Tree Details

Plumeria pudica jacq.
White Frangipani, Lei flowers and Wild Plumeria
நாவில்லா அரளி
Shrub or tree
Panama, Columbia, and Venezuela
Herb: hin shrub up to 5 meters in height with a trunk
to 10 cm in diameter
Leaves: arranged alternately, distinctly oblong/spoon
shaped, to 20 cm long, and clustered at branch tips.
Flower: five petals, although flowers with four, six,
seven or more petals are not uncommon.
Fruit: follicle that turns brown at maturity
Seeds: have tufts of hairs at one end to assist in
July to September
Linalool (13.2%), n-nonanal (9.6%), phenyl acetaldehyde (8.5%), neryl acetone (5.3%) and ndecanal (5.1%)
carminative plant that also possesses cytotoxic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, anti-leprosy, diuretic and anti-ascites properties
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