Tree Details

Leucaena leucocephala (L.) Gills
Wild Tamarind
சவுண்டில், ஜூண்டில்
Shrub or tree, up to 8 m tall
Tropical Africa, Asia and Australia
Habit: Shrub or tree, up to 8 m tall.
Leaves:Leaves bipinnatly compound; leaflets opposite,
10 - 17-pairs, linear-oblong, 07 - 1.7 x 02 - 04 mm,
oblique at base, entire at margin, obtuse at apex,
glabrous; 1-nerved; petiole sessile; rachis 15 - 20 long.
Panicles terminal, up to 17 cm long.
Flower: Flowers ca. 04 mm across, white; peduncle
head, 1.5 cm across. Calyx 5-lobed, free, spatualte, 1 cm
long, pilose beneath. Stamens 10, exserted; filament
filiform, ca. 2 cm across; anther ovoid.
Fruit: Ovary stalked, pubescent; 1-loculed; ovules
many; style filiform, 2.5 mm long; stigma minute. Pod
flat, striate up to 12.5 cm long; seeds ovate, 05 mm long,
Hydrocyanic acid, Leucaenine, Mimosine
Wounds and swelling, imsomia, Improve sex drive
Throughout the campus