Tree Details

Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn ex Benth
Ear leaf Acacia, Ear-pod Wattle, Papuan Wattle and
Auri, Northern Black Wattle
கத்தி கருவேல்
Indonesia, New Guinea, Northern Australia
Habit: evergreen tree, aerial, erect, cylindrical,
branched, solid, bark grey-brown.
Leaves: Bipinnate, which are coriaceous, obliquely
elliptic, pointed at both ends, nerves parallel, slightly
curved or sickle-shaped.
Flowers: flowers in dense rigid spikes. yellow,
fragrant, complete, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite.
Calyxcampanulate. Corolla yellow, tubular,
insignificant. Androecium consists of many stamens,
Fruits: Lomentum, pods much twisted with wavy
margin, at first green, becoming intricately coiled and
almost woody when ripe, pods split open on the tree.
Seeds: Black, Shining
March to December but more in September to October.
Methoxyl, uronic acid, methylglucuronic acid, glucuronic acid, galactose, arabinose, and rhamnose.
To treat aches, pains and sore eyes.
Front of the pyramid