Tree Details

Cordia sebestena L.
Scarlet Cordia, Orange Geiger Tree, Aloe-woo
Florida (Keys) to Caribbean, Mexico to Venezuela.
Habit: A small evergreen shrub.
Leaves: Alternate, large, oval or elliptic, blunt at apex, rough, much
wrinkled or wavy.
Flower: Large, scarlet or orange-red.
Calyx: Calyx tubular, 4 or more lobed, ribbed.
Corolla: Corolla funnel-shaped, petals 5-6, rounded and much
crumpled or wrinkled.
Stamens 5-12, anthers dull yellow.
Fruit: Drupe pure white enclosed in persistent calyx.
September – March
Lucayan Archipelago for gastrointestinal issues (decrease indigestion and increase appetite).
Front of founder statue