S.C. Sivasundaram Anushan
314. 2011 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. A. Selvan
315. 2011 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. J. Jeyamurugan
316. 2011 Chemistry Dr. C. Karunakaran Dr. S. Rajesh
317. 2011 Commerce Dr. N. Ashokkumar Dr. C. Chelladurai
318. 2011 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. G. Hezekiahraja
319. 2011 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. G. Senthil
320. 2011 Commerce Dr. R.Vairamuthuvel Dr. K. Saravanakailas
321. 2011 Commerce Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel Dr. M. Muneeswaran
322. 2011 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. N. Rajathilagam
323. 2011 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. V. Manohar
324. 2011 Economics Dr. E. Narayana Nadar Dr. P. Bharathi
325. 2011 Economics Dr. E. Narayana Nadar Dr. T. Vijayakumar
326. 2011 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. B. Kathiresan
327. 2011 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. G. Dharmaraja
328. 2011 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. H. Mohamed Meeran
329. 2011 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. M. Devi Chandra
330. 2011 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. M. Muktha
331. 2011 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. N. Sundararajan
332. 2011 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R.Meena
333. 2011 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. S. Anitha evelyn
334. 2011 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. S. Ramanathan
335. 2011 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. T. Mangayarkarasi
336. 2011 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. Y. Vidya
337. 2011 Mathematics Dr. A. Selvam Dr. P. Shanthi
338. 2011 Physics Dr. L. Amalraj Dr. K. Vijayakumar
339. 2011 Tamil Dr. P. Anandasayanam Dr. R. Stephen
340. 2010 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. V. Narayanan
341. 2010 Chemistry Dr. K. Rajasekaran Dr. P. Sami
342. 2010 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. G. Rengarajan
343. 2010 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R. Priyakumar
344. 2010 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. R. Selvam
345. 2010 Physics Dr. N. Rajamanickam Dr. R. Shunmugavel
346. 2009 Chemistry Dr. A. Shanmugasundaram
Dr. C. Gnanasekaran
Dr. A. Sarathi
347. 2009 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. N. Muthuselvan
348. 2009 Commerce Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Dr. R. Shobanadevi
349. 2009 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. S. Radhika
350. 2009 Commerce Dr. N.R. Nagarajan Dr. V. Kumaravalli
351. 2009 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. A. Kaliddass
352. 2009 English Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
353. 2009 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. Omana Antony
354. 2009 Physics Dr. N. Rajamanickam Dr. P. Sri Ramachandran
355. 2008 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. J. Dhaveethuraja
356. 2008 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. J. Joseph
357. 2008 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. S. Parameswari
358. 2008 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. K. Karthikeyan
359. 2008 Commerce Dr. N.R. Nagarajan Dr. K. Rajeswari
360. 2008 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. M. Murugesan
361. 2008 Commerce Dr. N.R. Nagarajan Dr. Selvi Grace
362. 2008 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. C. Cinthana
363. 2008 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. M. Chandrasekaran
364. 2008 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. N. Pratheeba
365. 2008 English Dr. G. Baskaran Dr. P. Vasuki
366. 2008 Physics Dr. N. Rajamanickam Dr. B. Karthikeyan
367. 2007 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. S. Johnsonraja
368. 2007 Commerce Dr. P.Rajendran Dr. K.P. Ramachandran Pillay
369. 2007 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. S. Asokan
370. 2007 Physics Dr. N. Rajamanickam Dr. K. Balachandra Kumar
371. 2006 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. C. Thangaraj
372. 2006 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. S. Ravichandran
373. 2006 Commerce Dr. N.R. Nagarajan Dr. C.Vinayaga Sundaram
374. 2006 Commerce Dr. N.R. Nagarajan Dr. P. Ravichandran
375. 2006 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. R. Unni Krishnan
376. 2005 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. Ganga Christus
377. 2005 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. Palanisamy
378. 2005 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. S.P. Muthuraj
379. 2005 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. J. Mohamad Ali
380. 2005 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. Jubily Nava Prabha
381. 2005 Commerce Dr. N.R. Nagarajan Dr. P. P.Shanthi
382. 2005 Commerce Dr. N.R. Nagarajan Dr. R. Manohar
383. 2004 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. B. Ravichandran
384. 2003 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. Asha Latha
385. 2003 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. R. Ganapathi
386. 2003 Chemistry Dr. N. Raman Dr. A. Kulandaisamy
387. 2003 Chemistry Dr. A. Shanmugasundaram
Dr. C. Gnanasekaran
Dr. K. Ananthakumar
388. 2003 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. S. Singaraj
389. 2003 Commerce Dr. P. Rajendran Dr. S. Subramanian Iyer
390. 2003 Physics Dr. N. Rajamanickam Dr. N. Prithivikumaran
391. 2002 Botany Dr. A. Rajendran Dr. A. Rukmani
392. 2002 Botany Dr. A. Rajendran Dr. T. Anthony
393. 2002 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. M. Syad Ibrahim
394. 2002 Chemistry Dr. R. Murugesan Dr. C. Karunakaran
395. 2002 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. K. Selvarani
396. 2002 Physics Dr. N. Rajamanickam Dr. K. Nagarajan
397. 2002 Physics Dr. N. Rajamanickam Dr. Y. Raja
398. 2001 Botany Dr. M. Jayabalan Dr. Augustus
399. 2001 Botany Dr. M. Jayabalan Dr. E.G. Wesely Jebasingh Devairakkam
400. 2001 Botany Dr. M. Jayakumar Dr. M. Manikandan
401. 2000 Botany Dr. S. Veerasamy Dr. P. Mehalingam
402. 2000 Commerce Dr. N. Ashokkumar Dr. N. Murugesan
403. 2000 Commerce Dr. N. Ashokkumar Dr. S. Sudalaimuthu
404. 1999 Chemistry Dr. R. Murugesan Dr. T. Jeyabalan
405. 1999 Commerce Dr. S. Manickavel Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
406. 1998 Chemistry Dr. A. Shanmugasundaram Dr. C. Srinivasan Dr. K. Radha Krishnan
407. 1998 Chemistry Dr. C. Gnanasekaran Dr. R. Boominathan
408. 1998 Chemistry Dr. K. Rajasekaran Dr. V. Raj
409. 1996 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. V. Madasmy
410. 1994 Commerce Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. A.A. Magesan
411. 1993 Commerce Dr. M.P. Subramanian Dr. M. Sakthivel
412. 1992 Chemistry Dr. A. Shanmugasundaram
Dr. R. Murugesan
Dr. T. Lekshmana Thanulingam
413. 1992 Commerce Dr. M.P. Subramanian Dr. R. Vairamuthuvel
414. 1991 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. N.R. Nagarajan
415. 1991 Business Administration Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. V. Manikavasagan
416. 1991 Commerce Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. N. Asokkumar
417. 1990 Chemistry Dr. C. Gnanasekaran Dr. D. Devapiriam
418. 1990 Chemistry Dr. C. Gnanasekaran Dr. T. Baskaran
419. 1990 Commerce Dr. R. Neelamegam Dr. S Manickavel
420. 1989 Chemistry Dr. C. Gnanasekaran Dr. M. Kolanchibabu
421. 1986 Chemistry Dr. C. Gnanasekaran Dr. K. Rajasekaran
422. 1984 Chemistry Dr. P. Ananthakrishna Nadar Dr. V. Varghese Tharumaraj
423. 1983 Commerce Dr. M.P. Subramanian Dr. Mohanram
424. 1982 Chemistry Dr. P. Ananthakrishna Nadar Dr. C. Petchinathan
425. 1982 Commerce Dr. M.P. Subramanian Dr. Thiruvasagam
426. 1981 Chemistry Dr. P. Ananthakrishna Nadar Dr. N. Kannan
427. 1981 Commerce Dr. M.P. Subramanian Dr. R. Neelamegam
428. 1980 Commerce Dr. M.P. Subramanian Dr. V. Alagappan
429. 1979 Commerce Dr. M.P. Subramanian Dr. M.A. Arulanandham
430. 1978 Chemistry Dr. P. Ananthakrishna Nadar Dr. C. Gnanasekaran
431. Economics Dr. E. Narayana Nadar Dr. Muthu
432. Economics Dr. E. Narayana Nadar Dr. Stella
433. Economics Dr. E. Narayana Nadar Dr. Thangaraj
434. Economics Dr. E. Narayana Nadar Dr. Velmurugan
Books Details
SI No. Author Name Book Title ISBN Year
1. Dr. R. Neelamegam Contemporary Practices in Finance & HRM 978-81-910426-0-3 2010
2. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Research Methodology in Social Sciences 978-81-910426-1-0 August, 2010
3. Dr. R. Neelamegam Consumer Protection in India 978-81-910426-2-7 September, 2010
4. Dr. N. Ashokkumar
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. L. Manivannan
Business Horizon 978-81-910426-3-4 December, 2010
5. Dr. P. Dhavamani Women Empowerment 978-81-910426-4-1 January, 2011
6. Dr. A.A. Magesan Sales Promotional Strategies 978-81-910-426-5-8 December, 2010
7. Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Mr. S. Rajasingh
Dr. N. Prithivikumaran
Technological Developments and Designing New Business Model in Renewable Energy Sector 978-81-910426-6-5 March, 2011
8. Dr. G. Baskaran Native Visions and Alien Voices: Essays on Commonwealth Literature 978-81-910426-7-2 2011
9. Mr. T. Murugesan
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Mr. G. Rameshkumar
Recent Trends in Yoga and Physical Education 978-81-910426-8-9 August, 2011
10. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Human Rights: Challenges and Responsibilities 978-81-910426-9-6 September, 2011
11. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Mrs. V. Jeya Santhi
Communicative and Functional English: A Reader for Beginners 978-93-81723-00-5 2011
12. Dr. R. Neelamegam Vistas of Research in Business Management 978-93-81723-01-2 December, 2011
13. Dr. G. Baskaran
Mr. K. Muthurajan
Mr. B. Rajkumar
Dramatic Discourses (Essays on Commonwealth Plays in English) 978-93-81723-02-9 2012
14. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
Insights into Indian Writing in English 978-93-81723-03-6 March, 2012
15. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
Indian Women Novelists: A Critical Spectrum 978-93-81723-04-3 March, 2012
16. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. C. Chella Durai
Change Ahead 978-93-81723-05-0 July, 2012
17. Dr. S. Porkodi
Dr. Naveen Gupta
Success Do You Deserve it? 20 Points Programme 978-93-81723-06-7 August, 2012
18. Dr. R. Neelamegam Impact of Investments and Information Technology on Rural Development in India 978-93-81723-07-4 October, 2012
19. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
Dr. R. Priyakumar
Dr. A. Subashini
Critical Responses To Indian Literature In English 978-93-81723-08-1 December, 2012
20. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
Dr. R. Priyakumar
Dr. A. Subashini
New Vistas In Indian Writing In English 978-93-81723-09-8 December, 2012
21. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Ashok Kumar
Dr. R. Murugan
Emerging Trends in E-Commerce 978-93-81723-10-4 August, 2013
22. Dr. E.V. Rigin New Blossoms of Management 978-93-81723-11-1 April, 2013
23. Dr. A.A. Magesan Use of Information Communication Technology 978-93-81723-12-8 March, 2013
24. Dr. R. Neelamegam Neo-Patterns of Business Management 978-93-81723-13-5 July, 2013
25. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Mr. G. Rameshkumar
UGC NET / SET – Paper-I 978-93-81723-14-2 August, 2013
26. Dr. R. Neelamegam Facets of Functional Management 978-93-81723-15-9 September, 2013
27. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
English Language Teaching: Methods and Challenges 978-93-81723-16-6 September, 2013
28. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A. Kalidass
Dr. A. Subashini
English Language Teaching: Techniques and Hundles 978-93-81723-17-3 September, 2013
29. Dr. P. Mehalingam
Dr. K. Rajarathinam
Dr. M. Jayakumar
A Treatise On Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products 978-93-81723-18-0 December, 2013
30. Dr. A.A. Magesan
Dr. G. Senthil
Impact of Information Communication Technology on Consumerism 978-93-81723-19-7 December, 2013
31. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
Mr.R. Suriya Prakash Narayanan
The Mind and Art of Women Novelists in English 978-93-81723-20-3 January, 2014
32. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
Dr. R. Meena
Perspectives on Women Novelists in English 978-93-81723-21-0 January, 2014
33. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. E.V. Rigin
Contemporary Practices in Business Management 978-93-81723-22-7 March, 2014
34. Dr. G. Ravi Socio-Economic Trends in History 978-93-81723-23-4 March, 2014
35. Dr. R. Neelamegam
Mr. B. Pavalakumar
Mr. R. Ayyamperumal
Mr. B. Balaji
Testament of Business Research 978-93-81723-24-1 March, 2014
36. Dr. N. Raman
Dr. A. Sarathi
A Treatise on  Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences 978-93-81723-25-8 July, 2014
37. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Ashok Kumar
Dr. V. Manohar
Innovative Facades in E-commerce 978-93-81723-26-5 July, 2014
38. Dr. K.A. Sheela Education Innovations & Curriculum Development 978-93-81723-27-2 August, 2014
39. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A.K. Muthusamy
English Language Teaching: Changing Paradigm and Evolution of E-Learning 978-93-81723-28-9 September, 2014
40. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Mr.R.Suriya Prakash Narayanan
Teaching Methods and Approaches in Learning and Teaching English Using Multi-Media 978-93-81723-29-6 September, 2014
41. Dr. T. Murugesan Health Education and Sports Medicine 978-93-81723-30-2 October, 2014
42. Dr.N.Raman
A Treatise on Emerging Trends in Bio-Inorganic Chemistry 978-93-81723-31-9 January, 2015
43. Biological Sciences   978-93-81723-32-6  
44. Dr.J.Samuel Kirubahar
Dr.R.Suriya Prakash Narayanan
Commonwealth Literature: A Critical Reorientation 978-93-81723-33-3 February, 2015
45. Dr.J.Samuel Kirubahar
Re-Defining Commonwealth Literature: A Collection of Critical Essays 978-93-81723-34-0 February, 2015
46. Dr.J.Samuel Kirubahar
Contemporary Issues in Commonwealth Literature 978-93-81723-35-7 February, 2015
47. Dr.J.Samuel Kirubahar
Commonwealth Literature: Relevance and Context 978-93-81723-36-4 February, 2015
48. Dr.K.A.Sheela Effective Methods of Developing Skills in Teaching & Learning 978-93-81723-37-1 January, 2015
49. Mrs.S.Santhi செவ்வியல் இலக்கண, இலக்கியங்களில் முத்தமிழ்க் கோட்பாடுகள் 978-93-81723-38-8 March, 2015
50. Mrs.R.Jeeva செவ்வியல் இலக்கியத்தில் நீர் வளங்கள் 978-93-81723-39-5 June, 2015
51. Dr.C.Bhavani
Dr.A.Esther Vijayrani
Promotion of Indian Cultural Tourism 978-93-81723-40-1 March, 2015
52. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Ashok Kumar
Dr. V. Manohar
Dr. G. Hezekiahraja
Changing Scenario of E-Commerce 978-93-81723-41-8 July 2015
53. Dr. P. Ravichandran Income Tax 978-93-81723-42-5 July, 2015
54. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A. K. Muthusamy
Diasporic Literature: A Critical Spectrum 978-93-81723-43-2 September, 2015
55. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Suriya Prakash Narayanan
Diasporic Sensibility in Literatures in English 978-93-81723-44-9 September, 2015
56. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A. K. Muthusamy
Dr. R. Suriya Prakash Narayanan
Immigrant and Expatriate Literature: A Critical Response 978-93-81723-45-6 September, 2015
57. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
Critical Responses to Diasporic Literatures in English 978-93-81723-46-3 September, 2015
58. Dr. R. Neelamegam
Dr. S. Sekar Subramanian
Innovative Practices in Functional Management 978-93-81723-47-0 October, 2015
59. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian Human Rights to Peace – Ethics and Policies 978-93-81723-48-7 December, 2015
60. Dr. G.Ravi
Dr. A. Mohini
Dr. P. Michel
Political Movements in History 978-93-81723-49-4 2016
61. Dr. G.Ravi
Mr. V. Kathiravan
Dr. M. Jeenadas
Social Movements in History 978-93-81723-50-0 2016
62. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A. K. Muthusamy
Dr. R. Meena
Women Writers in English: Across The Globe 978-93-81723-51-7 March, 2016
63. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A. K. Muthusamy
Mr. B. Rajkumar
Women Writings in English: Across the Globe 978-93-81723-52-4 March, 2016
64. Dr. K. Sridhar
Ms. S. Santhi
Ms. R. Jeeva
Dr. S. Thangamari
Mr. S. Hari Pandirajan
Dr. S. Durgadevi
தமிழ் இலக்கியப் பதிவுகளில் உறவுகள் 978-93-81723-53-1 August, 2016
65. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Ashok Kumar
Dr. V. Manohar
Dr. G. Hezekiahraja
Make In India – Initiatives, Ideas & Challenges 978-93-81723-54-8 August, 2016
66. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. A. K. Muthusamy
Comparative Literature: Critical Outputs 978-93-81723-55-5 August, 2016
67. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Kabilar
Comparative Literature: Representation / Re-Presentation 978-93-81723-56-2 August, 2016
68. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Selvam
A Galaxy of Critical Insights into Comparative Literature 978-93-81723-57-9 August, 2016
69. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. C. Chella Durai
Payment Banks Opportunities and Challenges 978-93-81723-58-6 September, 2016
70. Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar The Role of National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) in Designing Curriculum 978-93-81723-59-3 September, 2016
71. Dr. R. Boominathan
Dr. V. Muthuraj
Dr. S. Karuthapandian
Dr. V. Selvam
Recent Advances in Chemical Research 978-93-81723-60-9 January, 2017
72. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. V. Manohar
Goods and Service Tax Concepts & Challenges 978-93-81723-61-6 January, 2017
73. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. G. Amudha
Emerging Trends in Library and Information Science 978-93-81723-62-2 2017
74. Dr. N. Raman
Dr. A. Sarathi
Dr. A. Sakthivel
Dr. A. Vijayakumar
Dr. K. Arunsunai Kumar
A Treatise on Recent Advances in Bioinorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 978-93-81723-63-0 2017
75. Dr. R. Neelamegam
Dr. B. Pavala Kumar
Business Management Practices in Emerging Indian Economy 978-93-81723-64-7 February, 2017
76. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
Dr. R. Kabilar
Dr. R. Meena
Mr. S. Ramanathan
English Language Teaching: Recent Essays on Methods and Techniques 978-93-81723-65-4 2017
77. Dr. A.A. Magesan Less Cash Economy and Financial Inclusion 978-93-81723-66-1 March, 2017
78. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. S. Muthulakshmi
Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran
Startup India – A Way to Standup India 978-93-81723-67-8 March, 2017
79. Dr. M. Geetha
Dr. M. Baby Rani
Dr. P.S. Chandraprabhu
Dr. Brindha Uma Maheswari
Dr. B. Jagajothi
Strategies for Women Empowerment 978-93-81723-68-5 2017
80. Dr. N. Raman
Dr. A. Sarathi
Dr. A. Sakthivel
Dr. A. Vijayakumar
Dr. K. Arunsunai Kumar
Frontier Areas in Chemical Sciences 978-93-81723-69-2 2017
81. Dr. N. Raman
Dr. A. Sarathi
Dr. A. Sakthivel
Dr. A. Vijayakumar
Dr. K. Arunsunai Kumar
Recent Developments in the Applications of Transition Metal Complexes in Bioinorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 978-93-81723-70-8 2017
82. Dr. K. Sridhar காமராஜர் நிர்வாகத் திறன் 978-93-81723-71-5 2017
83. Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Dr.J.Kamatchi Eswaran
Working Women: Problems and Prospects 978-93-81723-72-2 2017
84. Dr.K.Sridhar
Mr.S.Hari Pandirajan
Dr.V.S.Ashok Kumar
தமிழ் இலக்கியங்களில் வழிபாடுகள் 978-93-81723-73-9 2017
85. Dr.K.Sridhar
Mr.S.Hari Pandirajan
Dr.V.S.Ashok Kumar
தமிழ் இலக்கியங்களில் வழிபாடுகள் 978-93-81723-74-6 2017
86. Dr.K.Sridhar
Mr.S.Hari Pandirajan
Dr.V.S.Ashok Kumar
தமிழ் இலக்கியங்களில் வழிபாடுகள் 978-93-81723-75-3 2017
87. Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Dr.N.Ashok Kumar
Dr.G.Hezekiah Raja
National Conference on "Social Entrepreneurship and Growing Business Opportunities in India" 978-93-81723-76-0 2017
88. A.Selvam
S.Rajeev Gandhi
Proceedings of the state level conference on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics 978-93-81723-77-7 2017
89. Dr.S.Sekar Subramanian
Dr. G. Murugesan
Innovative Advances and Challenges in Management 978-93-81723-78-4 2017
90. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
R. Kabilar
R. Meena
Literatures in English: A Global Perspective 978-93-81723-79-1 2018
91. Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar
L. Anushya Devi
Dr. M. Meena Devi
Dr. Y. Vidya
Literatures in English: A Critical Perspective 978-93-81723-80-7 2018
92. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran
Dr. S. Muthulakshmi
Skill Development for Inclusive Growth 978-93-81723-81-4 2018
93. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran
Dr. S. Muthulakshmi
Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship 978-93-81723-82-1 2018
94. Flora & Fauna of VHNSN College Campus - a Pictorial Guide 978-93-81723-83-8 2018
95. T. Muthuvijayaraja
P. Vijayavel
Practical Approach for Android Programming 978-93-81723-84-5 2018
96. Dr. G. Ravi
Dr. A. Mohini
Dr. V. Kathiravan
Creative Minorities in History 978-93-81723-85-2 2018
97. Dr. R. Boominathan
Dr. P. Sami
Dr. V. Muthuraj
Dr. S. Karuthapandian
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent advances in Materials for Energy and Environmental Remediation 978-93-81723-86-9 2018
98. Dr.K.Sridhar காமராஜர் பண்முக ஆளுமை 978-93-81723-87-6 2018
99. Dr.K.Sridhar
Mr.S.Hari Pandirajan
Dr.V.S.Ashok Kumar
தமிழ் இலக்கிய மரபில் கலகக் குரல்கள் 978-93-81723-88-3 2018
100. Dr.K.Sridhar
Mr.S.Hari Pandirajan
Dr.V.S.Ashok Kumar
தமிழ் இலக்கிய மரபில் கலகக் குரல்கள் 978-93-81723-89-0 2018
101. Dr. G. Murugesan
Dr. M. Jaisun
Technological Transformation - A Boom or Threat for Entrepreneurship 978-93-81723-90-6 2018
102. S. Rajeev Gandhi
S. Mahalakshmi
M. Naveen Raj
Recent Trends in applied Mathematics - 2018 978-93-81723-91-3 2018
103. Department of Microbiology National Seminar on Micracle Microbes 978-93-81723-92-0 2018
104. Dr. C. Karunakaran
Dr. M. Balamurugan
Science Chemistry Fair Experiments for College and Schools 978-93-81723-93-7 2018
105. Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Ashok Kumar
Dr. C. Chelladurai
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 – New Bankruptcy Law for the Revival of Indian Economy 978-93-81723-94-4 2019
106. Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Dr. P. Mehalingam
Dr. Janethy Balakrishnan
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Social Science 978-93-81723-95-1 2019
107. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian
Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Science, Engineering and Social Sciences - Book of Abstracts 978-93-81723-96-8 2020
108. Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Dr. R. Palaniappan
Dr. B. Pavala Kumar
Employability Skills 978-93-81723-97-5 2020
109. Ms. C. Clement Sherlin
Ms. A. Mary Theresa
Ms. S. Kulandai Teresa
Ms. M. Muthumalathi
Ms. K. Sindhya
Cyber Security 978-93-81723-98-2 2021
110. Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Dr. S. Prakash
பேரிடர் மேலாண்மையும் முதலுதவிகளும் 978-93-81723-99-9 2021
111. Mr. S. Haripandirajan 21 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டிலும் காமராசர் 978-81-942052-0-3 2019
112. Dr. G. Murugesan
Dr. M. Jaisun
Evolution of Business Management Ethos in India 978-81-942052-1-0 2019
113. Mr.S.Rajeev Gandhi
Ms.A.Jemsi Asumtha
Mr.M.Naveen Raj
Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics 2020 978-81-942052-2-7 2020
114. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. R. Palaniappan
Dr. R. Shobana Devi
Life Skills in Education 978-81-942052-3-4 2020
115. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. R. Meena
Value Education 978-81-942052-4-1 2020
116. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. D. Selvasankaran
Mr. S. Haripandirajan
மதிப்புக் கல்வி 978-81-942052-5-8 2020
117. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Prithivikumaran
Dr. S. Venkatesan
Dr. M. Kannan
Environmental Sciences 978-81-942052-6-5 2020
118. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
Dr. M. Monisha
Glimpses of Engineering and Technology in the Modern World 978-81-942052-7-2 2020
119. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
Innovative Developments in Arts, Social and Management Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities 978-81-942052-8-9 2020
120. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences – Emerging Trends and Milestones in 2020 978-81-942052-9-6 2021
121. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
Recent Advances in Arts, Science and Social Sciences 978-81-951746-3-8 2021
122. Dr.S.Rajeev Gandhi
Ms.A.Jemsi Asumtha
Mr.M.Naveen Raj
RECENT TRENDS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS - 2022 978-81-951746-5-2 2022
123. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian
Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
Recent Innovations, Trends and Challenges in Plant Science and Research 978-81-951746-0-7 2022
124. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. J. Vimal Priyan
Empowerment of Rural Women : Challenges and Opportunities 978-81-951746-1-4 2022
125. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. R. Palaniappan
Dr. S. Muthulakshmi
Dr. M. Kannan
Digital Pedagogy and Open-Source Tools for Effective Teaching, Learning and Research 978-81-951746-2-1 2023
126. Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar Institutional Values and Best Practices 978-81-951746-4-5 2023
127. Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Recent Trends & Innovations in Science, Engineering and Social Sciences 978-81-951746-6-9 2023
128. Dr. Sarathi Arunachalam
Dr. Mehalingam Palanichamy
Dr. Rameshkumar Ganesan
Nils Bokstrom
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Social Sciences 978-81-951746-8-3 2023
129. Dr. Sarathi Arunachalam
Dr. P.B. Beulahbel Bency
Dr. Mehalingam Palanichamy
Dr. Nagarajan Nagan
Education for Sustainable Solutions 978-81-951746-7-6 2023
130. Dr.S.Selvanathan
Mr. R. Balaji
Mrs. M. Sivasundari
Dr. A. Anitha
Paradigm Shift Towards Sustainable Business and Management Practices 978-81-951746-9-0 2023
132. S. Sangeetha
K. Yamuna Rani
A. kalyana Sundaram
P. Mehalingam
133. K. Yamuna Rani
S. Sangeetha
P. Mehalingam
V. Dhanushkodi
134. Dr.A.Anitha
Mrs. R.C. Shantha Kumari
Dr. S. Selvanathan
Emerging Business Trends and Management Practices 978-81-967593-9-1 2023
135. Dr.S.Selvanathan
Mr. R. Balaji
Dr. A. Anitha
Innovative and Sustainable Business Practices in Commerce and Management 978-81-967593-6-0 2023
136. Dr.S.Selvanathan
Mrs. R.C. Shantha Kumari
Dr. A. Anitha
Social and Sustainable Innovations in Commerce and Management 978-81-967593-1-5 2023
137. S. Sangeetha
K. Yamuna Rani
P. Mehalingam
V. Dhanushkodi
138. K. Yamuna Rani
S. Sangeetha
P. Mehalingam
K. Chithra
Kaalaan Valarppeer Kooduthal Varumanam Peruveer 978-81-967593-2-2 2023
139. Dr.S.Selvanathan
Dr. A. Anitha
Recent Advances in Commerce and Management 978-81-967593-8-4 2024
Conferences /Seminars /Workshops Grants
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Lecture Workshop on “Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences” on 26-28 February 2024.
Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Raman
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru 252700
2. National Conference on “Institutional Values and Best Practices”
Co-ordinator: Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar
NAAC, Bangalore 30000
Total 282700

Star College Scheme
S.No. Nature of Grant Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Financial support for strengthening of Life Science and Biotechnology Education and Training at Undergraduate level under Star College Scheme.
Letter No. HRD-11011/165/2020-HRD-DBT, dt: 26.06.2023.
(1. Botany, 2. Zoology, 3. Chemistry, 4. Physics, 5. Mathematics & Computer Science)
Ministry of Science & Technology,
Department of Biotechnology,
New Delhi.

Conferences /Seminars /Workshops Grants
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Promotion of Work for Housewives: Career Counselling Sessions for Home Makers
Co-ordinator: Dr. S. Muthulakshmi, Assistant Professor in Commerce
Letter No: F.No.5-1/16/2021-22 WW&CB (NCW), dt. 06.07.2022.
Government of India National Commission for Women, New Delhi 80000
2. National Seminar on “Empowerment of Rural Women: Challenges and Opportunities”
Co-ordinator: Dr. J. Vimal Priyan, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce CA (SF)
Letter No: NIS/NS/074/IC/2022-23, Dt. 22.09.2022.
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi 150000
3. National Conference on “Digital Pedagogy and Open-Source Tools for Effective Teaching, Learning and Research”
Co-ordinator: Dr. S. Muthulakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce
Letter No: NIS/NS/107/2022-23, dt. 09.11.2022.
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR),
New Delhi.
4. Role of Innovative Financial Products and services in the Digital era
Co-ordinator: Dr. K. Jotheswari
TANSCHE, Chennai 10000
5. One day Capacity Building & Personality Development Program for UG/PG students.
Co-ordinator: Dr. S. Muthulakshmi
Government of India, National Commission for Women, New Delhi 100000
Total 44000

Code Guide Name Title of the Project Students Name Amount in ₹
BS-1040 Dr. Bhagyalakshmi
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany,
VHNSN College
Preparation of mosquito repellent using extracts of selected medicinal plants K. Dharani Devi 7500
BS-956 Dr. G. Mahendraperumal
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany,
VHNSN College
Phycoremediation of textile dye effluent from in and around Aruppukottai Virudhunagar District by using Microalgae P. Yazhini
A. Vennila
M. Kavitha
MS-0817 Dr. A. Balasubramanian
Assistant Professor & Head,
Department of Microbiology,
VHNSN College
Therapeutic effects of commiphora caudate medicinal plants on cutaneous wound healing by Sivakasi Crackers workers, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu, India S. Manikandan 7500

Major Research Projects
S.No. Staff Name Project Title Sanctioned by Amount Sanctioned in ₹ Amount Alloted ₹
1. Dr.C. Karunakaran
Associate Professor in Chemistry
File number. EMR/2016/ 007454), dt: 23.07.2021
Synthetic functional molecular imprinted organic biomimetic receptors for selective biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi 26,13,950 2,05,000

Conference/Seminar/Workshops Grants
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount Sanctioned in ₹
1. மாநில அளவிலான இரு நாள் கருத்தரங்கம் "தமிழரின் தொன்மை: இலக்கியமும் தொல்லியலும்"
Dr. J. Manichelvam, Dept. of Tamil
Letter No: 466/அ1/2021, dt. 09.12.2021
தமிழ்நாடு இயல் இசை நாடக மன்றம், சென்னை 90,000
2. Seminar on "The Polemics of Women Question in the Oeuvres of Canadian and Indian Women Novelists"
Dr. J. Samuel Kirubahar, Dept. of English
Letter No: Rc.No.3070/2021/B, dt. 16.03.2022
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education, Chennai 10,000
3. Three days Capacity Building & Personality Development Program for the UG/PG girl students
Dr. S. Muthulakshmi, Dept. of Commerce
National Commission for Women, New Delhi 45,000
4. Three days Training Program
Dr. S. Muthulakshmi and Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran, Dept. of Commerce
RGNIYD, Sirperumbudur 75,000

S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount Sanctioned in ₹ Amount Alloted ₹
1. B.Voc. Degree Programme – Environmental Assessment and Remediation (three years period)
D.O.No.F.2-35/2015 (B.Voc), dated: 31.07.2015
UGC New Delhi 1,10,00,000 36,59,413

Autonomous Grants
S.No. Nature of the Grant Sanctioned by Amount Sanctioned in ₹
1. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2020-2021.
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.) TNMK 033, dt: 23.03.2012.
UGC Hyderabad 3,42,350

S.No. Guide Name Title of the Project Students Name Amount in ₹
1. Dr. N. Prithivikumaran
Associate Professor & Head in Physics
Studies on Physicochemical properties of commercial fruits Sun dried by different methods S. Ramya
T. Sangavi
Star College Scheme
S.No. Nature of Grant Sanctioned by Amount Sanctioned in ₹ Amount Released in ₹
1. Financial support for strengthening of Life Science and Biotechnology Education and Training at Undergraduate level under Star College Scheme.
Letter No. HRD-11011/165/2020-HRD-DBT, dt: 24.08.2020.
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi.
1,04,00,000 68,00,000

Autonomous Grants
S.No. Nature of Grant Sanctioned by Amount Sanctioned in ₹ Amount Released in ₹
1. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2019-2020.
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.) TNMK 033, dt: 10.08.2020.
UGC, Hyderabad 20,00,000 4,00,000

Other Grants
S.No. Nature of Grant Sanctioned by Amount Sanctioned in ₹
1. கணித்தமிழ் பேரவை அமைத்து மாணவர்களுக்கு கணித்தமிழ் பயிற்சி வழங்குதல். Tamil Virtual Academy, Chennai 25,000

INSPIRE Fellowship under INSPIRE Program
S.No Subject Name of Supervisor Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Susithra Premkumar, JRF, IF150441,
4th installment of fellowship for students pursuing full-time doctoral (Ph.D.)
No. DST/INSPIRE Fellowship/2015/IF-150441, dt. 10.10.2019
Associate Professor of Botany
Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology 394328
2. Susithra Premkumar, JRF, IF150441,
5th installment of fellowship for students pursuing full-time doctoral (Ph.D.)
No. DST/INSPIRE Fellowship/2015/IF-150441, dt. 10.03.2021
Associate Professor of Botany
Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology 421760
Total 816088
Autonomous Grants
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2019-2020.
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.) TNMK 033, dt: 24.09.2019.
UGC, Hyderabad 1600000
2. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2018-2019.
F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.) GEN/TNMK 033 dt: 12.11.2018.
UGC, Hyderabad 400000
Total 20,00,000

S.No. Staff Name Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Mrs. N. Sumangala Devi (PI),
Dr. S. Vivekanandhan (CI)
Department of Physics
Dt: 10.03.2020
Value Addition to the Agro Industrial Coproducts by Converting them into Activated Carbons for Environmental Applications Maha Mathi Enterprises, Salem 40,000

INSPIRE Fellowship under INSPIRE Program
S.No Subject Name of Supervisor Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Susithra Premkumar, JRF, IF150441,
3rd installment of fellowship for students pursuing full-time doctoral (Ph.D.)
No. DST/INSPIRE Fellowship/2015/IF-150441, dt. 10.10.2019
Associate Professor of Botany
Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology 3,44,000

Code Guide Name Title of the Project Students Name Amount in ₹
MS-005 Dr.T.Shanmugaprabha
Assistant Professor in Microbiology
Isolation and identification of probiotic bacteria from soaked cereal water and its application on nutraceuticals supplement for cattle feed V.Rajeshwari 7500
Conference/Seminar/Workshops Grants
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Two-day lecture Workshop on Taxonomy of Higher Plants with Special Reference to their Conservation.
Co-ordinator: Dr. P. Mehalingam, Assistant Professor of Botany,
Letter No: SEP/LW/August/2018, dt. 06.08.2018.
Science Academies’ Education Programme, Bengaluru 130800
2. Three-day lecture Workshop on Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences.
Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Raman, Associate Professor of Chemistry,
Letter No: SEP/LW/August/2018, dt. 06.08.2018.
Science Academies’ Education Programme, Bengaluru 154240
3. National level Conference on “Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016- New Bankruptcy Law for the Revival of Indian Economy”.
Co-ordinator: Dr. C. Chelladurai, Assistant Professor of Commerce,
Letter No: SEP/LW/August/2018, dt. 06.08.2018.
Indian Council of Social Science Research,

New Delhi Reserve Bank of India

4. Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Bioinorganic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry”.
Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Raman, Associate Professor of Chemistry,
File no. SSY/2018/001197, dt. 27.12.2018.
Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi 100000
Total 535040

Science Camp
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Science Camp under INSPIRE Internship component of INSPIRE Program,
Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Raman, Associate Professor in Chemistry,
Letter No: DST/INSPIRE/01/2017/000449, dt: 30.05.2018
Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi 9,75,000

Training Programme
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Young Student Scientist Programme (YSSP)
Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Prithivikumaran, Head & Assc. Prof. in Physics
Letter No: TNSCST/YSSP/Grant Release/VR/2018-2019/, dt. 12.12.2018
TNSCST 300000
2. Creation of Scientific Awareness in Virudhunagar District
Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Prithivikumaran, Head & Assc. Prof. in Physics
Letter No: TNSCST/CSA/AR/2018, dt. 28.11.2018
TNSCST 65000
3. 3 days Awareness Programme on “Food Adulteration”
Co-ordinator: Dr. E. Jayabharathi, Asst. Prof. in Chemistry
Letter No: TNSCST/DIT/14/VR/2017-2018, dt. 14.11.2018
TNSCST 50000
Total 415000

Travel Grant Scheme
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Travel Grant re-imbursement to Dr. P. Mehalingam, Asst. Prof. in Botany to visit Japan from 18th to 20th October, 2017
Letter No: F.No.6-8/2018 TG, dated: 26.11.2018
UGC, New Delhi 1,34,424

Young Scientist Fellowship
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Young Scientist Fellowship for the year 2017-2018
Co-ordinator: Dr.G.Premkumar, Assistant Professor in Botany
Letter No: TNSCST/YSFS/VR/04/2017-2018, dt. 02.11.2018
(Department of Bio Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala)
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology 21,870

Autonomous Grants
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2017-2018 – Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No: F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.) GEN TNMK 033 dt: 01.11.2018.
UGC, Hyderabad 400000
2. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2018-2019.
F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.) GEN/TNMK 033 dt: 12.11.2018.
UGC, Hyderabad 1600000
Total 2000000

Code Guide Name Title of the Project Students Name Amount in ₹
ES-060 Ms. J. Mugil
Assistant Professor in Microbiology
Screening and characterization of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria isolated from contaminated marine sources of Tuticorin, Tamilnadu V. Karthik 7500
MS-009 Ms. E. Harimalaska
Assistant Professor in Microbiology
Antibacterial efficacy of silicon nanoparticles synthesized from coconut shell against biofilm forming bacteria G. Raja 7500

New Course
S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. B.Voc. Degree Programme (Food Safety and Quality Management)
Letter No: F.2-308/2018 (NSQF), dt. 20.03.2019
UGC, New Delhi 43,30,000
S.No. Staff Name Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Dr. C. Karunakaran
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Letter No. EMR/2016/ 007454),
dt: 13.06.2017
Synthetic functional molecular imprinted organic biomimetic receptors for selective biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi 26,10,000

S.No. Staff Name Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Dr. D. Christopher Durairaj
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Letter No. F. MRP-6523/16 (SERO/UGC),
dt: 30.06.2017
Development of Parallel Computing Algorithms for Artificial Neural Network Training in Multi-core Systems: with Applications to Image Reconstruction and Analysis UGC, Hyderabad 3,05,000
2. Dr. S. Vivekanandhan
Assistant Professor of Physics
Letter No. F. MRP-6821/16 (SERO/UGC),
dt: 30.06.2017
Development of Renewable Resource Based Hierarchical Carbon Nanostructures for Supercapacitor Applications UGC, Hyderabad 3,50,000
3. Dr. T. Durai Anand
Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Letter No. F. MRP-6788/16 (SERO/UGC),
dt: 30.06.2017
Synergistic Effect of Medicinal Plant Extracts and I2-Iactam Antibiotics in the Reduction of Resistance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Strains to Various Antibiotics UGC, Hyderabad 1,00,000

S.No. Staff Name Seminar / Conference / Workshop Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Dr. N. Raman
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Letter No: SSY/2017/000383,
dt. 02.06.2017
National level Seminar on Frontier Areas in Chemical Sciences Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi 1,25,000
2. Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran
Assistant Professor of Commerce
Letter No: C2/52/NS/2017-18,
dt. 22.12.2017
National Seminar / Conference on "Transformation of Youth - A Lead to Skilled and Developed India" Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 1,25,000

S.No. Staff Name Programme Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Dr. R. Boominathan
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Letter No: TNSCST/DIT/07/VR/2015-2016,
dt: 17.07.2017
Training Programme on Promising solution on plastic pollution Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai. 75,000

S.No. Programme Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2016-2017 – Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.) GEN TNMK 033, dt: 21.07.2017
UGC, Hyderabad 4,00,000

S.No. Programme Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. T.Annalakshmi
Period - 01.07.2016 to 31.03.2017
Letter No.FIP-TNMK033/022(TF)/Zoology/PH.D/ XIIPLAN/2014-15(FDP/UGC-SERO) dt: 10.10.2017
UGC, Hyderabad 4,72,029
2. Y. Pitchaikani Raja
Period – 01.07.2016 to 31.03.2017
Letter No.FIP-TNMK033/001(TF)/CHEMISTRY/PH.D/ XIIPLAN/2014-15(FDP/UGC-SERO) dt: 10.10.2017
UGC, Hyderabad 4,69,739
3. V. Selvam
Period – 01.07.2016 to 31.03.2017
Letter No.TNMK033/003(TF)/CHEMISTRY/PH.D/ XIIPLAN/2014-15(FDP/UGC-SERO) dt: 10.10.2017
UGC, Hyderabad 4,72,029

INSPIRE Fellowship under INSPIRE Program
S.No Subject Name of Supervisor Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Susithra Premkumar, JRF, IF150441,
2nd installment of fellowship for students pursuing full-time doctoral (Ph.D.)
Associate Professor of Botany
Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology 378226

Stipend to Research Scholars full time
S.No. Subject Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. M. Abinaya
Ph.D. Scholar in Chemistry
Department of Collegiate Education, Chennai 36000

S.No. Guide Name Title of the Project Student Name Code Amount in ₹
1. Mr. P. Punitharaj
Assistant Professor in Microbiology
Antioxidant and anticancer activity of linoleic acid extracted from Caiccyb indica, a mushroom cultivated with various parameters A. Santhimeena BS-012 10,000
S.No. Staff Name Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Dr. N. Raman
Associate Professor of Chemistry
dt: 27.05.2016
Science Camp under INSPIRE Internship component of INSPIRE Program Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi 9,75,000

S.No. Staff Name Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Dr. T. Annalakshmi
Assistant Professor of Zoology
(Period – 15.07.2015 to 30.06.2016)
Letter No. FIP-TNMK033/022(TF)/Zoology/PH.D/ XIIPLAN/2014-15(FDP/UGC-SERO), dt: 23.11.2016
UGC, Hyderabad 566344
2. Dr. V. Selvam
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
(Period – 15.07.2015 to 30.06.2016)
Letter No. FIP-TNMK033/003(TF)/Chemistry/PH.D/ XIIPLAN/2014-15(FDP/UGC-SERO), Dated: 23.11.2016
UGC, Hyderabad 566344
3. Dr. T. Annalakshmi
Assistant Professor of Zoology
(Period – 15.07.2015 to 30.06.2016)
Letter No. FIP-TNMK033/022(TF)/Zoology/PH.D/ XIIPLAN/2014-15(FDP/UGC-SERO), dt: 23.11.2016
UGC, Hyderabad 535640

S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Training Programme on Capacity Building and Empowerment of Rural Women under Youth Led Development Program for General scheme. Co-ordinator: Dr. S. Muthulakshmi, Asst. Prof. of Commerce
No: RG/DGS/2016-013, dt. 08.12.2016
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai. 1,98,750
2. Training Programme on Entrepreneurship Development Skills under Youth Led Development Program for General scheme. Co-ordinator: Dr. P. Sami, Dean Student Service
No: RG/OFF CTP/DSE/2016/17, dt. 28.12.2016
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai. 77,350
3. Training Programme on Awareness on Climate Change and its Impact on Biodiversity of South Tamil Nadu under Youth Led Development Program for General scheme. Co-ordinator: Dr. Bagyalakshmi, Asst. Prof. of Botany
No: RG/DDS/TRG/2016-17, dt. 17.01.2017
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai. 1,80,200
4. Training Programme on Youth Engagement in Disaster Risk Reduction under Youth Led Development Program for General scheme. Co-ordinator: Dr. S. Prakash, Programme Coordinator.
No: RG/DLG/262/2017, dt. 08.02.2017
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai. 92,000

S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. State level Seminar on Nuclear Power - an Environmental Friendly, Clean, Reliable and Safe Electrical Power Source. Co-ordinator: Dr.S.Prakash, NSS Programme Officer (Unit 164).
Letter from email.
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP),Tirunelveli 51000
2. National Seminar on "The Role of National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) in Designing the Curriculum" organized by IQAC. Co-ordinator: Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar, IQAC Co-ordinator
Letter no: NAAC/FIN/2016, Dated: 22.02.2017
NAAC, Bengaluru 100000
3. National Conference on "Startup India - A Way to Standup India" Co-ordinator: Dr.S.Muthulakshmi, Asst. Prof. of Commerce.
F.No.C3/172/NIS/2016-17, Dated: 01.03.2017
Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 100000
4. National Conference on "Less Cash Economy as a Strategy for Financial Inclusion in Rural India" Co-ordinator: Dr. A.A. Magesan, Assc. Prof. of Commerce.
F.No.C3/180/NIS/2016-17, Dated: 01.03.2017
Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 200000
5. Working Women: Problems and Prospects Organized by Women's Studies
F.No: SEM-2603/16-17/ST (UGC-SERO), Dated: 07.02.2017
UGC Hyderabad 87500
6. National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Library and Information Services" Co-ordinator: Dr. G. Amudha, Librarian
F.No: SEM-2682/16-17/ST(UGC-SERO), Dated: 07.02.2017
UGC Hyderabad 37500
7. National Seminar on "Recent Advances in Chemical Research (RACR-2017)" Co-ordinator: Dr. E. Jayabharathi, Asst. Prof. of Chemistry,
No. F. No. SEM-2710/16-17/ST(UGC-SERO) Dt: 13.03.2017
UGC Hyderabad 93750
8. National level Seminar on "Recent Advances in Bioinorganic and Medicinal Chemistry" Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Raman, Assc. Prof. in Chemistry
No: TNSCST/PFA/SSW/VR/46/2016-17, dt. 17.04.2017
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai 15000
9. National level Seminar on "Frontier Areas in Chemical Sciences" Co-ordinator: Dr. N. Raman, Assc. Prof. in Chemistry
No: SSY/2017/000383, dt. 26.05.2017
Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi 125000

S.No. Guide Name Title of the Project Student Name Code Amount in ₹
1. Dr. G. Ramanathan
Assistant Professor in Microbiology
Bio-monitoring of cyanobacterial bloom and evaluation of algal toxins in major water reservoir of Virudhunagar S. Maharaja BS-21 10,000
2. Mr. P. Punitharaj
Assistant Professor in Microbiology
Anti oxidant and anticancer activity of Astaxanthin extracted from Haemactococcus pluvialis, a Marine Alaga and its effects in Ornamental Fish cultivation P. Suma Rajalakshmi BS-23 10,000
3. Dr. T. Durai Anand
Associate Professor and Head in Microbiology
Lr.No. TNSCST/SPS/AR/ 2016-2017, dt. 10.04.2017
Removal of sulphur from natural sources using bacterial populations G.R. Balaji BS-33 10,000

S.No. Nature of Grant Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2017-2018 - Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.)GEN/TNMK 033 dt: 25.03.2017.
UGC Hyderabad 1216000
2. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2017-2018 - Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185), dated: 09th February, 2016.
UGC Hyderabad 256000
3. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2017-2018 - Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185), dated: 09th February, 2016.
UGC Hyderabad 128000
4. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2015-2016 - Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.)ST TNMK 033 dated: 26.10.2016.
UGC Hyderabad 32000
5. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2015-2016 - Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.)ST TNMK 033 dated: 26.10.2016.
UGC Hyderabad 64000
6. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2015-2016 - Releasing of On Account Grant & Reimbursement
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185.)GEN TNMK 033 dated: 26.10.2016.
UGC Hyderabad 304000
Senior Fellowship
S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Award of Senior Fellowship for the year 2015-16 to work on the topic "Passengers Perception of Service Quality of Indian Railways: A Study in Madurai Division of Southern Railway Zone".
Dr.R.Neelamegam, Department of Management Studies.
F.30-2-16/2015-16/S.Fel. Dated: 29.12.2015.
Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. 10,40,000

S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Science Camp under INSPIRE Internship component of INSPIRE Program, Coordinator: Dr. N. Raman, Associate Professor in Chemistry
No. DST/INSPIRE/1/2015-16/48, Dated: 15.06.2015
Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi 9,75,000

S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Training Programme on Social Roots of Gender Violence in India - Process Related to Economic, Social and Cultural Transformation among Women under Youth Led Development Program for Schedule Caste Youth.
No: RG/BYSA/246/2014/27, dt. 19.01.2015
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai. 1,80,000

S.No. Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. National Seminar on Payment Banks: Opportunities and Challenges Co-ordinator: Dr.C.Chelladurai, Assistant Professor of Commerce.
Letter No: F.No. C20/363/NIS/2015-16, dated: 30.03.2016
Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. 1,00,000
2. National level Seminar on Human Rights to Peace - Ethics and Policies Co-ordinator: Dr.P.Sundara Pandian
Letter No: F.1-157/2013 (HRE), Dated 01.07.2015
UGC New Delhi 1,00,000
3. Lecture Workshop on "Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences", Coordinator: Dr. N. Raman, Associate Professor in Chemistry Indian Science Academies (IAS, INSA, NASI) 1,19,000
4. Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign (EAC) (Phase - I) Co-ordinator: Dr.P.Sami, Dean-Student Service ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, Chennai 11,500
5. Entrepreneurship Development Program for Graduating Students (Phase - II) Co-ordinator: Dr.P.Sami, Dean-Student Service ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, Chennai 30,500
6. Employability Skill Training in Banking Financial Services Co-ordinator: Dr.P.Sami, Dean-Student Service ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, Chennai 45,000

S.No. Nature of Grant Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2015-2016,
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185), dated: February, 2015.
UGC Hyderabad 16,00,000
2. Financial Assistance for Autonomous College for the year 2016-2017,
Letter No.F.98-018/11 (Link No. 185), dated: 09th February, 2016.
UGC Hyderabad 16,00,000

S.No. Nature of Grant Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. UGC sanctioned grant to college teachers for presenting paper in the international conference. Grant to Dr.A.Rajendran, Associate Professor in Botany (USA from 22nd - 23rd January, 2013)
Letter No. F.No.6-21/2013 (TG) dated: 23.06.2015
UGC New Delhi 1,59,092
2. UGC sanctioned grant to college teachers for presenting paper in the international conference. Grant to Dr.T.Kathirvalavakumar, Head & Associate Professor in Computer Science (Ireland from 10th - 12th December, 2014)
Letter No. F.No.6-68/2015 (TG) dated: 12.03.2016
UGC New Delhi 1,25,464

New Course
S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. B.Voc. Degree Programme - Environmental Assessment and Remediation (three years period)
D.O.No.F.2-35/2015 (B.Voc), dated: 31.07.2015
UGC New Delhi 1,10,00,000

Teacher Fellow – for doing Ph.D. under XII plan – Faculty Development Programme
S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Mr.N.Alagumanikumaran, Assistant Professor in Zoology
UGC Hyderabad 15,000
2. Mr.R.Paulpandiyan, Assistant Professor in Chemistry
D.O.No.F.2-35/2015 (B.Voc), dated: 31.07.2015
UGC Hyderabad 15,000
3. Mrs.R.Vahini, Assistant Professor in Chemistry
UGC Hyderabad 15,000

S.No. Subject Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. S. Jothi, IF120274,
4th installment of fellowship for students pursuing full-time doctoral (Ph.D.)
No.DST/INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP/2012/333, dt: May 05, 2014.
Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi 2,89,400
2. D.Muneeswaran-JRF 4th installment Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi 55,500

S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. Dr.P.Mehalingam, Research Awardee, Department of Botany, Salary & Research Grant for the year 2015-2016 Period(29.03.2015 to 28.03.2016)
No.F.30-14/2012 (SA-II), dt: 04.07.2014
UGC New Delhi 9,75,257

S.No. Project Title Sanctioned by Amount in ₹
1. General Development Assistance (GDA) - UG Development & Merged Scheme and PG Development - XII Plan period
Letter No.4-6(033)/13 dt: January 2016
UGC Hyderabad 1,20,36,000
# Title of the Paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Category Link
1. 2D/2D nitrogen-rich graphitic carbon nitride coupled Bi2WO6 S-scheme heterojunction for boosting photodegradation of tetracycline: Influencing factors, intermediates, and insights into the mechanism K.Saravanakumara
V. Maheskumar
Y. Yea
Y. Yoon
V. Muthuraj
Chang Min Park
Composites Part B Scopus/Wos
2. A Mathematical Analysis of a Chemical Reaction on a MHD Micropolar Fluid Flow T. Nithya GIS Science Journal Scopus Indexed
3. A Mathematical Study of a MHD asymmetric flow between two parallel porous disks using Homotopy analysis method T. Nithya Journal of Information and Computational Science Scopus Indexed
4. A Novel Convolution Block-Based Contour Texture Analysis Model for Palmprint Recognition System B. Abirami
K. Krishnaveni
NeuroQuantology Scopus Indexed
5. A Novel Deep Supervised Contour Fractal Dimension Analysis Model B. Abirami
K. Krishnaveni
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications Scopus Indexed
6. A Study of Non-Performing Assets in State Bank of india Dr. P. Geetha Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Peer Reviewed Journal [No: 63975]
7. A Study on Direct Marketing with Special Reference to Amway Products Renny Thomas
M. Balaji
A. Shunmuga Sundari
R. Kavitha
M. Revathi
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Peer Reviewed Journal
8. A Study on Performance Appraisal System in Hill Lifecare Ltd, Trivandram Abdul Basheer Ahamad Baig
M. Balaji
T. Pradeep De Joe
M. Rahul
M. Gowtham
R. Manicka Murugan
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Peer Reviewed Journal
9. An Empirical Study of Investors' Perceptions of Various Investment Avenues in Tamilnadu Dr. S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, Mr. Ramraj G Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Peer Reviewed Journal [No:63975]
10. An Instuitionistic Fuzzy Topological TM-Systems M. Annalakshmi International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) UGC Approved Journal [No:43602(19)]
11. An Instuitionistic L-Fuzzy Topological TM-Systems M. Annalakshmi Journal of Information and Computational Science Scopus Indexed
12. An Instuitionistic L-Fuzzy Topological TM-Systems M. Annalakshmi International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) WOS Indexed
13. Antibacterial activity of Cadmium Stannate Nanoparticles Synthesixed by Chemical Precipition Method Dr. A. Alagulakshmi
V. Siva
Dr. B. Lawrence
Dr. N. Prithivikumaran
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics Peer Reviewed Journal
14. Apperception of Endurance through Versification in Githa Hariharan's I have Become the Tide Mrs. B. Tamilselvi
Dr. R. Meena
Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
15. Association Between Demographics and Financial Literacy of Women Rukmini Murugesan
V. Manohar
ComFin Research Other
16. Awareness of ICT Among Library Professionals in Tamilnadu M.O. Mohamed Thaheer
G. Amudha
C. Abdul Hakeem College Journal of Humanities Other
17. Awareness Study of Personal Financial Planning among the Households in Sattur Town, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu M. Jaisun
V. Muthulakshmi
Asian Journal of Managerial Science Other
18. Bioactive potential of invertase by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae from the honey bee gut: isolation and characterization Shunmugiah Mahendran
Subbiah Sankaralingam
Selvaraj Tamilarasi
Pandiaraj Maheswari Durairaj Kathiresan
Subramanian Sivasangari Ramya Parthasarathy Seethapathy
Loganathan Kousalya, Balasundaram Harinathan
Selvam Palpperumal
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Scopus/Wos
19. Biodiversity in Ramgarh Area Of Gorakhpur Eastern Uttarpradesh, U.P. Kumari Sunita
Shobhit Srivastava Nirmal Kumar N Karuppasamy P.M.
World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical and medical research Peer Reviewed Journal
20. BSE 30 Listed Companies Share Prices and Their Impact on Investor's Decision Making Poojashree HS
Chandrashekar N
Sharon B
Ramraj G
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance Peer Reviewed Journal
21. Ceremonies Showing in Classical Literature S. V. Selvam International Research Journal of Tamil Peer Reviewed Journal
22. Classifying Microarray Gene Expression Cancer Data Using Statistical Feature Selection and Machine Learning Methods Mr. S. Alagukumar
Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar
Congress on Intelligent Systems Scopus Indexed
23. Covid-19 Impact on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Study of the Gold Jewellery Market in Tamilnadu S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan
G. Ramraj
iosr Journal of Humanities and Social Science Peer Reviewed Journal
24. Customer Perception towards Core Banking Services in Virudhunagar District Dr. P. Uma Shanthi
Dr. J. Kamatchi Eswaran
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods UGC Care Approved Journal
25. Data Science in Business for Customer Acquisition, Better Marketing, Innovation and Enriching Lives R. Palaniappan
P. Sundara Pandian
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Peer Reviewed Journal [No: 63975]
26. Decomposition of Various Graphs in to Prime Graphs Dr. S. Rajeev Gandhi Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications Scopus Indexed
27. Disparate structural changes in the titanium dioxide thin film coated on the p-type Si and porous silicon textures after gamma irradiation P.Pandaram
Materials Science and Engineering Scopus Indexed
28. Dreadful and Doughty Travers in Ernest Hemingways the Old Man and the Sea Dr. A. Kalidass Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
29. E - CRM Abdul Basheer Ahamad Baig
M. Balaji
G. Esakkiammal
P. Mohana Prema
G. Vidhya
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Peer Reviewed Journal
30. Eco-friendly green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Luffa acutangula: synthesis, characterisation and catalytic degradation of methylene blue and malachite green dyes Rajamanickam Rajasekar
Radha Thanasamy
Michael Samuel
Thomas Nesakumar Jebakumar Immanuel Edison
Natarajan Raman
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Scopus/Wos
31. Ecofriendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Heterotheca subaxillaris flower and its catalytic performance on reduction of methyl orange Rajamanickam Rajasekar
Radha Thanasamy
Michael Samuel
Thomas Nesakumar Jebakumar Immanuel Edison
Natarajan Raman
Biochemical Engineering Journal Scopus/Wos
32. Effect of doping nickel/cobalt ions on the structural and photocatalytic efficiency of magnesium manganese oxide materials for the environmental applications A. Banu
B. Filip Jones
V. Muthuraj
Kadarkarai Govindan
P. Senthil kumar
M. Sasikumar
M. Thamilselvan
B. Vidhya
S. Rajesh
A. Sakunthala
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus/Wos
33. Efficient photocatalytic degradation of sulfasalazine and reduction of hexavalent chromium over robust In2S3/Nd2O3 heterojunction under visible light M. Murugalakshmi
Karunamoorthy Saravanakumar
Chang Min Park
Velluchamy Muthuraj
Journal of Water Process Engineering Scopus/Wos
34. Evaluation of antioxidant and cytotoxicity activities of polyphenol extracted from brown seaweed Sargassum tenerrimum biomass Shunmugiah Mahendran Subbiah Sankaralingam Senthurpandian Muthuramalinga Sethupathi
Durairaj Kathiresan
Mahalingam Muthumani
Loganathan Kousalya Selvam Palpperumal Balasundaram Harinathan
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Scopus/Wos
35. Faculty Perceptions Towards Online Teaching in Arts and Science Colleges during Pandemic Period in Virudhunagar District Dr. P. Sundara Pandian
Dr. R. Shobana Devi
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Peer Reviewed Journal [No:63975]
36. Female Dystopia and Reinvigoration in Amitav Ghosh's The Circle of Reaso and The Hungry Tide Mr. N. Arunkarthik Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Peer Reviewed Journal [No:63975]
37. Financial Literacy Among Working Women in Unorganised Sector, Sivakasi Dr. R. Palaniappan
Dr. J. Vimal Priyan
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology Peer Reviewed Journal [No: 47859]
38. Flower decorated rod-like Pd @ MnO2 nanocomposite: Focus on photocatalysis, Rietveld refinement analysis and electron density distribution analysis L.T.Parvathia
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter Scopus/Wos
39. Green synthesis, characterization and applications of TiO2 nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Erythrina variegata leaves Jayaram Mari Selvi
Mariappan Murugalakshmi
Ponnusamy Sami
Mariappan Gnanaprakash
R. Thanalakshmi
40. Heterogeneous advanced oxidation processes over stoichiometric ABO3 perovskite nanostructures G. Mamba
P.J. Mafa
V. Muthuraj
A. Mashayekh-Salehi
S. Royer
T.I.T. Nkambule
S. Rtimi
Materials Today Nano Scopus/Wos
41. Impact of Camellia sinensis Iron Oxide Nanoparticle on Growth, Hemato-biochemical and Antioxidant Capacity of Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) Fingerlings Prema Paulpandian
Ibrahim Sulaikal Beevi
Beena Somanath
Ramesh Kumar Kamatchi
Balaji Paulraj
Caterina Faggio
Biological Trace Element Research Scopus Indexed
42. Impact of Covid 19 on E-Commerce in India - Study with Special Reference to Sivakasi taluk of Virudhunagar District J. Vimal Priyan International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology Peer Reviewed Journal [No: 47859]
43. In silico and biological exploration of greenly synthesized curcumin-incorporated isoniazid Schiff base and its ruthenium complexes J. Porkodi
M. Samuel
N. Raman
A. Anto Arockia Raj
Structural Chemistry Scopus/Wos
44. Industrial crops in India for using an Emollient - A Review R. Mariselvam
S. Shibila
S. Mathan Kumar
A. Balasubramanian
International Journal of Current Science Research Peer Reviewed Journal
45. Information Literacy Search Skills of CBSE School Students in Dindigul District Tamilnadu Mr. S. Arun Dinesh Raj
Dr. G. Amudha
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
46. Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Cloud using Edge Intelligence N.G.S. Parameswaran
M. Sumathi
Journal of Industrial Information Technology and Application Peer Reviewed Journal
47. Isolation and purification of phycocyanin pigments from Spirulina sp. biomass and evaluation of its anticancer and antioxidant potential Shunmugiah Mahendran
Subbiah Sankaralingam
Pandiaraj Maheswari Pandian Annalakshmi Jeyaraj Pandiarajan Parthasarathy Seethapathy Balasundaram Harinathan
Selvam Palpperumal Natarajan Yasothkumar Sakthivel Venkatesh
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Scopus/Wos
48. Mahathma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and Empowerment of Rural Women in Srivilliputtur Taluk Dr. R. Palaniappan
Dr. J. Vimal Priyan
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Peer Reviewed Journal [No:63975]
49. MHD Mixed Convection from a Horizontal Plate Embedded in a Porousmedium with a Convective Boundary Condition Dr. S. Rajeev Gandhi Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications Scopus Indexed
50. Modified Leader Algorithm for Under-Sampling the Imbalanced Dataset for Classification S. Karthikeyan T. Kathirvalavakumar Intelligent Sustainable Systems Scopus/Wos
51. Molecular Imprinting Synthetic Receptor based Sensor for Determination of Parkinson's Disease Biomarker DJ-1 M. Dhineh Kumar
M. Karthikeyan
N. Sharma
V. Raju
J. Vatsalarani
Shasi V. Kalivendi
C. Karunakaran
Microchemical Journal Scopus/Wos
52. Nano Ag@bioactive microspheres from marine sponge Clathria frondifera: Fabrication, fortification, characterization, anticancer and antibacterial potential evaluation K. Saravanakumar
M. Abinaya
S. Mehnath
V. Shanmuga Priya
M. Jeyaraj
S. Al-Rashed
V. Muthuraj
Environmental Research Scopus/Wos
53. Need for Personal Financial Planning - A Study among the Youth of Virudhunagar Town V. Muthulakshmi
M. Jaisun
International Multidisciplinary innovative Research Journal Other
54. Noble metal nanoparticles (Mx = Ag, Au, Pd) decorated graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets for ultrafast catalytic reduction of anthropogenic pollutant, 4-nitrophenol Karunamoorthy Saravanakumar
Velmurugan Shanmuga Priya
Vellaichamy Balakumar
Seenivasan Lakshmi Prabavathi
Velluchamy Muthuraj
Environmental Research Scopus/Wos
55. Online Social Book Marking in Using Library Mr. S. Arun Dinesh Raj
Dr. G. Amudha
Journal of Library Advancements Other
56. Photocatalytic Dye-Degradation and Antibacterial activity of Undoped and Fe Doped Cd2SnO4 Nanoparticles towards Environmental Applications Dr. A. Alagulakshmi
V. Ramesh
Dr. N. Prithivikumaran
Dr. N. Jeyakumaran
Dr. J. Pandiarajan
NeuroQuantology Scopus Indexed
57. Porphysomes and Porphyrin-Based Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery System Arumugam Murugan
Pon Janani Sugumaran
Chunchana Kuppe Renuka Prasad Ravikumar
Natarajan Raman
Hardeo Singh Yadav
Ponnusamy Thillai Arasu
Pharmaceutical Nanobiotechnology for Targeted Therapy Scopus Indexed
58. Production, Characterization, and Feed Supplement Applications of Phytase enzyme from Aspergillus Tubingensis Isolated from Western Ghats Soil S. Mahendran
S. Sankaralingam
P. Maheswari
R. Raja Dhivya
D. Kathiresan
S. Karthikeyan
S. Sivasangari Ramya
P. Seethapathy
B. Harinathan
S. Palpperumal
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Scopus/Wos
59. Quorum quenching action of marine red alga Halemenia durvillei on biofilm forming Gram negative bacterial isolates from contact lens R.Boominathan
Sandhanasamy Devanesan
Mohamad S.AlSalhi
Isam Zuhair Alkhalid
Parameswari Paul
A.J.A. Ranjit Singh
Algal Research Scopus/Wos
60. Rational design of ruddlesden?popper phase Mn2SnO4 for ultra-sensitive and highly selective detection of chloramphenicol in real-life samples Karuppaiya Palpandi
Chellapandi Bhuvaneswari
Sundaram Ganesh Babu Natarajan Raman
New Journal of Chemistry Scopus Indexed
61. Rational design of single tungsten/cobalt atom oxide anchored on the TiO2-rGO: A highly efficient electrocatalyst for water splitting and photocatalyst for decomposition of pharmaceutical pollutant Karuppaiah Selvakumar
Tae Hwan Oh
Yueshuai Wang
Antony Muthu Prasanna
Muthuraj Arunpandian
Thangarasu Sadhasivam
Ponnusamy Sami
Meenakshisundaram Swaminathan
Separation and Purification Technology Scopus/Wos
62. Reflections on Indian Youth in Chetan bhagat's what Young India Wants Mr. G. Loganathan
Dr. M. Meena Devi
Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
63. Role of Kaivalya Scheme in Kottayam and Idukki Districts of Kerala with Special Reference to Differently abled Self Employed S. Muthulakshmi
Biji Jose
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Peer Reviewed Journal [No: 63975]
64. Relation Between Resolving set and Dominating sets in Various Graphs D. Little Femilin Jana
LT. T. Gunasekar
Rajeev Gandhi S
R. Senthil Kumar
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
65. Sexuality, Alternating Gender Incongruity and Traumatic Existence: A Comparative Study of LAXMI'SME Hijra Me Laxmi and Living Smile Vidya'si am Vidya Dr. S. Ramanathan
Mr. A. Parthipan
Mr. R. Durairaj
Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
66. Shaping the Fitness Vision of India Through Dance Dr. A. Anitha Raj
Dr. K. Muthurajan
LangLit : An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
67. Shillong as A Context and a Character in Anjum Hasan's Lunatic in my Head Dr. V. Manimekalai Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
68. Southeast Asian Dipterocarp orgin and diversification driven by Africa-India floristic interchange S. Jeyakumar Bansal et al., Science Scopus Indexed
69. Space Saving Furniture as a Smart Solution for 2BHK Apartments Nagasudha
S. Muthulakshmi
P. Sundara Pandian
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Peer Reviewed Journal [No: 63975]
70. Statistical Inference through Adaptive Threshold Algorithm in over-Sampling the Imbalanced Data Distribution Mr. S. Karthikeyan
Dr. T. Kathirvalavakumar
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series - Proceedings of Third International Conference on Sustainable Computing Scopus Indexed
71. Statistical Inference Through Variable Adaptive Threshold Algorithm in Over-Sampling the Imbalanced Data Distribution Problem S. Karthikeyan T. Kathirvalavakumar Intelligent Sustainable Systems Scopus/Wos
72. Sustainable architecting of Co2SnO4/CE-BN-based electrochemical platform for highly selective and ultrasensitive detection of 2-nitroaniline in life samples C. Bhuvaneswari
K. Palpandi
N. Raman
S. Ganesh Babu
Microchimica Acta Scopus/Wos
73. Synthesis of benzoimidazoquinazolinone and indolylxanthenone derivatives using Keggin-type heteropoly-11-molybdo-1-vanadophosphoric acid supported on Montmorillonite K-10 clay as catalyst: a green approach Antony Muthu Prasanna
Murugan Kumaresan
Karuppaiah Selvakumar
Meenakshisundaram Swaminathan
Ponnusamy Sami
Research on Chemical Intermediates Scopus/Wos
74. The Culture-Power Equation: A Reading of Aruni Kashyap's the House with a Thousand Stories Dr. V. Manimekalai Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
75. The Effect of Panopticon on Young Facebook Users Lt.Dr. B. Ajantha Parthasarathi
Dr. K. Muthurajan
Dr. K. Haresh Nirmal
Dr. M. Sudhadevi
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education Scopus Indexed
76. The Effects of Racism in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye Dr. P. Jessintha Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
77. The Impact Covid-19 on the Gold Spot and Futures Markets in India: an Empirical Study Dr. S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, Mr. Ramraj G Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
78. The Impact of Covid-19 on Gold Spot Price Volatility in the Indian Commodity Market S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan
G. Ramraj
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Scopus/Wos
79. The Impact on Gold Spot and Futures Prices Volatility During The Covid-19: An Event Study Dr. S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, Mr. Ramraj G Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
80. Thematic Concerns and Fictional Technique in Aravind Adiga's the White Tiger Ms. M. Muthumari
Dr. S. Ramanathan
Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
81. Transition metal complexes incorporating lawsone: a review Freeda Selva Sheela Selvaraj
Michael Samuel
K. Arunsunaikumar
N. Raman
Journal of Coordination Chemistry Scopus/Wos
82. Type 2 Diabetes Prediction from the Weighted Data A. Suriya Priyanka
T. Kathirvalavakumar
Rajendra Prasath
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 - MIKE 2021, LNAI 13119 Scopus Indexed
83. Ultrasonic assisted anchoring of Yb2O3 nanorods on In2S3 nanoflowers for norfloxacin degradation and Cr(VI) reduction in water: Kinetics and degradation pathway M. Murugalakshmi
G. Mamba
Sajid Ali Ansari
V. Muthuraj
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Scopus/Wos
84. ??????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ??????? S. V. Selvam Maayan International Journal of Tamil Research Peer Reviewed Journal
85. A Novel Deep Supervised Contour Fractal Dimension Analysis Model for Palmprint Recognition B. Abirami
K. Krishnaveni
86. Fractional Hartley Transform on G-Boehmian Space R. Roopkumar
C. Ganesan
Bol.Soc.Paran.Mat Scopus/Wos
87. Investigation of Covid-19 impact on Mental health and Lifestyle Pattern of Adolescents A. Jeevarathinam
M. Kannan
Reverberations in Indian Economy Post Covid-19 Other
88. Opinion of Entrepreneurs about Digital Marketing Dr. R. Shanthi
Dr. B. Nandhini
Journal of the Asiatics Society of Mumbai UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
89. Portrayal of Female Characters in Tim Winton's The Riders Dr. K. Muthurajan
Mrs. S.J. Brishma
Journal of the Asiatic Society UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
90. Psychological Torment of Sethe in Toni Morrison's Beloved Dr. K. Muthurajan
M. Paul Joses
Journal of the Asiatic Society UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
91. Social Imbalance and Seclusion in Delores Phillip's The Darkest Child Dr. K. Muthurajan
M. Paul Joses
Madhya Bharti- Humanities and Social Sciences UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
92. Honeycomb Nb2O5/RGO wrapped on MoO3 nanorods for visible light-driven degradation of sulfasalazine and ciprofloxacin in water Jones B.M.F., Mamba G., Maruthamani D., Muthuraj V. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Scopus Indexed
93. Valorization of almond shell biomass to biocarbon materials: Influence of pyrolysis temperature on their physicochemical properties and electrical conductivity Debevc S., Weldekidan H., Snowdon M.R., Vivekanandhan S., Wood D.F., Misra M., Mohanty A.K. Carbon Trends Scopus Indexed
94. Investigation of the rotational lines of A–X and C–A band systems of aluminium deuteride molecule using sunspot umbral spectra Shanmugapriya G., Karthikeyan B., Rajamanickam N., Bagare S.P. European Physical Journal Plus Scopus/Wos
95. Biomimetic and osteogenic natural HAP coated three dimensional implant for orthopaedic application Mehnath S., Muthuraj V., Jeyaraj M. European Polymer Journal Scopus Indexed
96. Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Nebulizer Spray-Deposited Tin Disulphide Thin Films with Different Substrate Temperatures Sarathkumar R., Naini P., Kodi Pandyan R., Amalraj L. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems Scopus Indexed
97. Synthesis, spectroscopic, in vitro, in silico, and in vivo studies of binuclear Cu (II), Ni (II), Ru (II), and Zn (II) complexes with tetradentate Schiff base ligand Marimuthu B., Michael S., Jeyaraman P., Arulanandam X. Applied Organometallic Chemistry Scopus/Wos
98. Density Functional Theory Analysis of Ground State and Evaluation of Transition Probability Parameters for Carbon Mono-Fluoride Molecule Shanmugapriya G., Karthikeyan B., Vettumperumal R., Rajamanickam N. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy Scopus/Wos
99. Extraction and Applications of Natural dye from the flower of Tagetes erecta.L in different Fabrics and Focus on Antimicrobial activity Paramasivam G., Manikandan D., Subbiah S., Paulraj S.M., Rani V.G., Shunmugiah M., Harinathan B. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Scopus Indexed
100. Effect of Substrate Temperature on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of Sprayed Tin Selenide Thin Films Applicable for Photovoltaic Measurements Mangaiyar Karasi A.E., Sambasivam R., Seshadri S., Amalraj Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry Scopus/Wos
101. Oil Cakes as Sustainable Agro-Industrial Feedstock for Biocarbon Materials Siva Sankari M., Vivekanandhan S., Misra M., Mohanty A.K. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry Scopus/Wos
102. Bio-prospective potential of Pleurotus djamor and Pleurotus florida mycelial extracts towards Gram positive and Gram negative microbial pathogens causing infectious disease Illuri R., M E., M K., R S.B., P P., Nguyen V.-H., Bukhari N.A., Hatamleh A.A., P B. Journal of Infection and Public Health Scopus/Wos
103. Enhanced Group Key Distribution Protocol for Intra Group and Inter Group Communication Using Access Control Polynomial Ragunathan M., Kathirvalavakumar T., Prasath R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Scopus Indexed
104. Type 2 Diabetes Prediction from the Weighted Data Priyanka A.S., Kathirvalavakumar T., Prasath R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Scopus Indexed
105. Hyperspectral Image-based Land Cover Prediction using Improved Elman Network Model Vasanthi R., Durairaj D.C. 13th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2022 Scopus Indexed
106. GENDER DETERMINATION FROM EYE MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS AMONG MALAYSIAN CHINESE FOR PERSON IDENTIFICATION Natarajamoorthy T., Xuan Y.K., Norshafarina S., Mariam-Aisha F., Isa M., Helmimohdhadi P., Raman N. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine Scopus Indexed
107. Development of marine algae-encapsulated seed product for sustainable agriculture production—a novel approach Balasundaram H., Suba Sri M., Murugan M.D., Monisha P., Sivan S.S., Sree G.V., Subbiah S., Shunmugiah M., Sakthivel V., Dineshkumar R. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Scopus Indexed
108. Effect of Substrate Temperature on Spray Deposited Zinc Sulphide Thin Films Gopalakrishnan P., Vijayakumar K., Amalraj L. International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology Scopus Indexed
109. Structural and Optical Characterization of Spray Deposited Cadmium Sulphide Thin Film Vijayarajasekaran J., Vijayakumar K., Amalraj L. International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology Scopus Indexed
# Title of the Paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Category Link
1. A mathematical study on magneto hydrodynamic permeable channel flow T. Nithya Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace Scopus Indexed
2. A structural unique 1D-MoO3@3D-WO3 nanohybrid for stable and reusable photocatalytic conversion of hexavalent chromium in aqueous medium K. Saravanakumara
V. Balakumar
B. FilipJones
V. Muthuraj
Materials Chemistry and Physics Scopus Indexed
3. A Study of the Influence of Demographic Factors on Gold Purchase Behaviour in Smart Cities in Tamilnadu S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan
G. Ramraj
Shodhsamhita [Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research] UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
4. A Study on Determinant Factors Towards Personal Financial Planning of Private Bank Employees in Sivakasi Town, Tamilnadu M. Jaisun V. Muthulakshmi GIS Science Journal Scopus Indexed
5. A Study on Devotees Opinion Towards Services and Problems Encountered at Religious Spot in Kumbakonam Town G. Murugesan
Ajith Kumar
Kala: The Journal of Indian Art History Congress UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
6. A Study on the Growth of Mice Industry in India R. Maheswari
A.A. Magesan
Research Journey other
7. A Study on Various Forms of Gold Investment Avenues in Tamilnadu S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, G. Ramraj Wesleyan Journal of Research UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
8. An Analytical Study on Decision Making Behavior of Women in Framing Operations T. Vijayakumar, P. Bharathi International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research other
9. An Empirical Study on Gold Price Discovery and Volatility: A Theoretical Review S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan, G. Ramraj Utkal Historical Research Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
10. An Exploration of Investors Behavior in Gold Investment in Selected Smart Ciies in Tamil nadu S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan
G. Ramraj
Ajanta other
11. Bioactive metabolites from ethyl acetate extract ofleaves of Melia dubia L., against human and plant microbial pathogens JP. Nikkitha, P. Suresh, S. Kameshwaran, M. Rekha, G. Mahendra Perumal, V. Shanmugaiah Journal of Research in Microbiology Scopus/Wos
12. Biocompatibility assessment of silver chloride nanoparticles derived from Padina gymnospora and its therapeutic potential Gopalan Rajagopal, Nanthagopal Manivannan, Mahalingam Sundararajan, Arumugam Ganesh Kumar, Samuthirarajan Senthilkumar, Narayanasamy Mathivanan,Sakkanan,Ilango Nano Express WOS Indexed
13. Comprehensive biological evaluation (DNA-binding, cleavage, and antimicrobial activity) of ?-diketimine Schiff base ligands and their Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes M. Samuel, N. Raman Journal of Coordination Chemistry Scopus/Wos
14. Construction of Novel Metal?Free Graphene Oxide/Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanohybrids: A 2D?2D Amalgamation for the Effective Dedyeing of Waste Water Kasirajan Prakash, Swaminathan Karuthapandian Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Scopus/Wos
15. Customer perception towards e-banking services after Covid-19 N. Vijayalakshmi, G. Karunanithi Management Innovator Peer Reviewed Journal
16. Disparate structural changes in the titanium dioxide thin film coated on the p-type Si and porous silicon textures after gamma iraadiation P. Pandaram, K.B. Jashi, A.V. Sathish, A. Saranya, S. Jothi, B. Lawrence, N. Prithivikumaran, N. Jeyakumaran Materials Science & Engineering B Scopus Indexed
17. DNA interaction perspectives of sulphur containing Knoevenagel condensed copper(II) complexes: Molecular docking, DFT, anti-biogram and insilico assessment M. Samuel
R. Rajasekar
J. Porkodi
M. Selvaganapathy
V. Muniyandi
N. Raman
Inorganica Chimica Acta Scopus Indexed
18. E-Banking Service Quality : A Study on Public Sector Banks in Virudhunagar District P. Rajmohan
A. A. Magesan
Research Journey Peer Reviewed Journal
19. Effect of Hatha Yoga and Surya Namaskar on Selected Psycological Variable Among Air-Force Male Police S. Alagesan
T. Murugesan
R. Nagajothi
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition Scopus Indexed
20. Effects of Formal Strategic Planning on Financial Performance in Indian Railway Catering Tourism Corporation S. Selvanathan, V. Manohar Juni Khyat Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
21. Effects of substrate temperature on structural and optoelectronic properties of SnSe thin films by nebulized spray deposition for solar cell applications Satheesh Kumar P.S., Sangeetha R., Sivakumar R., Amalraj L. Materials Today: Proceedings Scopus Indexed
22. Electrochemical recovery of H2 and nutrients (N, P) from synthetic source separate urine water Kadarkarai Govindan
Sung-Ju Im
Velluchamy Muthuraj
Am Jang
Chemosphere Scopus/Wos
23. Ethical Philosophy of Indian Business in Covid Pandemic A.A. Magesan Research Journey other
24. Exploring Antifungal Activities of Acetone extract of Selected Indian Medicinal Plants against Human Dermal Fungal Pathogens S. Abirami , B. Edwin Raj , T. Soundarya, M. Kannan , Sugapriya Dhanasekaran, Noura Al-Dayan , Arif Ahmed Mohammed Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences Scopus/Wos
25. Extra-Durable Hybrid Supercapacitor Based on Cobalt Sulfide and Carbon (MWCNT) Matrix Electrodes I. Rathinamala
I. ManoharaBabu
J. Johnson William
G. Muralidharan
N. Prithivikumaran
Journal of Energy Storage Scopus/Wos
26. Factors Influencing Investor's Perception Towards Mutual Funds in Tamilnadu: A Study S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan
G. Ramraj
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government other
27. Factors Influencing Purchase of Computer in Coimbatore District N. Raja
A.A. Magesan
Research Journey other
28. Functionalization of kaolin clay with silver nanoparticles by Murraya koenigii fruit extract-mediated bioreduction process for antimicrobial applications M. Hariram
V. Ganesan
S. Muthuramkumar
S. Vivekanandhan
Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society Scopus/Wos
29. Future of the Mobile Payment as Electronic Payment System J. Kamatchi Eswaran
A. Venkatesh Boopathy
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods UGC Care Approved Journal
30. Green tea extract mediated biogenic synthesis of gold nanoparticles with potent anti-proliferative effect against PC-3 human prostate cancer cells P.Prema
R.Suresh Babu
Materials Letters Scopus Indexed
31. Haemocytes during Different Stages of Lifecycle in Bombyx mori (L.) S. Arumugavel
J. Selvarani
J. Babila Jasmine
T. Annalakshmi
B. Xavier Innocent
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences other
32. Hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solutions using biogenic iron nanoparticles: Kinetics and equilibrium study P.Premaa
Hayssam M.Alie
Mohamed Z.M.Salem
Balasubramani Ravindran
Environmental Research Scopus/Wos
33. Hydrothermally synthesized a pyrochlore-type bismuth stannate (Bi2Sn2O7):Efficient electrochemical detection of nitroxoline K. Palpandi, N. Raman Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Scopus/Wos
34. Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Women in Different Religion- A Micro Level Empirical Study T. Vijayakumar
P. Bharathi
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Care Approved Journal
35. Impact of Covid-19 towards organizational culture and challenges faced by employees in textile industry at rajapalayam G. Murugesan
C. Suratha
International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field UGC Care Approved Journal
36. Impact of rhizobacterium Bacillus sonorensis on propagation of Abelmoschus esculentus and its antimicrobial activity B. Harinathan
S. Sankaralingam
S. Palpperumal
C. Balachandran
Abeer Hashem
Abdulaziz A. Alqarawi
Elsayed Fathi Abd_Allah
S. Arokiyaraj
K. Baskar
Journal of King Saud University - ScienceOpen Access Scopus/Wos
37. Insights of pharmacological effects on 2-aminopyrazine / pyrimidine derivative and their palladium complexes: Synthesis and biochemical perspective S.Bhuvaneswari
Inorganic Chemistry Communications Scopus Indexed
38. Isolation, Expansion, and Characterization of Placenta Originated Decidua Basalis-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Priya Subramani, Jaianand Kannaiyan, Jothi Ramalingam Rajabathar , Prema Paulpandian, Ramesh Kumar Kamatchi, Balaji Paulraj, Hamad A. Al-Lohedan, Selvaraj Arokiyara Veeramanikandan Veeramani ACS Omega [Open Access] Scopus/Wos
39. Journey towards Self-realization in Nadine Gordimer's The Pickup and Khaled Hoseini's The Kite Runner: A Comparative Study A. Mohanraj
A.K. Muthusamy
International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities Peer Reviewed Journal No 43979
40. Keggin-Type Heteropoly-11-molybdo-1-vanadophosphoric Acid Supported on Montmorillonite K-10 Clay as a Catalyst for the Synthesis of Indeno[1,2-b]quinolinones: A Solvent-Free Approach M. Kumaresan
P. Sami
Organic Preparations and Procedures International WOS Indexed
41. Keggin?type heteropoly?11?molybdo?1?vanadophosphoric acid supported montmorillonite K?10 clay?catalysed one?pot multi?component synthesis of chromeno[2,3?b] indoles Prasanna Antony Muthu
Kumaresan Murugan
Swaminathan Meenakshi sundaram
Sami Ponnusamy
Research on Chemical Intermediates Scopus/Wos
42. Lasallian Pedagogy: Transformational Educational Practices Amidst Covid 19 Pandamic A. Brickston
A. Baskaran
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology Scopus Indexed
43. Menstrual Sanitation: A Google form questionnaire-based study B. Govidarajan
M. Muthuselvi
S. Jasmine
K. Sridhar
International Journal of Business and Economics Research Scopus indexed
44. Metal-free and stable dye-sensitized polymer matrix for the detoxification of antibiotic drug levofloxacin under visible light illumination M. Gayathria
P. Senthil Kumar
M. Santhameenakshia
S. Karuthapandian
Separation Science And Technology Scopus/Wos
45. Microbial synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Lactobacillus plantarum for antioxidant, antibacterial activities P.Prema
S.Subha Ranjani
K.Ramesh Kumar
Inorganic Chemistry Communications Scopus Indexed
46. Natural clay loaded Sm2MoO6 nanocomposite, a green catalyst, for multiple applications Murugan Kumaresan, Tata Sanjay kanna sharma,
Kuo Yuan Hwa,
Vadivel Saravanan, Ponnusamy Sami
Meenakshisundaram Swaminathan
Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects Scopus Indexed
47. Non-Neighbor Harmonic Index of Glued Network A. Rizwana
M. Mohamed Ismail
Journal of Information and Computational Science Scopus Indexed
48. Non-Neighbor Topological Indices of Generalized Prism Network A. Rizwana
M. Mohamed Ismail
GIS Science Journal Scopus Indexed
49. Novel puffball (Lycoperdon Sp.) spores derived hierarchical nanostructured Biocarbon: A preliminary investigation on thermochemical conversion and characterization for supercapacitor applications M. Hariram
A. Rahul
M. K. Siva Sankari
S. Vivekanandhan
M. Muthuramkumar
M. Misra
A.M. Mohanty
Materials Letters Scopus Indexed
V. Muthulakshmi
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Care Approved Journal
51. Photocatalytic degradation of levofloxacin by a novel Sm6WO12/g-C3N4 heterojunction: Performance, mechanism and degradation pathways Laskhmi Prabavathi
Chang Min Park Velluchamy Muthuraj
Separation and Purification Technology Scopus Indexed
52. Phylogenetic Analysis and Protective Effects of Thymol and its Chromatographic Fractions from a Novel Wild Mushroom in Combating Oxidative Stress M. Subbulakshmi, Sugapriya Dhanasekaran, S. Abirami, R. Palaniappan , M. Kannan, Divya Venugopal Food Science and Human Wellness Scopus/Wos
53. Phytomediated synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from the leaf extracts of Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook. F. Ex Benth. and its antimicrobial activity M. Thilagam
B. Esakkiammal
P. Mehalingam
International Journal of Botany Studies Peer Reviewed Journal
54. Phytomediated Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles from the Leaf Extracts of Begonia Malabarica Lam and its Antimicrobial Activity M. Thilagam
B. Esakkiammal
P. Mehalingam
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology Scopus Indexed
55. Rational design of novel 3D flower-like praseodymium molybdate anchored graphitic carbon Nitride: An efficient and sustainable photocatalyst for mitigation of carcinogenic pollutants K. Prakasha
V. Selvam
S. GaneshBabu
S. Meena
S. Karuthapandian
Applied Surface Science Scopus Indexed
56. Simple fabrication and unprecedented visible light response of NiNb2O6/RGO heterojunctions for the degradation of emerging pollutants in water Benjamin Moses Filip Jones
G. Mamba
Sajid Ali Ansari
D. Maruthamani
V. Muthuraj
T. T. I. Nkambule
New Journal of Chemistry Scopus/Wos
57. Socio Psycho Domain Constraints of Women Entrepreneurs in Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India - A Study P. Dhavamani MUKT SHABD Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
58. Sol-Gel Synthesis of CdS/Glass & CdS/Si Thin Films for Optoelectronic Devices I. Rathinamala
N. Prithivikumaran
Research Square other
59. SPI Transactional Database Using Secure Elastic Cloud Access With OOB M. Sumathi
N.G.S. Parameswaran
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry Scopus Indexed
60. Statistical Optimization of Poly-?-Hydroxybutyrate Biosynthesis Using the Spent Mushroom Substrate by Bacillus tequilensis PSR-2 Kanagavel Susithra Kannan Badri Narayanan
Uthandakalaipandian Ramesh
Chellaiah Edward Raja Gandhi Premkumar
Govindaraju Varatharaju
Arunachalam Vijayakumar
Marikani Kannan Kaniappan Rajarathinam
Waste and Biomass Valorization Scopus/Wos
61. Statistical optimization of silver nanoparticle synthesis by green tea extract and its efficacy on colorimetric detection of mercury from industrial waste water P.Prema
Mansour K.Gatasheh
Ashraf Atef Hatamleh
Ravindran Balasubramani
Environmental Research Scopus/Wos
62. Sustainable biocarbon materials derived fromLessoniaTrabeculatamacroalgae biomass residue for supercapacitorapplications S. Sankaranarayanan
M. Hariram
S. Vivekanandhan
Rodrigo Navia
Energy Storage Scopus/Wos
63. Sustainable Marketing Practices of Manufacturing Units in Virudhunagar District P. Rajmohan
A. A. Magesan
Research Journey Peer Reviewed Journal
64. Sustainable synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Alstonia scholaris for enhanced catalytic degradation of methylene blue Rajamanickam Rajasekar
Michael Samuel
Thomas Nesakumar Jebakumar Immanuel Edison
Natarajan Raman
Journal of Molecular Structure Scopus/Wos
65. Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-TiO2 using Aqueous Extract of Erythrina variegata Leaves Jayaram Mari Selvi
Mariappan Murugalakshmi
Ponnusamy Sami
Asian Journal of Chemistry UGC Care Approved Journal
66. Synthesis, characterization, ADMET, in vitro and in vivo studies of mixed ligand metal complexes from a curcumin Schiff base and lawsone Porkodi Jeyaraman
M. Samuel
Antonysamy Johnson
Nucleos Nucleot Nucl Scopus/Wos
67. Synthesis, spectral characterization, DNA binding and antimicrobial profile of biological active mixed ligand Schiff base metal(II) complexes incorporating 1,8-diaminonaphthalene T. Chandrasekar
A. Arunadevi
N. Raman
Journal of Coordination Chemistry WOS Indexed
68. Tetraaza macrocyclic Schiff base metal complexes bearing pendant groups: Synthesis, characterization and bioactivity studies Paulpandiyan Rajakkani
Arunadevi Alagarraj
Senthil A.Gurusamy Thangavelu
Inorganic Chemistry Communications Scopus Indexed
69. The Historical Analysis of the First Arrival of De La Salle Brothers and their Educational Impact in India A. Brickston
A. Baskaran
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition Scopus Indexed
70. Toxicity evaluation and oxidative stress response of fumaronitrile, a persistent organic pollutant (POP) of industrial waste water on tilapia fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) K.Chinnadurai
K. RameshKumar
Nouf S.S.Zaghloul
Environmental Research Scopus/Wos
71. Triple Connected Eternal Domination In Graphs A. Selvam Turkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics other
72. Ultrasound assisted synthesis of silver titanate for the differential pulse voltammetric determination of antibiotic drug metronidazole Venkatachalam
Manickavasagan Abinaya
Shen-Ming Chen
Venkatachalam Sethupathi
Velluchamy Muthuraj
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Scopus Indexed
73. Unravelling the visible light-assisted catalytic prowess of an n?n type In2S3/CeO2 Z scheme heterojunction towards organic and inorganic water pollution mitigation M. Murugalakshmi
B. Filip Jones
G. Mamba
D. Maruthamani
V. Muthuraj
New Journal of Chemistry Scopus/Wos
74. Visible-light-driven Pd doped ?-Bi2O3 nanocomposite: an affordable and an efficient catalyst for mitigation of noxious pollutant L. T. Parvathi
M. Arunpandian
S. Arunachalam
S. Karuthapandian
Applied Physics A Scopus/Wos
75. Voice from the Other: A Feminist Reading of Doris Lessing's The Summer Before the Dark M. Murugesan
A.K. Muthusamy
International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities Peer Reviewed Journal No 43979
76. A Study on Performance of Gold ETF in India During Covid-19 S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan
G. Ramraj
Kalyan Bharati : journal of Indian history and culture UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
77. An Analysis Regarding Interrogation on Functioning of Fireworks R.K. Manju @ Mahalakshmi
S. Maheshwari
Juni Khyat UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
78. An Application of Max?Radial number of graphs in Game theory A. Selvam International Journal of Aquatic Science Scopus/Wos
79. An Exploratory Study on Decision Making Empowerment of Women Idli Vendors T. Vijayakumar
P. Bharathi
GIS Science Journal Scopus Indexed
80. Anamoly Detection Using Pso in Cloud Integrated IOT Devices Using Mdgan M. Sumathi
N.G.S. Parameswaran
International Journal of Aquatic Science UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
81. Effectiveness of Sustainability in Private Sector Banks in Madurai City P. Rajmohan
P. Murugan
A Multidisciplinary International Level Referred and Peer Reviewed Journal other
82. Level of Financial Literacy among Women (A Study with special Reference to Virudhunagar Town) B. Nandhini
R. Shanthi
Kalyan Bharati [journal of Indian history and culture] UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
83. Livelihood and Psychological Well-Being Impact of Covid-19 Lock Down Period on Daily Wage Earners P. Bharathi
T. Vijayakumar
Juni Khyat Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
84. Mudra: Problems of Women Enterpreneur - An Analytical Study T. Vijayakumar
P. Bharathi
Wesleyan Journal of Research UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
85. Problems for Implementing Sustainable Manufacturing Practices by Textile Industries in Virudhunagar District P. Rajmohan
P. Murugan
International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research other
86. R?number of some families of graphs A. Selvam International Journal of Aquatic Science Scopus/Wos
87. Women Empowerment Through Self Help Group K. Jeyakumar
M. Shunmugasundaram
K. Sankar Ganesh
R.V. Palanivel
V. John Paul Raj
M. Sekar
M. Balaji
N. Saranya
T. Renjini
R. Sangeetha
Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal other
88. Workers Confidence at the Work Place with the use of Hand Sanitizer - A Study with Reference to virudhunagar R. Jeyanthi Kalyan Bharati [journal of Indian history and culture] UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
89. Partially purified lead molecules from Dodonaea viscosa and their antimicrobial efficacy against infectious human pathogens Priya V.T., Balasubramanian N., Shanmugaiah V., Sathishkumar P., Kannan N.D., Karunakaran C., Alfarhan A., Antonisamy P. Journal of Infection and Public Health Scopus/Wos
90. Visible-light-driven Pd doped ?-Bi2O3 nanocomposite: an affordable and an efficient catalyst for mitigation of noxious pollutant Parvathi L.T., Arunpandian M., Arunachalam S., Karuthapandian S. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Scopus Indexed
91. Biocarbons as emerging and sustainable hydrophobic/oleophilic sorbent materials for oil/water separation Sankaranarayanan S., Lakshmi D.S., Vivekanandhan S., Ngamcharussrivichai C. Sustainable Materials and Technologies Scopus/Wos
92. Structural, Vibrational, Optical and Improved Photoluminescence Properties of Dy3+ Doped Ca2KZn2V3O12 Phosphors Jeyakumaran T., Venkatesh Bharathi N., Shanmugavel R., Sriramachandran P., Ramaswamy S. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Scopus/Wos
93. Synthesis and Luminescence Investigation of Eu3+ Doped Ca2KZn2V3O12 Phosphors: A Potential Material for WLEDs Applications Jeyakumaran T., Bharathi N.V., Sriramachandran P., Shanmugavel R., Ramaswamy S. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Scopus/Wos
94. Biosynthesized transition metal oxide nanostructures for photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes Sankaranarayanan S., Hariram M., Vivekanandhan S., Ngamcharussrivichai C. Green Functionalized Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications Scopus Indexed
95. Metallonucleases encompassing curcumin, 2-aminobenzothiazole and o-phenylenediamine: a search for new metallonucleases Raman N., Chandrasekar T. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry Scopus/Wos
96. Influence of Substrate Temperature on Physical Properties of Nebulized Spray Deposited SnSe Thin Films Mangaiyar Karasi A.A.E., Seshadri S., Amalraj L., Sambasivam R. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Scopus/Wos
97. Synthesis and Properties of p-si/n-cd1?xagxo heterostructure for transparent photodiode devices Anitha M., Arun Kumar K.D., Mele P., Anitha N., Saravanakumar K., Sayed M.A., Ali A.M., Almalraj L. Coatings Scopus/Wos
# Title of the Paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Category Link
1. 1D MoO3 Nanorods Decorated by Palladium Nanoparticles: Surface Plasmon Resonance Promoted Photodegradation of Congo Red Dye Parvathi L.T., Karuthapandian S. Asian Journal of Chemistry Scopus Indexed
2. A green solid acid catalyst 12-tungstophosphoric acid H3[PW12O40] supported on g-C3N4 for synthesis of quinoxalines Murugan Kumaresan Vadivel Saravanan Ponnusamy Sami Meenakshisundaram Swaminathan Research on Chemical Intermediates Scopus/Wos
3. A Mathematical Analysis of Radiation and Thermal Diffusion effect on a steady MHD free convection heat and mass transfer flow past an inclined stretching sheet T. Nithya Proteus Journal Scopus Indexed
4. A novel In2S3/Gd2O3 p-n type visible light-driven heterojunction photocatalyst for dual role of Cr(VI) reduction and oxytetracycline degradation M. Murugalakshmi
G. Mamba
V. Muthuraj
Applied Surface Science Scopus/Wos
5. A Review on Green Synthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles D. Gnanasangeetha
M. Suresh
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology Scopus Indexed
6. A Study of Use of E-journals Among Research Scholars at Vhnsn College Library, Virudhunagar V. Senthur Velmurugan
G. Amudha
Journal of Information Management Other
7. A Study on Dynamic Relationship between Indian Gold Price and Sensex S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvam
G. Ramraj
TEST Engineering & Mnagement Scopus Indexed
8. A Study on People's Perception About Comforting Services in e-Governance Centres at Kovilpatti and Its Environs R. Thanga Ganesh
K. Pushpa Veni
Emerging Trends in Computing and Expert Technology. COMET 2019. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Springer, Cham Scopus Indexed
9. A Study on Policyholder's Attitude Towards Social Insurance Scheme - with Special Reference to PMJJBY and PMSBY Scheme in Virudhunagar District M.J. Senthil Kumar
P. Sundara Pandian
ICTACT Journal on Management Studies Other
10. A Study on Social Insurance Schemes in India with Special Reference to PRADHAN MANTRI SURAKSHA BIMA YOJANA Scheme M.J. Senthil Kumar
P. Sundara Pandian
N.R. Nagarajan
ICTACT Journal on Management Studies Other
11. A Study on Work Life Balance Issues of Women Entrepreneurs R. Indumathi International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Other
12. A Synergism of Eco-Friendly Dyeing of Cotton Fabric and Therapeutic benefits of Seed Extract M. Kannan
S. Abirami
S. Venkatesan
D. Sugapriya
Noura-Al Dayan
V. Divya
International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research WOS Indexed
13. An Expository Study on Pradhan mantri Mudra Yojana P. Bharathi
T. Vijayakumar
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
14. Arun Joshi: Literally an Existential Writer M. Muthuvel Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
15. Bactericidal activity of skin mucus and skin extracts of Catla catla and Channa striatus Ranjini S., Muniasamy S., Rameshkumar G., Rajagopal T., Sivakumar T., Ponmanickam P. Acta Biologica Szegediensis Scopus Indexed
16. Bi-functional catalytic performance of silver manganite/polypyrrole nanocomposite for electrocatalytic sensing and photocatalytic degradation Abinaya
Velluchamy Muthuraj
Colloids and Surfaces A Scopus/Wos
17. Biological response of Schiff base metal complexes incorporating amino acids ? a short review A. Arunadevi
N. Raman
Journal of Coordination Chemistry Scopus/Wos
18. Biologically active Co(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) centered water soluble novel isoniazid grafted O0carboxymethyl chitosan schiff base ligand metal complexes: Synthesis, spectral characterisation and DNA nuclease activity M. Manimohan
R. Paulpandiyan
S. Pugalmani
M. Aboobucker Sithique
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Scopus/Wos
19. CdS microspheres as promising electrode materials for high performance supercapacitors I.Rathinamala
J. Johnson William
G. Muralidharan
N. Prithivikumaran
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Scopus/Wos
20. Construction of novel n-type semiconductor anchor on 2D honey comb like FeNbO4/RGO for visible light drive photocatalytic degradation of Norfloxacin Filip Jonesa, Maruthamani
Velluchamy Muthuraj
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Scopus Indexed
21. Consumers? Perceptions Towards Internet Ticketing In Tamilnadu S. Selvanathan
V. Manohar
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Scopus Indexed
22. Covid-19 Effect On Herding Behaviour In Indian Capital S.C.B. Samuel Anbu Selvan
G. Ramraj
Palarch?s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology Scopus Indexed
23. Dominating Factors of Work Life Balance and Productivity - Special Reference to IT Sector - Chennai City G. Venkateshwaran
R.V. Suganya
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Scopus/Wos
24. Eco-friendly heteropoly acid supported on natural clay for the synthesis of calix[4]resorcinarene derivatives Karuppaiah Selvakumar Murugan Kumaresan Ponnusamy Sami Meenakshi sundaram Swaminathan Indian Journal of Chemical Technology Other
25. Electrochemical Biosensors for Point-of-Care Applications C. Karunakaran,M. Karthikeyan,M. Dhinesh Kumar,G. Kaniraja,K. Bhargava Defence Science Journal Scopus/Wos
26. Electrochemical detection of 2-nitroaniline at novel sphere-like Co2SnO4 modified glassy carbon electrode K. Palpandi
N. Raman
New Journal of Chemistry Scopus/Wos
27. Enhanced photoactivity of cerium tungstate modified graphiticcarbon nitride heterojunction photocatalyst for the photodegradation of moxifloxacin S. Lakshmi Prabavathi
K. Saravanakumar
T. T. I. Nkambule
V. Muthuraj
G. Mamba
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus/Wos
28. Ethnic Remoteness and Sandwich Culture in Amulyamalladi's The Mango Season Y. Vidya The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis Scopus Indexed
29. Evaluation of phytochemical and antibacterial activity of the crude extracts of senna auriculata (L) Thamil Priya V., Balasubramanian N., Shanmugaiah V., Karunakaran C. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Other
30. Experimental investigation on varying flame characteristics of benzoic resin solid fuel pellets Sankaralingam R., Sengottuvelan B., Venkat P., Selvaraj M., Arunachalam V., Natarajan J. Renewable Energy Scopus/Wos
31. Extra-Durable Hybrid Supercapacitor Based on Cobalt Sulfide and Carbon (MWCNT) Matrix Electrodes I. Rathinamala
I. Manohara Babu
J. Johnson William
G. Muralidharan
N. Prithivikumaran
Journal of Energy Storage Scopus/Wos
32. Fabrication of Al?TiO2?Thin Film Electrode by Spray Pyrolysis Technique for Urea Sensing A. Mathi Vathani
N. Prithivikumaran N. Jeyakumaran
S. Dhanalakshmi
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Scopus/Wos
33. Happy Employees are Committed Employees K. Jotheswari Sambodhi Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
34. Haralick Features from Wavelet Domain in Recognizing Fingerprints Using Neural Network Jeyalakshmi K.S., Kathirvalavakumar T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Peer Reviewed Journal
35. Identification and characterization of a Newly Isolated Chitinase Producing strain Bacillus licheniformis SSCL-10 for chitin degradation S. Abirami
D. Nagarajan
M. Kannan
D. Sugapriya
Noura Al-Dayan
V. Divya
Archaea-an International Microbiological Journal Scopus Indexed
36. Impact of Financial Literacy on Savings Behaviour of Young Adults in Virudhunagar District M. Jaisun Alochana Chakra Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
37. Indole derived water soluble N, O bi-dentate ligand based mononuclear transition metal complexes: In silico and in vitro biological screening, molecular docking and macromolecule interaction studies A. Arunadevi
N. Raman
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics Scopus/Wos
38. Influence of molar concentration on nano tin disulphide thin films grown by spray pyrolysis technique Gopalakrishnan P., Amalraj L., Vijayakumar K. International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology Scopus Indexed
39. Influence of Ni-Doping in ZnO Thin Films Coated on Porous Silicon Substrates and ZnO|PS Based Hetero-Junction Diodes Priya V.L., Prithivikumaran N. Semiconductors Scopus/Wos
40. Information Literacy Impact on Magazine Reading Interest of School Students of Virudhunagar: A Case Study B. Senthil Krishnan
G. Amudha
Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharati University UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
41. Insight into the in vitro anticancer screening, molecular docking and biological efficiency of pyridine-based transition metal(II) complexes N. Raman
P. P. Utthra T. Chellapandi
Journal of Coordination Chemistry Scopus/Wos
42. Investigation on synthesis of SnO2 nano-particles using sol?gel process for energy storage application Sudha Periathai R., Pon Vengatesh R., Jeyakumaran N., Prithivikumaran N. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Scopus Indexed
43. Iridium nanoparticles anchored WO3 nanocubes as an efficient photocatalyst for removal of refractory contaminants (crystal violet and methylene blue) M. Dhanalakshmi
S. Lakshmi Prabavathi
K. Saravanakumar
B. Filip Jones
V. Muthuraj
Chemical Physics Letters Scopus/Wos
44. Jatropha Oil Cake Based Activated Carbon for Symmetric Supercapacitor Application: A Comparative Study on Conventional and Hydrothermal Carbonization Processes M. Siva Sankari
S. Vivekanandhan
Chemistry Select Other
45. Mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations for steady Magnetohydrodynamic flow V. Ananthaswamy
T. Nithya
V.K. Santhi
Journal of Information and Computational Science Scopus Indexed
46. Mesoporous Gd2O3 / NiS2 microspheres : a novel electrode for energy storage applications S. Dhanalakshmi
V. Muthuraj
S. Karuthapandian
A. Mathi Vathani
N. Prithivikumaran
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus/Wos
47. Modification techniques to improve the capacitive performance of biocarbon materials N. Sumangala Devi
M. Hariram
S. Vivekanandhan
Journal of Energy Storage Scopus/Wos
48. Multiculturalism in the Select Plays of Rabindranath Tagore M. S. Pradeep Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
Dr.N.Nirmal kumar
PalArch?s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Eqyptology Scopus Indexed
50. Non-split perfect triple connected domination number of semi product of paths and cycles A. Selvam Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal Scopus Indexed
51. On the effective temperature of AlC molecular lines in sunspot umbral spectra Sindhan R., Sriramachandran P., Shanmugavel R., Ramaswamy S. Astrophysics and Space Science Scopus Indexed
52. Optimization of a Liquid Culture System for Shoot Regeneration and Achieving an Enriched Level of Scopadulcic Acid B in the Leaf Organ Cultures of Scoparia dulcis L. by Response Surface Methodology G. Premkumar
T. Karuppanapandian
C. Sureshpandian
N. Arumugam
A. Selvam
K. Rajarathinam
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant Scopus/Wos
53. Periconium sp. (endophytic fungi) extract mediated sol-gel synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles for antimicrobial and antioxidant applications V. Ganesan
M. Hariram
S. Vivekanandhan
S. Muthuramkumar
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Scopus/Wos
54. Phyotochemical properties of acalypha indica (L), and its antimicrobial potential against human pathogens Thamil Priya V., Balasubramanian N., Shanmugaiah V., Karunakaran C. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology Scopus/Wos
55. Polyaniline intercalated with Ag1.2V3O8 nanorods based electrochemical sensor A. Saravanakumar
C. Balakumar
D. Kadarkarai Govindan, Am Jangd
Giehyeon Leeb Velluchamy Muthuraj
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry WOS Indexed
56. Polyhydroxybutyrate Production Using Groundnut Shell as Substrate by Bacillus circulans (MTCC 8167) K. Susithra
U. Ramesh
M. Kannan
G. Varatharaju
G. Premkumar
K. Rajarathinam
Proceedings International Platinum Open Access Journal Other
57. Reduction of hexavalent chromium and degradation of tetracycline using a novel indium-doped Mn2O3 nanorod photocatalyst Abinaya,
B. Kadarkarai Govindan C. Kalpana
A. Saravanakumar A. Laskhmi Prabavathi Velluchamy Muthuraj Am Jang
Journal of Hazardous Materials Scopus/Wos
58. Spectroscopic, SOD, anticancer, antimicrobial, molecular docking and DNA binding properties of bioactive VO(IV), Cu(II), Zn(II), Co(II), Mn(II) and Ni(II) complexes obtained from 3-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)pentane-2,4-dione A. Sakthivel
B. Thangagiri
N. Raman
J. Joseph
Ramu Guda
M. Kasula
L. Mitu
Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics Scopus/Wos
59. State of the art on the photocatalytic applications of graphene based nanostructures: From elimination of hazardous pollutants to disinfection and fuel generation Mamba G., Gangashe G., Moss L., Hariganesh S., Thakur S., Vadivel S., Mishra A.K., Vilakati G.D., Muthuraj V., Nkambule T.T.I. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering WOS Indexed
60. Structural, cytotoxicity and molecular docking studies of some quinoline schiff bases and their Pd(II), Mn(II) and Ru(II) complexes M. Umadevi
V. Muthuraj
R. Vanajothi
Journal of Molecular Structure Scopus/Wos
61. Structural, Electrical, and Electrochemical Characterization of Li1.2Ni0.6?xMgxCo0.3O2 Cathode Materials for Application in Lithium-Ion Batteries S. Abrna
R. Sudha Periathai
R. Pon Vengatesh
N. Prithivikumaran
Journal of Electronic Materials Scopus/Wos
62. Synthesis and characterization of novel nitrogen doped biocarbons from distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) for supercapacitor applications Christoff Reimer Michael R. Snowdon Singaravelu Vivekanandhan
Xiangyou You
Manjusri Misra
Stefano Gregori Deborah F. Mielewski Amar K. Mohanty
Bioresource Technology Reports Scopus Indexed
63. Synthesis, characterization, ADMET, in vitro and in vivo studies of mixed ligand metal complexes from a curcumin Schiff base and lawsone P. Jeyaraman
Michael Samuel
A. Johnson
N. Raman
Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Scopus/Wos
64. Synthesis, spectral characterization, DNA-binding and antimicrobial profile of biological active mixed ligand Schiff base metal(II) complexes incorporating 1,8-diaminonaphthalene T. Chandrasekar
A. Arunadevi
N. Raman
Journal of Coordination Chemistry Scopus/Wos
65. Tree diversity and carbon storage cobenefits in tropical human-dominated landscapes Osuri A.M., Machado S., Ratnam J., Sankaran M., Ayyappan N., Muthuramkumar S., Parthasarathy N., Pelissier R., Ramesh B.R., DeFries R., Naeem S. Conservation Letters Scopus Indexed
66. Ultrasonic assisted fabrication of silver tungstate encrusted polypyrrole nanocomposite for effective photocatalytic and electrocatalytic applications Manickavasagan A., Ramachandran R., Chen S.-M., Velluchamy M. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Scopus/Wos
67. Ultrasonication and hydrothermal assisted synthesis of cloud-like zinc molybdate nanospheres for enhanced detection of flutamide Rajakumaran R., Abinaya M., Chen S.-M., Balamurugan K., Muthuraj V. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Scopus/Wos
68. Under-Sample Binary Data Using CURE for Classification Kathirvalavakumar T., Karthikeyan S., Prasath R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Peer Reviewed Journal
69. Workplace Enhances Happiness at Work a Study with Lockdown Due to Covid-19 K. Jotheswari Sambodhi Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
70. ???????? ????(???) ?????? D. Maheswari
K. Sridhar
????????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ???????? UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
71. A Study on Consumer Credit Base Towards Purchasing Home with Special Reference to Madurai City M. Jaisun Alochana Chakra Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
72. Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Examination of Transition Metal Complexes from Curcumin Schiff Base and Chrysin as Co Ligands J. Porkodi
M. Samuel
N. Raman
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
73. User's Satisfication about Project Component used in E-Governence centres at Tuticorin District R. Thanga Ganesh
K. Pushpa Veni
African Journal of Business and Economic Research Scopus Indexed
74. An Analysis of the B3? 2? X3? 2 (0, 0) Band System of the TiO Molecule in Laboratory and Sunspot Spectra Sriramachandran P., Priyadharshini D., Ashraf Shiddeeqaa N., Shanmugavel R. Solar Physics Scopus/Wos
75. Synthesis, structural, pharmacological and molecular docking simulations studies of some transition metal complexes Soundaranayaki V., Kulandaisamy A., A.Arunadevi Inorganic Chemistry Communications Scopus/Wos
76. Fabrication of Novel ZnSeO3 Anchored on g-C3N4 Nanosheets: An Outstanding Photocatalyst for the Mitigation of Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals Moorthy S., Moorthy G., Swaminathan K. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Scopus/Wos
77. Enhanced photoactivity of cerium tungstate-modified graphitic carbon nitride heterojunction photocatalyst for the photodegradation of moxifloxacin Prabavathi S.L., Saravanakumar K., Nkambule T.T.I., Muthuraj V., Mamba G. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus Indexed
78. An attempt of identification of barium hydride molecular lines in sunspot umbral spectra Karthikeyan B., Shanmugapriya G., Rajamanickam N., Bagare S.P. New Astronomy Scopus/Wos
79. Corrigendum to “Periconium sp. (endophytic fungi) extract mediated sol-gel synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles for antimicrobial and antioxidant applications” (Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (2020) 105, (S1369800119312259), (10.1016/j.mssp.2019.104739)) Ganesan V., Hariram M., Vivekanandhan S., Muthuramkumar S. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Scopus Indexed
80. Innovation of Novel Stone-Like Perovskite Structured Calcium Stannate (CaSnO3): Synthesis, Characterization, and Application Headed for Sensing Photographic Developing Agent Metol Muthukutty B., Krishnapandi A., Chen S.-M., Abinaya M., Elangovan A. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering Scopus/Wos
81. ISOMORPHIC DEGREE SPLITTING GRAPHS Avadayappan S., Bhuvaneshwari M. Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics Scopus Indexed
82. Electrospun nanofibers of biopolymers and biocomposites Hariram M., Sankaranarayanan S., Muthuraj R., Vivekanandhan S. Advanced Green Materials: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications of Biopolymers and Biocomposites Scopus Indexed
83. Interrogation for Modernistic Conceptualization of Complementary Perfect Hop Domination Number with Various Grid Models Mahadevan G., Vijayalakshmi V., Aavadayappan S. New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing - Selected Works Presented at the ICCVBIC 2018 Scopus Indexed
84. Improved Blog Classification Using Multi Stage Dimensionality Reduction Technique Aruna Devi K., Kathirvalavakumar T. New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing - Selected Works Presented at the ICCVBIC 2018 Scopus Indexed
85. Exploration of the Possible Benifits for the Complementary Perfect Matching Models with Applications Mahadevan G., Vimala Suganthi M., Avadayappan S. New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing - Selected Works Presented at the ICCVBIC 2018 Scopus Indexed
86. Influence of substrate temperature on tin sulphide thin films using chemical spray pyrolysis technique Gopalakrishnan P., Amalraj L., Vijayakumar K. International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology Scopus Indexed
87. Biochar as Sustainable Reinforcement for Polymer Composites Vivekanandhan S. Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials: Volume 1-5 Scopus Indexed
88. Estimation of effective rotational temperature from spectral lines of yttrium monoxide molecule in sunspot spectrum Sriramachandran P., Nirmaladevi S., Vijayalakshmi R., Neeraja H., Shanmugavel R. Romanian Astronomical Journal Scopus Indexed
89. Carbon dots from renewable resources: A review on precursor choices and potential applications Vishnukumar P., Sankaranarayanan S., Hariram M., Vivekanandhan S., Navia R. Advanced Structured Materials Scopus Indexed
90. Characterization of spray pyrolysised nano tin disulphide thin film Vijayarajasekaran J., Gopalakrishnan P., Amalraj L., Vijayakumar K. International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology Scopus Indexed
91. Iridium doped ZnO nanocomposites: Synergistic effect induced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and crystal violet Dhanalakshmi M., Saravanakumar K., Prabavathi S.L., Muthuraj V. Inorganic Chemistry Communications Scopus Indexed
92. Ground Water Status of Tamilnadu J. Jayalakshmi Alochana Chakra Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
# Title of the Paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Category Link
1. A Critical Study of Maya Angelou's Gather Together in My Name V. Karthigaiselvam
R. Meena
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
2. A Holistic Security Progress in Palmprint Recognition System: Forthcoming Techniques K. Krishnaveni
B. Abirami
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Scopus Indexed
3. A Mathematical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer on MHD Boundary Layer Flow T. Nithya V. Ananthaswamy
V.K. Santhi
Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal Scopus Indexed
4. A Mathematical study on MHD plane Poiseuille flow in a porous channel with non-uniform plate temperature T. Nithya Journal of Applied Science and Computations UGC Approved Journal No 41238
5. A note on odd distance graphs M. Bhuvaneshwari Journal of Applied Science and Computations UGC Approved Journal No 41238
6. A Study on Measuring Service Quality in Southern Railway Zone R. Neelamegam Think India Journal UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
7. A Survey of the State-of-the-Art of Fingerprint Classification K.S. Jeyalakshmi
T. Kathirvalavakumar
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Scopus Indexed
8. An L-Fuzzy ?-Supracontinuous in ?-Supratopological TM-System M. Annalakshmi
M. Chandramouleeswaran
International Journal of Mathematical Archive Other
9. Antibacterial Activity of Selected Spices Against Multi-Drug Resistant Urinary Tract Microflora S. Abirami
M. Kannan
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Peer Reviewed Journal
10. Approximate analytical expressions of a boundary Layer flow of viscous fluid using the modified Homotopy analysis method V. Ananthaswamy
T. Nithya
V.K. Santhi
Journal of Information and Computational Science Scopus Indexed
11. Automated Blog Classification using Rule Extraction by Reverse Engineering the Neural Network K. Aruna Devi
T. Kathirvalavakumar
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Scopus Indexed
12. Biological evaluation, molecular docking and DNA interaction studies of coordination compounds gleaned from pyrazolone incorporated ligand A. Arunadevi
J. Porkodi
L. Ramgeetha
N. Raman
Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Scopus/Wos
13. Cardiac Disease Analysis and Determination using Discrete Wavelet - Based Ann K. Bavithra Devi
K. Muthurani
R. Sivasangari
T. Durai Anand
International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering Other
14. Caste Clashes, Conflicts and Struggles in Bama's Vanman (Vendetta) K. Muthumurugan
R. Meena
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
15. Chemical and Pharmacological aspects of Novel Hetero MLB complexes derived from NO2 type Schiff base and N2 type 1,10?Phenanthroline ligands S. Hemalatha
J. Dharmaraja
S. Shobana
P. Subbaraj
T. Esakkidurai
N. Raman
Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Scopus/Wos
16. Classification of Dengue Serotypes Using Gini-index based Feature Selection and Rule Extraction from Natural Network P. Pandiselvam, T. Kathirvalavakumar Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Scopus Indexed
17. Customers' Satisfaction with Banking Codes and Standards Board of India's Information: A Study with Reference to Virudhunagar District S. Kumaresan
R. Neelamegam
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
18. Decreasing NPA Through Digitilization P. Geetha Research Explorer Other
19. Design of Gd2O3 nanorods: a challenging photocatalyst for the degradation of neurotoxicity chloramphenicol drug S. Dhanalakshmi
P. Senthil Kumar
S. Karuthapandian
V. Muthuraj
N. Prithivikumaran
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus/Wos
20. Digital India Implications in Education Sector R.K. Manju @ Mahalakshmi
J. Kamatchieswaran
Research Explorer Other
21. Economic Sustainability in Production Process by Manufacturing Industrial Units in Virudhunagar District P. Rajmohan
A.A. Magesan
Research Guru Online of Multidisciplinary Subjects UGC Approved Journal No 63726
22. Efficient photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin and bisphenol A under visible light using Gd2WO6 loaded ZnO / bentonite nanocomposite Selvakumar Karuppaiah
Raja Annamalai
Arunpandian Muthuraj
Stalindurai Kesavan
Rajasekaran Palani
Sami Ponnusamy
Nagarajan E.R
Swaminathan Meenakshisundaram
Applied Surface Science Scopus/Wos
23. Electrochemical cotinine sensing with a molecularly imprinted polymer on a graphene plantinum nanoparticle modified carbon electrode towards cigarette smoke exposure monitoring K. Parate
C. Karunakaran
J.C. Claussen
Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical Scopus/Wos
24. Expatiating biological excellence of aminoantipyrine derived novel metal complexes: Combined DNA interaction, antimicrobial, free radical scavenging studies and molecular docking simulations S. Syed Ali Fathima
R. Paulpandiyan
E.R. Nagarajan
Journal of Molecular Structure Scopus/Wos
25. Exploring the DNA interactions, FGF growth receptor interaction and biological screening of metal (II) complexes of NNN donor ligand derived from 2-(aminomethyl) benzimidazole G. Kumaravel
Ponya Utthra Ponnukalai
D. Mafhendiran
N. Raman
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Scopus/Wos
26. Fruitful fabrication of CDs on GO/g-C3N4 sheets layers: A carbon amalgamation for the remediation of carcinogenic pollutants K. Prakash
J. Vinoth Kumar
P. Latha
P. Senthilkumar
S. karuthapandian
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry Scopus/Wos
27. Hegemonic Masculinity in Shobhaa De's Second Thoughts J.J. Dony Preethi
M. Meena Devi
Research Journal of English An International Peer - Reviewed English Journal Other
28. Impact of pranayama practices on maximum oxygen consumption among working men and women of different age groups T. Murugesan International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences UGC Approved Journal No 49165
29. Influence of mono energetic gamma radiation on structural and electrical properties of TiO2 thin film coatedon p-type porous silicon P. Pandaram
B. Lawrence
N. Prithivikumaran
N. Jeyakumaran
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus/Wos
30. Integrating a Cultural Intelligence in Mulicultural Workforce in Chennai City R. Shobana Devi
P. Sundara Pandian
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
31. Measuring Service Quality in Madurai Division of Southern Railway Zone R. Neelamegam EPRA International Journal of Environmental Economics, Commerce and Educational Management Other
32. Performance of Cluster Analysis for Consumer Segmentation: A Study with reference to Virudhunagar Junction of Southern Railway R. Neelamegam College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
33. Personality Psychology in Margaret Atwood's Short Story Under Glass Y. Vidya International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities UGC Approved Journal No 43979
34. Preparation and Studies of Thin Films of Cu-doped GdSr2RuCu2O8 M. Subramani
T. Geetha Kumary
N. Radhikesh Raveendran
R. Rajaraman
R. Pandian
R.M. Sarguna
N. Jeyakumaran
Awadhesh Mani
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism Scopus/Wos
35. Racism in Nadine Gordimer's Burger's Daughter S. Subha College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
36. Recognition of Bangla Script Characters - A Comparative Study M. Karthigaiselvi
T. Kathirvalavakumar
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Scopus Indexed
37. Sol-gel assisted spin coated CdS/PS electrode based glucose Biosensor I. Rathinamala
N. Jeyakumaran
N. Prithivikumaran
Vacuum Scopus/Wos
38. Structural and Optical properties of ZnO/PS nano composite before and after Vacuum annealing treatment V. Lakshmipriya N.Prithivikumaran International Journal of ChemTech Research Scopus Indexed
39. Subswitching number of a graph M. Bhuvaneshwari Journal of Applied Science and Computations UGC Approved Journal No 41238
40. Superior visible light driven photocatalytic degradation of fluoroquinolone drug norfloxacin over novel NiWO4 nanorods anchored on g-C3N4 nonosheets S. Lakshmi Prabavathi
V. Muthuraj
Colloids and Surfaces A Scopus/Wos
41. Teaching Effectiveness of College Teachers in Relation to their Emotional Intelligence
K. Pushpa Veni
The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis Scopus/Wos
42. Teaching Effectiveness of Woman Teachers in Relation to their Emotional Intelligence P. Ramachandran
K. Pushpa Veni
A. Sebastin Mahimairaj
Shanlax International Journal UGC Approved Journal No 40729
43. The Radial Radio Number and the Clique Number of a Graph A. Selvam
M. Bhuvaneswari S. Vimalajenifer
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Scopus Indexed
44. The Voice of Ambiguity in Thomas Pynchon's V Y. Vidya College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
45. Vertex cut splitting graphs M. Bhuvaneshwari Journal of Applied Science and Computations UGC Approved Journal No 41238
46. Vision of Contemporary Multicultural London in Farrukh Dhondy's East End at Your Feet Y. Vidya Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
47. Acid Aggression againt woman: A Study of Namita Gokhale's The Book of Shadows Dr.J.Samuel Kirubahar & S.Subha Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
48. Zeolite nanorods decorated g-C3N4 nanosheets: A novel platform for the photodegradaton of hazardous water contaminants K. Prakash
S. karuthapandian
S. Senthilkumar
Materials Chemistry and Physics Scopus/Wos
49. A Study on Creating a Business Model in Online Banking with Customer Co-creation C. Revathi R.Neelamegam College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
50. A Study on Investors' Attitude towards Effect of Corporate Announcements C. Rajalakshmi R. Neelamegam College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
51. Competence of Academic Administrators Virudhunagar District in Identifying Emotions: A Delineation R. Shobana Devi
P. Sundara Pandian
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
52. Customer Satisfaction towards Supermarkets in Rajapalayam P.K. Pandiyaraj A.A. Magesan College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
53. Fingerprint Recognition using fewer GLCM Features and Artificial Neural Network Y. Vincy
T. Kathirvalavakumar
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
54. Information Access Behavior of Social Science Researchers in Affiliated colleges in Virudhunagar District G. Amudha
P. Karuppasamy
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
55. MGNREGS A Facilitator for Rural Development in Tamilnadu M. Suresh
P. Sundara Pandian
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
56. Molecular docking studies of mixed ligand complexes using flavonoids as precursors J. Porkodi
N. Raman
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
57. Neighbourhood contraction of some irregular graphs M. Bhuvaneshwari International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering and Science UGC Approved Journal No 47719
58. Social Meida and its Impact on Arts and Science College Students in Virudhunagar District P. Rajmohan
A.A. Magesan
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
59. Studies on TiO2 thin film deposited by spray pyrolysis technique for sensing Glucose A. Mathi Vathani
S. Dhanalakshmi
J. Pandiarajan
N. jeyakumaran
N. Prithivikumaran
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
60. Study of the Ctotoxicity Effect of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) Complexes Incorporating Indole Derived N, O Bi-dentate Ligand on Cancer Cell Lines MCF-7, Help G2 and NHDF A. Arunadevi
N. Raman
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
61. Synthesis and Characterization Studies of CdS Nanoparticles R. Shiyamala Devi T. Sheela Priya I. Rathinamala N. Prithivikumaran College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
62. Synthesis and electrochemical analysis of TiO2 thin film prepared by spray pyrolysis technique A. Mathi Vathani
S. Dhanalakshmi
J. Pandiarajan
N. Jeyakumaran
N. Prithivikumaran
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Scopus Indexed
63. Construction of heterostructure CoWO4/g-C3N4 nanocomposite as an efficient visible-light photocatalyst for norfloxacin degradation Prabavathi S.L., Govindan K., Saravanakumar K., Jang A., Muthuraj V. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Scopus Indexed
64. Gold vs Gold Exchange Traded Funds: An Empirical Study in India Sathish Kumar B., Ram Raj G. Economic Affairs (New Delhi) Scopus Indexed
65. Non-linear structural and surface morphological modifications due to gamma irradiation in p-type porous silicon Pandaram P., Saranya A., Jothi S., Lawrence B., Prithivikumaran N., Jeyakumaran N. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Scopus Indexed
66. 1D/2D MnWO4 nanorods anchored on g-C3N4 nanosheets for enhanced photocatalytic degradation ofloxacin under visible light irradiation S. L.P., Saravanakumar K., Mamba G., Muthuraj V. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Scopus Indexed
67. Graphene quantum dot-based nanostructures for water treatment Mamba G., Moss L., Gangashe G., Thakur S., Muthuraj V., Vadivel S., Vilakati G.D., Nkambule T.T.I. Carbon Nanomaterials for Agri-food and Environmental Applications Scopus Indexed
68. Facile synthesis, vibrational, optical and improved luminescence properties analysis of Ca2KZn2V3O12 phosphor Jeyakumaran T., Venkatesh Bharathi N., Sriramachandran P., Shanmugavel R., Ramaswamy S. Materials Research Express Scopus/Wos
69. Green synthesis of naphtho[2,3-f]quinolin-13-one and naphtho[2,3-a]acridin-1(2H)-one derivatives catalyzed by heteropoly acid supported montmorillonite K-10 clay Kumaresan M., Karthika V., Selvakumar K., Sami P. Synthetic Communications Scopus/Wos
70. Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Effective Utilization in Fabricating Functional Surface for Antibacterial Activity Against Multi-Drug Resistant Proteus mirabilis Maniraj A., Kannan M., Rajarathinam K., Vivekanandhan S., Muthuramkumar S. Journal of Cluster Science Scopus/Wos
71. In Situ Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Performance of Polypyrrole Polymer-Incorporated Ag2MoO4 Nanocomposite for Detection and Degradation of Environmental Pollutants and Pharmaceutical Drugs Abinaya M., Rajakumaran R., Chen S.-M., Karthik R., Muthuraj V. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Scopus/Wos
72. Hydrothermal synthesis, characterization and seed germination effects of green-emitting graphene oxide-carbon dot composite using brown macroalgal bio-oil as precursor Sankaranarayanan S., Vishnukumar P., Hariram M., Vivekanandhan S., Camus C., Buschmann A.H., Navia R. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Scopus/Wos
73. Physical properties of rare earth metal (Gd3+) doped SnO2 thin films prepared by simplified spray pyrolysis technique using nebulizer S. P., J. R.M., K. D.A.K., P.S. S.K., S. P., L. A. Optik Scopus/Wos
74. Fabrication, spectral characterization, XRD and SEM studies on some organic acids doped polyaniline thin films on glass substrate Reka Devi M., Saranya A., Pandiarajan J., Dharmaraja J., Prithivikumaran N., Jeyakumaran N. Journal of King Saud University - Science Scopus/Wos
75. Rational design and facile synthesis of binary metal sulfides VS2-SnS2 hybrid with functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube for the selective detection of neurotransmitter dopamine Sakthivel R., Kubendhiran S., Chen S.-M., Kumar J.V. Analytica Chimica Acta Scopus/Wos
76. Tecoma stans flower extract assisted biogenic synthesis of functional Ag-Talc nanostructures for antimicrobial applications Hariram M., Vivekanandhan S., Ganesan V., Muthuramkumar S., Rodriguez-uribe A., Mohanty A.K., Misra M. Bioresource Technology Reports Scopus Indexed
77. Design of novel solar-light driven sponge-like Fe2V4O13 photocatalyst: A unique platform for the photoreduction of carcinogenic hexavalent chromium Marikkani S., Kumar J.V., Muthuraj V. Solar Energy Scopus Indexed
78. A novel n-CeO2/n-CdO heterojunction nanocomposite for enhanced photodegradation of organic pollutants under visible light irradiation Saravanakumar K., Muthupoongodi S., Muthuraj V. Journal of Rare Earths Scopus/Wos
79. Influence of Carrier Gas Pressure on the Physical Properties of CdO Thin Films Anitha M., Tamilnayagam V., Anitha N., Devendhiran T., Kumarasamy K., Thangaraj V., Devendhiran K., Amalraj L. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Scopus/Wos
80. Combustion Process Using Plant-Based Fuels for the Synthesis of Metal- Oxide Nanostructures Vivekanandhan S. ChemistrySelect Scopus/Wos
81. Quantum chemical studies and spectroscopic investigations on 22-amino-3-methyl-5-nitropyridine by density functional theory Sivaprakash S., Prakash S., Mohan S., Jose S.P. Heliyon Scopus/Wos
82. Synthesis of coumarin derivatives and its Ru(II) complexes encompassing pyrazole ring as a potent antidiabetic agents – A biochemical perspective Umadevi M., Muthuraj V., Vanajothi R. Inorganica Chimica Acta Scopus/Wos
83. Neem (Azadirachta indica) gum assisted sol–gel synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles for photocatalytic application Suganya S., Vivekanandhan S. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society Scopus/Wos
84. Non split hop domination number for some mirror graphs and cartesian product of two distinct paths Mahadevan G., Vijayalakshmi V., Avadayappan S. Journal of Analysis Scopus Indexed
85. Influence of fluorine doped CdO thin films by an simplified spray pyrolysis technique using nebulizer Anitha M., Saravanakumar K., Anitha N., Amalraj L. Optical and Quantum Electronics Scopus/Wos
86. Ultrasonication-assisted synthesis of sphere-like strontium cerate nanoparticles (SrCeO3 NPs) for the selective electrochemical detection of calcium channel antagonists nifedipine Sundaresan P., Karthik R., Chen S.-M., Vinoth Kumar J., Muthuraj V., Nagarajan E.R. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Scopus/Wos
87. Photocatalytic degradation of environmental perilous gentian violet dye using leucaena-mediated zinc oxide nanoparticle and its anticancer activity Kanagamani K., Muthukrishnan P., Saravanakumar K., Shankar K., Kathiresan A. Rare Metals Scopus/Wos
88. Influence of annealing temperature on physical properties of Sn-doped CdO thin films by nebulized spray pyrolysis technique Anitha M., Saravanakumar K., Anitha N., Kulandaisamy I., Amalraj L. Materials Science and Engineering: B Scopus/Wos
89. A Detailed Investigation of Certain Electronic Transitions of the BaD Molecule for Astrophysical Applications Shanmugapriya G., Karthikeyan B., Rajamanickam N., El-Kork N. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy Scopus/Wos
90. One point compactification of generalized topological spaces Chinnaraman G., Ramachandran M.J. Afrika Matematika Scopus Indexed
91. Effect of molar concentration on physical properties of spraydeposited SnO 2 thin films using nebulizer Palanichamy S., Mohamed J.R., Kumar K.D.A., Anitha M., Pandiarajan S., Amalraj L. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Scopus/Wos
92. Best Practices in Arts and Science College Libraries in Dindigul District Karuppasamy P., Manohari S., Amudha G. Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services Scopus Indexed
93. Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from De-oiled Rhizomes of Curcuma longa L. and Its Biomedical Potential Ganesan S., Mehalingam P., Selvam G.S. Springer Proceedings in Materials Scopus Indexed
94. Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of nanostructured dysprosium molybdate catalyst for selective biomolecule detection in biological and pharmaceutical samples Karthik R., Mutharani B., Chen S.-M., Vinoth Kumar J., Abinaya M., Chen T.-W., Lei W., Hao Q. Journal of Materials Chemistry B Scopus/Wos
95. Designing novel perovskite-type strontium stannate (SrSnO3) and its potential as an electrode material for the enhanced sensing of anti-inflammatory drug mesalamine in biological samples Muthukutty B., Karthik R., Chen S.-M., Abinaya M. New Journal of Chemistry Scopus/Wos
96. Protein sequence in classifying dengue serotypes Pandiyarajan P., Thangairulappan K. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Scopus Indexed
97. Revitalization of Villages to Smart Villages - A March towards a Green Economy J. Jayalakshmi The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model UGC CARE listed Group I Journal
# Title of the Paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Category Link
1. 3D Flower-like Gadolinium Molybdate Catalyst for Efficient Detection and Degradation of Organophosphate Pesticide (Fenitrothion) J. Vinothkumar
R. Karthik
Shen-Ming Chen
K. Natarajan
C. Karuppiah
Chun-Chen Yang
V. Muthuraj
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Scopus/Wos
2. A note on support neighbourly irregular graphs A. Selvam
M. Bhuvaneshwari
3. A Study on Consumer Attitudes towards Amway Products at Aruppukottai B. Pavalakumar, L. Joshua Paul Moses Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary UGC Approved Journal No 44945
4. A Study on Employees' Stress Towards Organizational Culture in Private Hospital at Rajapalayam C. Suratha, G. Murugesan Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Approved Journal No 63975
5. An Analytical Study on Psychological Distress among Elder Persons in Virudhunagar Block P. Bharathi Universal Review UGC Approved Journal No 40972
6. Beta Glucan Synthesis and Mycochemicals Screening of Lycoperdon Perlatum Collected From Sayalgudi, Southern Tamilnadu, India P. Punitharaj
S. Venkatesan
M. Kannan
G. Manivannan
J. Mugil
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Approved Journal No 63975
7. Biogenic fabrication of gold nanoparticles using Camellia japonica L. leaf extract and its biological evaluation Tata Sanjay Kanna Sharma
K. Selvakumar
Kuo Yuan Hwa
P. Sami
M. Kumaresan
Journal of Materials Research and Technology Scopus/Wos
8. Cellulase and Xylanase Production by Pleurotus sp. On Mixed Substrate System G. Premkumar
S. Muthuramkumar
M. Kannan
G. Varatharaju
K. Rajarathinam
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Other
9. Classification of Dengue Serotypes Using Protein Sequence Based on rule Extraction from Natural Network P. Pandiselvam, T. Kathirvalavakumar Lecture Notes in Computer Science Scopus Indexed
10. Combined Larvicidal and Pupicidal Action of Coriandrum sativum, Piper nigrum and Synthetic Insecticide Cypermethrin Against the Dengue Fever Mosquito, Aedes Aegypti L. A. Noortheen
B. Govindarajan
C. Brabavathi
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Other
11. Composites from renewable and sustainable resources: Challenges and innovations Amar K. Mohanty, Singaravelu Vivekanandhan, Jean-Mathieu Pin, Manjusri Misra Mohanty et al., Science Scopus/Wos
12. Customer Satisfaction on Service Quality in Indian Railway with Reference to Virudhunagar. M. Anantha lakshmi, G. Murugesan Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Approved Journal No 63975
13. Design and synthesis of bandgap tailored porous Ag/NiO nanocomposite: an effective visible light active photocatalyst for degradation of organic pollutants K. Saravanakumar
V. Muthuraj
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus/Wos
14. Design of Novel Ytterbium Molybdate Nanoflakes Anchored Carbon Nanofibers: Challenging Sustainable Catalyst for the Detection and Degradation of Assassination Weapon (Paraoxon-Ethyl) R. Karthik
J. Vinothkumar
Shen-Ming Chen
T. Kokulnathan
Han-Yu Yang
V. Muthuraj
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Scopus/Wos
15. Development of novel 3D flower-like praseodymium molybdate decorated reduced graphene oxide: An efficient and selective electrocatalyst for the detection of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor methyl parathion R. Karthik
J. Vinothkumar
Shen-Ming Chen
T. Kokulnathan
Tse-Wei Chen
S. Sakthinathan
Te-Wei Chiu
V. Muthuraj
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Scopus/Wos
16. Diasporic Sensibility in Asif Currimbhoy's "Darjeeling Tea" A.K. Muthusamy
K. Rajkumar
International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities UGC Approved Journal No 43979
17. Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy: A Roadmap to Economic Development of India Rukmini Murugesan, Dr. V. Manohar Shanlax International Journal of Commerce Other
18. Environmental Sustainability by Manufacturing Industrial Units in Virudhunagar District P. Rajmohan
A.A. Magesan
International Journal of Management and Social Sciences (IJMSS) UGC Approved Journal No 63251
19. Ethnomedicinal Use of Pteridophyte From Courtallum Hills, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India N. Nirmal Kumar World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Other
20. Fabrication of novel surface plasmon resonance induced visible light driven iridium decorated SnO2 nanorods for degradation of organic contaminants M. Dhanalakshmi
M. Saravanakumar
S. Lakshmi Prabavathi
M. Abinaya
V. Muthuraj
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Scopus/Wos
21. Facile fabrication of visible light-driven ceO2 / PMMA thin film photacatalyst for degradation of CR and MO dyes P. Latha
K. Prakash
S. karuthapandian
Research on Chemical Intermediates Scopus/Wos
22. Financial Literacy at Household Level among Women in Vizianagaram Town Rukmini Murugesan
V. Manohar
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews UGC Approved Journal [No:43602(19)]
23. Heavy Metal Analysis of Oreochromis Mossambicus using Atomic Adsorption Spectroscopy D. Kumar
M. Jamunarani
N. Nagarajan
International Journal of Current Science Research Other
24. In silico and in vitro studies of transition metal complexes derived from curcumin-isoniazid Schiff base J. Porkodi
A. Arunadevi
N. Raman
Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics Scopus/Wos
25. Literature and Morality in the select Works of Anne Tyler and George Orwell Y. Vidya Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science, Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
26. Marriage and Family in Shobha De's Second Thoughts - A Social Perspective L. Anushya Devi Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science, Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
27. Molecular dynamics simulation approach to explore atomistic molecular mechanism of peroxidase activity of apoptotic cytochrome c mutants G. Muneeswaran
C. Karunakaran
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked Scopus/Wos
28. Morpho-Anatomical, Histochemical, Physico-Chemical and Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis on Annona muricata L. Seeds S. Uma Alias Subbulakshmi
Ravi Shankar
P. Mehalingam
N. Nirmal Kumar
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Other
29. Non-isolated resolving number for some splitting graphs A. Selvam
M. Bhuvaneshwari
International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics Other
30. Paddle wheel manganese carboxylate metal organic frame work as a host for hydrophilic molecules A. Elangovan
M. Umadevi
V. Muthuraj
Journal of Molecular Structure Scopus/Wos
31. Passionate Preference and Purchase Behaviour of Pasteurized Milk products in Virudhunagar District M. Balaji Shanlax International Journal of Commerce Other
32. Predictive Analysis of the Factors that Influence Customers' Preference for Online Platforms While Buying Insurance Policy A. Indira, R. Neelamegam International Journal of Management and Social Sciences (IJMSS) UGC Approved Journal No 63251
33. Probing of effective pyrazolone based metallonucleases: Molecular docking and in vitro biological critiques A. Arunadevi
R. Paulpandiyan
N. Raman
Applied Organometallic Chemistry Scopus/Wos
34. Probing the potency of triazole tethered Schiff base complexes and the effect of substituents on their biological attributes Ponya Utthra Ponnukalai
N. Raman
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Scopus/Wos
35. Radial Radio Sequence of a graph A. Selvam
M. Bhuvaneshwari
International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics Other
36. Rational construction of novel rose petals-like yttrium molybdate nanosheets: A Janus catalyst for the detection and degradation of cardioselective B-blocker agent acebutolol Tse-Wei Chen
J. Vinoth Kumar
Shen-Ming Chen
B. Mutharani
R. Karthik
E.R. Nagarajan
V. Muthuraj
Chemical Engineering Journal Scopus/Wos
37. Recent trends in electrochemical biosensor of superoxide dismutases M. Balamurugan
P. Santharaman
T. Madasamy
S. Rajesh
N.K. Sethy
B. Kalpana
S. Kotamraju
C. Karunakaran
Biosensors and Bioelectronics Scopus/Wos
38. Rose - Coloured Glasses as the Legacy and a Beacon Light in Danielle Steel's Winners Y. Vidya Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
39. Shifting Identities in Nadine Grdimer's the Pickup A. Mohanraj
A.K. Muthusamy
International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities UGC Approved Journal No 43979
40. Simple sonochemical synthesis of novel grass-like vanadium disulfide: A viable non-enzymatic electrochemical sensor for the detection of hydrogen peroxide R. Karthik
J. Vinothkumar
Shen-Ming Chen
P. Sundaresan
B. Mutharani
Yu Chi Chen
V. Muthuraj
Ultrasonic - Sonochemistry Scopus/Wos
41. Study of Transition Metal Ddoped ZnO Nanostructures V. Lakshmi Priya
N. Prithivikumaran
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Other
42. Support Independence in Graphs S. Rajeev Gandhi International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology Other
43. Synthesis and Characterization of 1D-MoO3 Nanorods Using Abutilon indicum Extract for the Photoreduction of Hexavalent Chromium M. Abinaya
K. Saravanakumar
E. Jeyabharathi
V. Muthuraj
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Scopus/Wos
44. Temperature dependent conformational dynamics of cytochrome c: Implications in apoptosis G. Muneeswaran
S. Kartheeswaran
K. Muthukumar
C. Karunakaran
J. Molecular Graphics and Modelling Scopus/Wos
45. The Othering in Yoginder Sikand's Beyond the Border M. Meena Devi Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science Peer Reviewed Journal [No:44274]
46. Theoretical screening and selection of functional monomers for molecular imprinted electropolymer as sensor for glutamate M. Karthikeyan
R. Rajkumar
M. Dhinesh Kumar
M. Balamurugan
K. Muthukumar
C. Karunakaran
Sensor Lett. Scopus/Wos
47. Utilization of digital resources by the postgraduate students of Zoology in VHNSN College, Virudhunagar, India B. Govindarajan
D. Samson Edward
A. Noortheen
M. Nanthini
International Journal of Business and Economics Research Other
48. Utilization of Electronic Resources and its Impact: A Study of National College of Engineering Library Users M.S. Mohamed Mohideen
G. Amudha
Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science UGC Approved Journal No 49241
49. Versatile, metal free and temperature-controlled g-C3N4 as a highly efficient and robust photocatalyst for the degradation of organic pollutants K. Prakash
P. Senthilkumar
S. Pandiaraj
S. karuthapandian
Research on Chemical Intermediates Scopus/Wos
50. Work Life Balance among Employees in Private Sector Banks with special Reference to Virudhunagar District. D. Radha, G. Murugesan Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Approved Journal No 63975
51. Antibacterial Activity of Commercial Antibiotics and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Against Selected UTI Pathogens - A Comparative Study M. Narmatha Selvakumari
J. Shifa Vanmathi
M. Kannan
L. Jeyaprabha
K. Chairman
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts UGC Approved Journal No 49023
52. Antibacterial Studies of Copper Complex Derived From Isoniazid Schiff Bases J. Porkodi
S. Vellaithai
N. Raman
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
53. Consumers Satisfaction towards Electronic Goods in Virudhunagar District M. Suresh
P. Sundara Pandian
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
54. Effectiveness of Civil Service Delivery System in e-Governance Centres at Kovilpatti and its Environs K. Pushpa Veni International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Approved Journal No 63975
55. Emotional Intelligence and Marital Satisfaction of Law Enforcement Officers and Others in Virudhunagar District ? A Comparative Study R. Shobana Devi
P. Sundara Pandian
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
56. Exploration on DNA binding ability of heteroleptic ligand metal complexes: Synthesis and characterization V. Anandha Kumar
R. Asokarajan
R. Paulpandiyan
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
57. Factors Influencing Customer Retention in Kanchipuram Hotel Industry K. Sridevi
P. Sundara Pandian
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
58. Food and Literature Across the Ages A. Parthiban International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities UGC Approved Journal No 43979
59. Growth and Performance of Micro Small Medium Enterprises in Virudhunagar District P. Rajmohan
A.A. Magesan
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
60. Health Risk Behaviour among College Students in Virudhunagar - An Analytical Study P. Bharathi Universal Review UGC Approved Journal No 40972
61. Impact of Annealing Time on Structural and Optical Properties of TiO2 Thin Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis Technique A. Mathi Vathani
A. Saranya
J. Pandiarajan
N. Prithivikumaran
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
62. Money and Marriage in Edith Wharton?s The House of Mirth J. Saravana Kumar
A.K. Muthusamy
College Sadhana - Journal for Bloomers of Research Peer Reviewed Journal
63. Synthesis and Antimicrobial Investigation of Transition Metal Complexes Having Tryptophan M. Nazeer
N. Raman
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64. Work Life Balance in the Context of Time Management S. Muthulakshmi
P. Sundara Pandian
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65. Phytochemical Process for the Functionalization of Materials with Metal Nanoparticles: Current Trends and Future Perspectives Hariram M., Vivekanandhan S. ChemistrySelect Scopus/Wos
66. Novel ginger-like morphology of barium molybdate: A promising electrocatalyst for the detection of neurotransmitter dopamine Sundaresan P., Chen Y.C., Chen S.-M., Chen T.-W., Latha P., Lou B.-S. International Journal of Electrochemical Science Scopus/Wos
67. Biochar supercapacitors: Recent developments in the materials and methods Vivekanandhan S. Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials: Applications Scopus Indexed
68. Synthesis of WO3 nanorods and their photocatalytic degradation of organic contaminants Jeyapaul T., Prakash K., Harikengaram S., Chellamani A., Selvam V. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry Scopus Indexed
69. Volume of precursor solution effect on the properties of SnO2 thin films prepared by nebulized spray pyrolysis technique Palanichamy S., Raj Mohamed J., Satheesh Kumar P.S., Pandiarajan S., Amalraj L. Optical and Quantum Electronics Scopus/Wos
70. Physical properties of nebulized spray pyrolysised SnO2 thin films at different substrate temperature Palanichamy S., Mohamed J.R., Kumar P.S.S., Pandiarajan S., Amalraj L. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Scopus/Wos
71. Design of novel 3D flower-like neodymium molybdate: An efficient and challenging catalyst for sensing and destroying pulmonary toxicity antibiotic drug nitrofurantoin Vinoth Kumar J., Karthik R., Chen S.-M., Chen K.-H., Sakthinathan S., Muthuraj V., Chiu T.-W. Chemical Engineering Journal Scopus/Wos
72. Effect of Zn doping on structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of nebulized spray-deposited CdO thin films Anitha M., Anitha N., Saravanakumar K., Kulandaisamy I., Amalraj L. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Scopus/Wos
73. Fabrication of antimony doped tin disulfide thin films by an inexpensive, modified spray pyrolysis technique using nebulizer Anitha N., Anitha M., Saravanakumar K., Valanarasu S., Amalraj L. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Scopus/Wos
74. Electrochemical Immunobiosensors for Point-of-Care Detection of Hypoxia Biomarkers Karunakaran C., Santharaman P., Balamurugan M., Singh S.K., Claussen J.C. Management of High Altitude Pathophysiology Scopus Indexed
75. Influence of substrate temperature on the physical properties of SnS2 thin films prepared using nebulized spray pyrolysis technique Anitha N., Anitha M., Raj Mohamed J., Valanarasu S., Amalraj L. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Scopus/Wos
76. Influence of a novel co-doping (Zn?+?F) on the physical properties of nano structured (1?1?1) oriented CdO thin films applicable for window layer of solar cell Anitha M., Saravanakumar K., Anitha N., Amalraj L. Applied Surface Science Scopus/Wos
77. Recent advances and emerging opportunities in phytochemical synthesis of ZnO nanostructures Vishnukumar P., Vivekanandhan S., Misra M., Mohanty A.K. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Scopus/Wos
78. Effect of substrates on the structural, morphological, and optical properties of sprayed CdO thin films using nebulizer Anitha M., Anitha N., Kulandaisamy I., Amalraj L. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology Scopus/Wos
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81. Influence of tin precursor concentration on physical properties of nebulized spray deposited tin disulfide thin films Anitha N., Anitha M., Raj Mohamed J., Valanarasu S., Amalraj L. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies Scopus/Wos
82. Studies on optical and electrical properties of green synthesized TiO2@Ag core-shell nanocomposite material Ganapathy M., Senthilkumar N., Vimalan M., Jeysekaran R., Potheher I.V. Materials Research Express Scopus/Wos
83. A novel sulphur decorated 1-D MoO3 nanorods: Facile synthesis and high performance for photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium Prabavathi S.L., Kumar P.S., Saravanakumar K., Muthuraj V., Karuthapandian S. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Scopus/Wos
84. Exploiting the biological efficacy of benzimidazole based Schiff base complexes with L-Histidine as a co-ligand: Combined molecular docking, DNA interaction, antimicrobial and cytotoxic studies Kumaravel G., Ponya Utthra P., Raman N. Bioorganic Chemistry Scopus/Wos
85. Biological contour, molecular docking and antiproliferative studies of DNA targeted histidine based transition metal(II) complexes: Invention and its depiction Arunadevi A., Raman N. Applied Organometallic Chemistry Scopus/Wos
86. Highly selective electrochemical detection of antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine in drug and human urine samples based on peas-like strontium molybdate as an electrocatalyst Kumar J.V., Karthik R., Chen S.-M., Kokulnathan T., Sakthinathan S., Muthuraj V., Chiu T.-W., Chen T.-W. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Scopus/Wos
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89. Synthesis, characterization and biological screening studies of mixed ligand complexes using flavonoids as precursors Porkodi J., Raman N. Applied Organometallic Chemistry Scopus/Wos
90. DNA fastening and scission actions of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes: synthesis, spectral characterization and cytotoxic study Kumaravel G., Utthra P.P., Raman N. Applied Organometallic Chemistry Scopus/Wos
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92. The design of novel visible light driven Ag/CdO as smart nanocomposite for photodegradation of different dye contaminants Saravanakumar K., Muthuraj V., Jeyaraj M. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Scopus/Wos
93. 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Karunakaran C., Santharaman P., Balamurugan M. Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Principles and applications Scopus Indexed
94. Applications of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Karunakaran C., Balamurugan M., Karthikeyan M. Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Principles and applications Scopus Indexed
95. Spin resonance spectroscopy: Principles and applications Karunakaran C. Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Principles and applications Scopus Indexed
96. Advances in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Karunakaran C., Balamurugan M. Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Principles and applications Scopus Indexed
97. Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Karunakaran C., Rajkumar R., Balamurugan M. Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Principles and applications Scopus Indexed
98. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Karunakaran C., Balamurugan M. Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Principles and applications Scopus Indexed
99. Preface Karunakaran C. Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications Scopus Indexed
100. Biogenic approaches for SiO2 nanostructures: Exploring the sustainable platform of nanofabrication Hariram M., Vishnukumar P., Vivekanandhan S. Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials: Volume 1: Processing and Characterization Scopus Indexed
101. Investigation of A-X band system of astrophysically significant molecule BS Balasubramanian K., Ganesan S., Narayanan R. Journal of Physical Science Scopus Indexed
102. Classification of Dengue Gene Expression Using Entropy-Based Feature Selection and Pruning on Neural Network Pandiyarajan P., Thangairulappan K. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Scopus Indexed
103. Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Steerable Filter in Wavelet Domain Jeyalakshmi K.S., Kathirvalavakumar T. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Scopus Indexed
104. Design and Fabrication of a Novel Metal-Free SiO2/g-C3N4 Nanocomposite: A Robust Photocatalyst for the Degradation of Organic Contaminants Prakash K., Kumar P.S., Latha P., Saravanakumar K., Karuthapandian S. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Scopus/Wos
105. Synthesis of innovative biochemical active mixed ligand metal(II) complexes with thiazole containing Schiff base: In vitro antimicrobial profile Raman N., Chandrasekar T., Kumaravel G., Mitu L. Applied Organometallic Chemistry Scopus/Wos