Tree Details

Annona squamosa L.
Sitaphal, Custard Apple , Sharifa ,Sugar Apple,
சீத்தா மரம்
Caribbean, Central America & Northeastern S. America
Habit: A small tree
Leaves: Simple, alternate, exstipulate, oblanceolate,
entire, obtuse.
Flower: Bracteate, complete, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, trimerous, hypogynous.

Stamens numerous,arranged spirally over a conical receptacle, filaments short, anthers appendaged.
polycarpellary, apocarpous, superior, spirally
arranged, one ovule in each carpel, basal
placentation, style short, stigma tapering and
Calyx: Calyx made up of 3 sepals, gamosepalous, valvate.
Corolla: Corolla made up of 3 petals, polypetalous, valvate, pale-yellow.
Fruit: An etaerio of berries.
Seeds: Smooth and blackish
Diterpenoid alkaloid atisine, alkaloids oxophoebine, reticuline, isocorydine.
Treating cardiac ailments, thyroid-related disorders. Fruits used anti-diabeticective,anti-dyslipidemic
Botanical Garden