Tree Details

Aegle marmelos (L) correa
Aegle quinces
வில்வம் அல்லது வில்வை
Deciduous tree
The tree is a native of India
Habit: A thorny deciduoustree, with grayish - white
or grayish - brown, smoothbark.
Stem : Woody, erect, cylindrical and branched
Leaves: Exstipulate, petiolate, compound, trifoliate,
leaflets ovate - elliptic or elliptic - lanceolate,
Flower: Bracteate, complete, actinomorphic,
hypogynous, pentamerous, Flowers greenish.
Calyx: Calyx 5, gamosepalous.
Corolla: Corolla 5, polypetalous, imbricate.
Fruit: Berries 6 - 10 cm across, globose or subglobose,
with rough rind; rind greenish-white, on ripening yellow.

obliquely lenticular or oblong, wrinkled, pale - brown,
January - May, February - July
imperatorin (54), aegelin, lupeol, eugenol (7), cineocitronellal etc.
constipation, diarrhea, diabetes, and other conditions, anti-inflammatory in nature.
Botany Herbal Garden