Tree Details

Millingtonia hortensis
tree jasmine or Indian cork tree
மர மல்லிகை
Habit: Trees, to 15 m high; bark pale brown,
Leaves: Leaves 2-3 pinnate, opposite; pinnae 11-17
pairs, opposite, imparipinnate; leaflets 3-5, opposite;
lamina ovate or elliptic-ovate, margin entire or
coarsely dentate-crenate.
Flower: Flowers bisexual, white, in terminal
corymbose panicles;
Calyx:calyx cupular, puberulous; lobes 5
Corolla:corolla tube narrow, cylindric, throat wide;
lobes 5, stamens 4, didynamous;anthers oblong
Gynoecium:ovary superior, ovules many; style
slender; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit an elongated capsule;
seeds many, winged.
Fruit: The fruit is a smooth flat capsule and is
partitioned into two.
Seeds: Propagation by Seeds, suckers
Comes to flowering in 4-5 years
flavonoids, tannin and alkaloids
treatment of asthma, sinusitis, cholagogue and tonic. throat ailments, lung tonic and cough diseases.
Botanical garden