Tree Details

Limonia acidissima L.
Wood Apple
விளா, விளாங்கை
Tree, up to 8 m tall
Tropical Africa, Asia and Australia
Habit: Tree, up to 8 m tall; bark blackish.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets
opposite, 2 - 4-pairs, elliptic-oblong to obovate, cuneateat base, minutely crenate at margin, obtuse-retuse at
apex, glabrous; 4 - 6-pairs, Panicles axillary.
Flower: Flowers cream yellow. Calyx-lobe 5, connate,
small, ciliate at margin. Petals 5, lanceolate, shortlyapiculate at apex. Annuals disk hairy. Stamens 10;filament, anther oblong, purple.
Fruit: Ovary ovoid-globose, glabrous; 5 - 6-loculed;
ovules many; style ellipsoid, thick, stigma shortly lobed.
Berries broadly globose.
Seeds: Seeds many, oblong, compressed.
Jan. - April.
Carbohydrates, Proteins, beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, thiamine, and riboflavin.
Indigestion, Flatulence, Diarrhoea, Dysentery
Entrance of girls hostel