Tree Details

Vitex negundo L. var. negundo
Nagod, Chaste Tree
நொச்சி, வெண்நொச்சி, நீர்நொச்சி, நல்லநொச்சி
South and Southeast Asia
Habit: A small tree with square, white and hairy
Leaves: Opposite, 3-5 foliate, leaflets petioled,
lanceolate, acute, terminal leaflet largest, white hairy
Inflorescence: Branched, hairy cymes, forming a
large in terminal panicle.
Flowers: Bracteate, bracts lanceolate, caduceus.
Calyx bell-shaped, white-hairy, teeth 5, triangular.
Corolla bluish purple, bilipped, upper lip divided into
2 lobes, lower lip 3-lobed.Stamens 4, didynamous,
filaments hairy at the base.
Ovary: Ovary glabrous, 4-celled, ovules 4, style
slender, stigma bifid.
Fruits: Drupe surrounded at the base by the calyx.
More or less throughout the year.
carryophyllene epoxide and ethyl-hexadecenoate; αselinene, germacren-4-ol, carryophyllene epoxide and (E)-nerolidol while showed β-selinene, α-cedrenegermacrene D and hexadecanoic acid
Headache, skin affections, wounds, swelling, asthmatic pains, male and female sexual and reproductive problems.
Botanical Garden