Tree Details

Mimusops elengi L.
Spanish cherry
Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the America.
Habit: Tree, up to 10 m tall; bark dark grey.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, ovate, 3.5 - 5 x 2.5 - 4 ,
cuneate at base, entire, undulate at margin, acuteacuminate

at apex, glabrous; ca. 8 - 10-pairs; petiole 2
cm long.
Flower: Flowers ca. 1.5 cm across, cream, solitary,
axillary, fascicles. Calyx-lobe 6, lanceolate, tomentose.
Corolla 24-lobe, tube short in 2 series. Stamens 8;
filament 02 mm long, tomentose; anther narrowly
Fruit: Ovary globose, 04 mm long, villous; 6 - 8loculed;

ovules1 per cell; style slender, 05 mm long;
stigma fimbriate. Berries ovoid, 3 cm long, orange,
Mar. - June.
β-amyrin,taraxerone, taraxerol, α-spinasterol, sodium ursolate and betulinic acid
Gastroprotective, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anticariogenic, Free radical scavenging, Antihyperglycemic
Botanical garden