Tree Details

Ficus aurea Nutt.
council tree & lofty fig
Throughout the world
Habit: large, evergreen forest tree
Leaves:Alternate,entire margins,elliptic to ovate,
short stalks & sheathing stipules
Flower: solitary or in pairs, axils of the leave,
concealed inside hollow receptacles which grow into
orangish-red, many-seeded 1 inch figs following
pollination, pollinated by wasps, fast growth
rate,solitary or in pairs , axils of the leaves.
Gynoecium: bicarpellary ovary , single style and two
locules, single ovule, perianth of four tepals, cup-like
structure, single stamen, fused to the perianth.
Androecium: single stamen,fused to the perianth ,
anther is bilobed, two lobes, anther produces pollen.
Fruit: syconium
Seeds: Minute seeds
March to May, October to December
ceramides, cerebrosides, steroids, pentacyclic triterpenes, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds
skin diseases,treat various illnesses,neurodegenerative and hepatic disease, asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy and gastric problems
Throught the Campus