Tree Details

Bauhinia variegata L.
கட்டாகி, காஞ்சனி, சிவப்பு மந்தாரை
Moderate sized tree
Tropical regions of the world
Habit: Deciduous tree, bark .Wood moderately hard.Grayish brown with irregular darker patches.
Leaves: Petiolate divide into2 lobes, cordate. Leaflets,adnate, ovate- oblong, transverse nervules, leaflets ovate,rounded apex, upper side glabous.
Flowers: White/pink, fragrant, axillary or terminal racemes.Pedicels short or sessile. Calyx 5 toothed at the apex, Petals
- 5, 4 petals pale purple and the 5 the darker with darkpurple veins. Stamens 5fertile, rarely less, staminodeabsent.
Fruit: Hard dehiscent, dark brown pod glabous.
Seed: 10-15.
January - March; March--May
Beflavone, 5, 7-dimethoxy-30, flavonolglycoside, triterpene saponin, phenanthraquinone, flavonoids.
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