Tree Details

Eucalyptus oblique L’Her
Tasmanian blue gum, southern blue gum, or
bsoutheastern blue gum
தைல மரம்
aromatic tree
Southeastern Australia
Habit: Tree
Leaves: alternate, petiole 2–3.5 cm long; blade
lanceolate to falcate
Flower: white
Calyx:cap over the flower bud 4-5 fused about2-3
Corolla:Sepals and petals are united to form a
warty lid which is present on the bud and drops
off at flowering.
Fruit: hard, woody globose capsule.
Seeds: oval, brown,smooth
December to May
p-Cymene (18.18%), methyl eugenol (8.83%), 4Terpinenol (8.45%), s-methyl 3-methylbutanethioate (7.26%), g-terpinene(5.12%), and 1,8-cine
Eucalyptus ointments are also used on the nose and chest to relieve congestion. Eucalyptus oil helps loosen phlegm
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