Tree Details

Mangifera indica L.
Mango, Mangga, Mempelam, Pauh, Mangas, Mempalam.
மாமரம் (Maamaram)
Habit: Mangifera indica grows as a tree to 20 metersin height with a diameter to 1 meter.
Leaves: simple, deep green, up to 30cm long and 7 cmwide, oblong-elliptic to lanceolate in shape, witentire and slightly undulate margins.
Flower: panicle.
Calyx: Sepal composed of five ovate-lanceolate, finely pubescent, concave sepals
Corolla: Petal five elliptic-lanceolate to obovatelance-olate.
Fruit: large drupe, but shows a great variation in shape
and size.

Seeds: solitary, ovoid or oblong, encased in a hard, compressed fibrous endocarp.

January to February
micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and phytochemicals (phenolic, polyphenol, pigments, and volatile constituents).
The bark used against rheumatism and diphtheria. Mango kernel decoction used as vermifuges diarrhea, hemorrhages and bleeding hemorrhoids.
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