Tree Details

Phyllanthus emblica L.
நெல்லி, முழுநெல்லி
Tree, up to 12 m tall
Africa, Asia
Habit: Tree, up to 12 m tall.
Leaves:Leaves alternate, oblong, 1 - 1.6 x 3.5 - 04 ,
obliquely rounded at base, entire at margin, obtuse at
apex, glabrous, glaucous beneath; 6-pairs beneath;
petiole 0.7 mm long. Stipules deciduous.
Flower: Flowers ca. 2.5 mm across, greenish, solitary,
axillary. Male flowers peduncle filiform, 03 mm long;
tepals 6, oblong, 2.5 mm long, connate. Stamens 3;
filament short; anther oblong, 01 mm long. Disk of
glands 6.
Fruit: Ovaryglobose, 1.5 mm across; 3-loculed; ovules
6; style 3, imbricate, 4.5 mm long; stigma sessile.
Capsules depressed, globose, ca. 3 cm across
Seeds:Seeds 6, trigonous
Mar. - June
Phenolic compounds, tannins, phyllembelic acid, phyllembelin, rutin, curcum-inoids, and emblicol.
Immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, and anticancer
Throughout the campus