Tree Details

Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland ex Correa
Paras Pipado, Indian Tulip Tree, Aden apple, Portia
Tree, Paras Bhendi
Large Tree
Indroda Park, Van Chetana Kendra, Aranya Van
Habit: A medium-sized tree with a spreading crown
of branches.
Leaves: Smooth, somewhat similar to those of the
Pipal tree, broadly ovate, cordate, acuminate entire,
5- nerved, often with a glandular pore in one or more
of the intercostal spaces below.Stipules triangular,
Flowers: Inflorescence – Axillary, Calyx copular,
truncate. Corolla large, yellow with purple base.
Staminal tube toothed at the apex.
Ovary half-5 celled style club-shaped at the apex, 5furrowed.


Capsules, globose, covered with minute
peltate scales, surrounded at the base by persistent
Almost throughout the year, particularly at the beginning of the cold season.
Quinones; Mansonone D, mansonone H, thespone, and thespesone
The juice of the fruit is used in skin diseases.The leaves are employed as application to swollen joints.
Botanical garden