Tree Details

Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Stapf
Bottle Brush
லைலா மஜ்னு
Australian continent
Habit: large tree, tap root with crimson-yellow to redflowers. Stem - woody but upper portions herbaceous
Leaves: Ramal and cauline, simple, alternate, entire, acute,gland dotted, leathery, unicostate reticulate venation, with
inframarginal veins.
Flowers: Inflorescence - Pendant spike, Bracteate, bractscaduceus, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, pentamerous,epigynous, crimson-yellow to bright red. Calyx composed
of 5 sepals, gamosepalous, imbricate, persistent. Corollacomposed of 5 petals, polypetalous, obovate, quincuncial,small and coloured. Androecium - polyandrous, connate anform a staminal sheath, dithecous, dorsifixed, introrse,filaments bright red, giving the same colour to the flower.
Gynoecium is bi to tetracarpellary, generally tricarpellary,
syncarpous, inferior, many carpels, many ovules in each
locule, axile placentation, style long and curved, stigma flat.
October – December
αterpinol ,cineole, eugenol
Botanical garden