Tree Details

Thevetia peruviana K. Schum
Mexican Oleander, Yellow Oleander, Lucky Nut,
பொன்னரளி, பச்சரலி
Indroda Park, Van Chetana Kendra, Aranya Van
Habit: A small tree with milky juice.
Leaves: Numerous, alternate, close together, linear,
Flowers: Yellow, fragrant.Calyx lobes 5, acute,
imbricate. Corolla campanulate, segments 5, twisted
imbricate. Stamens 5, in the throat of the corollatube,

filaments hairy at base, anthers ovate. Disk
angular, annular, thick. Carpels 2, connate, superior,
style filiform, stigma big, capitate.
Fruit: A fleshy drupe, 4 angled, compressed with 2
ridges, seeds 2 to 4.
Throughout the year.
Thevetin A, Thevetin B, Nerifolin, oleandrin
The whole plant is poisonous.
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