Department of PG History
Programme Specific Outcomes
M.A History
1.PSO1Learn and understand history with the ability to know the different historical times of world and acquire knowledge of culture, events, facts, terminologies, conventions and methodology.
2.PSO2Expand their vision to recognize the diversity of human experience in ethnicity, caste, class, religion, sex and make them work towards Universal Brotherhood.
3.PSO3Gain the essential skills for their chosen career.
4.PSO4Acquire the knowledge of world cultures and their interconnections with multicultural sensitivity.
5.PSO5Recognize and evaluate the achievements of humankind in history and the progress of ideas.
6.PSO6Develop practical skills which help in the study and understanding of historical events.
7.PSO7Instill the sense of patriotism in the hearts of the pupils.
8.PSO8Analyze how the relationship between the past and the present is vividly presented in history.
9.PSO9Evaluate and recognize the values of History.
10.PSO10Equip themselves to appear for Competitive Examinations.

1.M.A. History - I Year
2.M.A. History - II Year

Common Courses
1.Part I Tamil - I Year
2.Part I Tamil - II Year
3.Part II English - I Year
4.Part II English - II Year
5.Part IV Employability Skills (English) - I Year
6.Part IV Employability Skills (Tamil) - I Year
7.Part IV Value Education (Tamil) - I Year
8.Part IV Value Education (English) - I Year
9.Part IV Environmental Studies (Tamil) - I Year
10.Part IV Environmental Studies (English) - I Year
11.Part IV Environmental Studies (Tamil) - I Year
Programmes offered..
S.NoProgrammeCommencement Year
1.M.A. History2004
Experienced Faculty Team
DP Dr. M. Jeenadas

Head & Assistant Professor

DP Mr. G. Mari Selvam

Assistant Professor

Department of PG History organised a Course on "History for Competitive Examinations" for all UG and PG students.
Elite Forum activites in Stamp Collection, Coin Collection, Drawing, Painting, Embrodiery, Doll Making, Photography, Mimicry, Singing, Dancing, karate, Yoga, Tamil Elocution, English Elocution, Silambam etc.
UG Association / PG Society Activities