Tree Details

Santalum album, L.
white or East Indian sandalwood.
சந்தன மரம்
South Asia in the southern Deccan.
Habit: evergreen tree .
Leaves: The leaves are thin, opposite and ovate to lanceolate in shape. Glabrous .
Flower: Brownish-purple, limb of 4 valvet triangular-segments, stamens 4, exserted.
Calyx:small, cup-shaped, 1-2 mm long, lobes 4-5, triangular, calyx united at the base.
Corolla:tubular, 3-4mm long, 4-5 lobes, corolla tube slender with a swollen base, corolla white or cream coloured often with a yellowish or greenish tint.
Fruit: Drupes globose, purple-black, endocarp hard ribbed.
December – April
fatty acids, sesquiterpene, sesquiterpene alcohols, other terpenes, amino acids flavonoids, minerals, tannins, aldehydes, esters, squalene, and vitamin E
antiseptic and astringent, headache, stomachache, urinary and genital disorders.eruptive skin diseases.
Front of Chemistry Department