Tree Details
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Azadirachta indica A. Juss. | |
Meliaceae | |
Limbdo, Neem, Margosa | |
வேப்ப மரம் | |
Tree | |
Everywhere | |
Habit:A tall tree Leaves: Alternate, exstipulate, compound, imparipinnate; 7 - 15 shortly stalked pinnae are lanceolate, oblique, serrate, acuminate, unicostate Stem: The bark is dark greyish on the outside and reddishbrown inside, and has numerous oblique furrows. Inflorescence : Axillary panicle Flower: Bracteate, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, complete, hypogynous, scented, disciferous Calyx: 5 sepals, gamosepalous, light green, valvate Corolla:5 petals, polypetalous, imbricate Androecium : 10, or 8 - 12 monadelphous, filaments unite to form a staminal tube seated at the base of annular disc Gynoecium :tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior, trilocular, two ovules in each locule, axile placenta Fruit: Drupe Seeds: Fruit one - seeded. | |
February - June, March - August | |
azadirachtin and the others are nimbolinin, nimbin, nimbidin, nimbidol, sodium nimbinate, gedunin, | |
antifungal and antibacterial properties which help eliminate dandruff and strengths your hair. | |
Throughout the Campus |