Tree Details

Bauhinia racemosa Lam.
Bidi Leaf Tree
ஆதி, கொக்கு மந்தாரை
Southeast Asia
Habit: Deciduous trees, bark grey to black.
Leaves: Simple, bilobed, alternate; stipules small,
cauducous; petiole 10-33 mm long, slender, pubescent,
swollen at base and at tip; leaves, broader than long,
bilobed and mucronate at cleft, margin entire, glabrous
above, coriaceous, palmate, intercostae reticulate.
Flowers: Bisexual, yellowish-white, bracts and bracteoles
2-3 toothed, minute, pubescent; pedicel, slender; calyx
spathaceous, 5-toothed at apex; petals 5, linear-oblong;
stamens 10; filaments equal, filiform, pilose at base; anthers
versatile; ovary half-inferior, stalked, pubescent, ovules
many; style filiform; stigma peltate.
Fruit: Pod, oblong, blackish-brown, turgid, apex horned
Seed: 10-20 ovoid.
May – June; November-December
Beflavone, 5,7-dimethoxy-30, flavonolglycoside, triterpene saponin, phenanthraquinone, flavonoids
For Ulcer, Cold, Abdominal disease, Piles, Skin disease and Cough.
Front of the pyramid and outside of tennis ground