Tree Details

Cassia roxburghii DC.
Red cassia ,Ceylon senna
Indian subcontinent and adjacent regions of Southeast Asia.
Habit: A small round-shaped tree.
Leaves: Paripinnate compound, leaflets 10-20 pairs, blunt
at tips smooth above.
Flowers: Single clusters in the axils of leaves. The colour
of the flowers is terracotta red with fine green veins, deeper
in tone on the under surfaces. The older blooms are very
bright pink. The two lower petals are the largest. All
stamens are fertile. The 3 uppermost are the largest, they
protrude and curve inwards and are crowned with dark red
anthers, there is no swelling in middle, the central 4 smaller
stamens have bright red anthers and 2 lower smallest
stamens have yellow anthers. The sepals are salmon pink,
each flower has a pale green bract.
Fruit: Pods cylindrical, 8-12 inches long.
May – June
Water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash, sulphated ash
Effective against constipation, cold, congestion and running nose, reduce fever, treatment of intestinal disorders.
Botanical garden