Tree Details

Cassia fistula L.
Golden shower tree, Indian Laburnum,kani
konna,pudding-pipe tree
The species is native to the Indian subcontinent and adjacent regions of southeast Asia
Herb: A small tree

Leaves:Alternate,unipinnateparipinnately compound,

stipules,small,base wedge - shaped.
Flower: Raceme, bright yellow,5 sepals,5 petals, 3
stamens, fragrant,produced in long pendulous
clusters,30-50 cm in length, attractive to insects and,
Fruit: The fruit is a legume 30-60 cm(12-24) in long
and 1.5-2.5cm broad, with a pungent odor and
containing several seeds.
Seeds: Seeds elliptic, flattened, glossy brown, 8–9 by
5 mm. Cassia fistula L.,
May- June/July
Capric acid,Methyl ester, undecylenic acid
Bark of the Aragvadha is extensively used by Ayurveda in India in the treatment of inflammatory swelling and as a cleaning agent for ulcers and wounds.
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