Tree Details

Tabebuia rosea DC
Salvador Pink Trumpet Tree
வசந்த ராணி
Indroda Park
Habit:A tall fast-growing tree with crown wide, stratified and irregular with a few thick, horizontal branches, the bole is straight, sometimes channeled at base.
Branching is sympodial.
Leaves: Decussate, long petiolate, compound, digitate, 5 unequal leaflets, the central leaflet is the larger. Petioles pulvinate.
Flower: pink or white flowers, growing along the streets or in parks
Calyx:The calyx is persistent.
Corolla:five-petalled, trumpet-shaped and grow to about 5 to 8 cm.
Fruit: Long, slender, linear-cylindrical, brown, bivalve, loculicidal capsule, attenuate at both ends
Seeds: Seeds are whitish, thin, with broad, yalinemembranous
January – April
aromatic aldehydes, sugar, aromatic compounds, terpenoids , quinone , alkanes , phenolics
A decoction of the flowers, leaves and roots has been used to reduce fevers and pain, cause sweating, to treat tonsil inflammation and various other disorders.
Front UG chemistry Lab