Tree Details

Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels
Java Plum, Jamun, Black Plum, Java Apple
நாவல் மரம்
Gujarat Forestry Research Foundation, Van Chetana
Habit: A big tree with white exfoliates bark.
Leaves: Opposite, gland-dotted, coriaceous, oval orelliptic-oblong, acute intramarginal nerve present,
Inflorescence: Panicled cymes
Flowers: White, fragrant, Calyx limb cup-shaped,
teeth 4.Petals 4, forming a calyptra, deciduous.Stamens indefinite, many seriate, filaments filiform,
anthers versatile.
Ovary: Ovary inferior, 2-celled, ovules many, stylefiliform.
Fruit: A juicy, purple berry with calyx remains at theapex, 1-seeded.
February – April
aliphatic alcohols, sitosterols, betulinic acid and crategolic (maslinic) acid, triterpenic acids oleanolic acid and crategolic acid
The seed powder is used in diabetes with good results.
Front of the Zoology