Tree Details

Musa paradisiaca l.
Musa paradisiaca is commonly referred to as a banana
A large tree-like herb
Habit:A large tree-like herb with thick rhizome,
pseudostem fleshy, succulent formed by the imbricate
leaf sheaths
Leaves: Leaves are elongated oval in shape and deep
green in colour with a prominent midrib.
Inflorescence:Terminal branched spadix
Flower:Bracteate, ebracteolate, sessile, trimerous,
unisexual or bisexual, flowers are zygomorphic and
epigynous.Perianth: Tepals 6, biseriate, 3+3
syntepalous,. Androecium: Stamens 6, arranged in
two whorls of 3 each, arranged opposite to the tepals.
Gynoecium: Tricarpellary, syncarpous, the median
carpel anterior, trilocular, ovary inferior, numerous
ovules on axile placentation
Fruits: An elongated fleshy berry.
Seeds: have seeds, although they are not prominent as
in other fruits
Throughout the year
anthocyanins, flavonoids, anthraquinones, and phlorotannins
flowerused to treat ulcers, dysentery, and bronchitis.
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