Tree Details

Carissa carandas L.
Bengal currant,Carandas plum,karanda.
Small tree
Throughout the world.
Habit: Small tree or shrub
Flower: Small,White,fragrant,Pedicellate,Night
blooming,Odorous, Bracteates, Bracts linear.
Calyx: Sepals: 5, Ovate,Green, sepals have a
pointed tip, Margin: Entire.
Corolla:Petals: 5,Funnel-shaped, white Petals are
arranged in a whorl
Androecium:Stamens 5,Whorled,pale yellow.
Gynoecium: Superior, bicarpellary, Axile,short style.
Fruit: Capsule,Globular, Brown.
Seeds: Reniform (kidney-shaped)
June – April
Flavonoids,Quercetin, Kaempferol, Isorhapontigenin Alkaloids,Pterospermin,Canescine, Glycosides,Pterospermum glycoside,Canescenside
Antidiabetic,febrifuge,Analgesic,Antirheumatic.Wound healing
Botany Herbal Garden