Tree Details
Crescentia alata. Kunth. | |
Bignoniaceae | |
Gourd Tree | |
திருவோட்டுக் காய் | |
Perennial Tree | |
Throughout the world | |
Habit: tall tree Leaves: Glabrous leaves arranged in alternate fascicles, smaller simple leaves. Tri folio late leaves with a long, winged, petiole, and three leaf lets linear to obovate, rounded at apex. Flower: Bell-shaped, solitary, yellow green to maroon. Calyx: sepals are 5,Polysepalous. corolla; Petals 5, polypetalous. Androecium:, five stamens subexerted, and stigma bilamellated, Gynoecium: Ovary superior, 1-celled, placenta 2,ovary unilocular with many ovules. | |
Throughout the year. | |
protein, fatty acid,polyphenol, tannin, amino acid | |
used to decrease various respiratory afflictions including asthma, bronchitis, and cough. | |
Throughout the Campus |