Tree Details

Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. var. mauritiana
Indian Jujube, Indian Plum, Bor, MotaBor
Tree up to 6 m high
South and Central Asia and China
Habit: A small thorny tree.
Leaves: Small, ovate or roundish, slightly oblique,
glabrous above, buff hairy below, 3-nerved, stipulate,
stipules spiny-one straight and other hooked.
Flowers: Greenish-yellow, axillary cymes. Calyx 5fid,

hairy. Petals 5, hooked, rounded. Stamens 5,
enclosed in the petals. Disk with 10 grooved lobes.
Ovary: Ovary half sunk in disk, ovoid, styles 2,
connate for about half their length.
Fruit : Globose, smooth, yellow, red all when ripe.
September - October
Vitamin C, sugar, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and carotene, proteins, fat, and carbohydrates.
Anti-aging, Anti-tumor, Anti-inflammatory, Anodyne, anticancer, pectoral, refrigerant, sedative, stomachic, styptic and tonic
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