Tree Details

Tamarindus indica L.
புளிய மரம்
Tropical Africa, Asia and Australia
Habit: large evergreen tree up to 30 m tall, bole
usually, bark rough, fissured, greyish-brown.
Leaves: Alternate, compound, with 10-18 pairs of
opposite leaflets; leaflets narrowly oblong, petiole
and rachis finely haired, midrib and apex rounded to
almost square, margin entire, Stipules present.
Flowers: Attractive pale yellow or pinkish, in small,
lax spikes about. Flower buds completely enclosed
by 2 bracteoles, which fall very early; sepals 4, petals
5, the upper 3 well developed, the lower 2 minute.
Fruit: Pod, indehiscent, subcylindrical, straight or
curved, velvety, rusty-brown; the shell of the pod is
brittle and the seeds are embedded in a sticky edible
Seed: 3-10, approximately, irregularly shaped, testa
hard, shiny and smooth.
Throughout the year
Procyanidin B2, epicatechin, tartaric acid, mucilage, pectin, arabinose, xylose, galactose, glucose, uronic acid and triterpen.
Parasitic infestations, wound healing, constipation and inflammation.
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