Tree Details

Sterculia guttata Roxb. ex DC.
Nagod, Chaste Tree
காவலம், குதிரை பிடுக்கு
Southern India, Sri Lanka, Andaman Islands.
Habit: Spotted Sterculia is a tree with a straight
Leaves: Leaves are hairless above, velvety beneath,
oblong-ovate acute or acuminate. Leaf base is
rounded or nearly heart-shaped.
Flowers: Panicles are sparingly branched. Flowerbuds

are spherical. Flowers are chiefly male. Sepal
tube 1/3 inches densely rusty hairy outside, glandular
within, bell-shaped and divided into 5; segments
broadly ovate-acute, ultimately reflexed, covered
with long hairs. Flowers are yellow, with purple
glands on the inside of the petals. Anthers 12,
Fruits: Ovary stalked, spherical, 3-5-lobed. Style
curved, stigma 3-5 lobed. Follicles 1-5, size of a
small apple, each about 3 inches, obovoid, covered
with reddish down, smooth, pink within.
procyanidin, scutellarein, luteolin taraxerol, notacosanol beta-sitosterol. Lupenone, lupeol botulin, cyclopropene fatty acids, Sterculic and malvalic acids
dropsy and rheumatism; as aperient, diaphoretic, and diuretic, skin eruptions, itching and skin diseases;
Botanical Garden