Tree Details

Albizia lebbeck (L.) Willd.
Siris tree, Woman's tongue, Siridam
Tropical Africa, Asia and Northern Australia.
Habit: A large tree with a general bluish appearance,
unarmed, deciduous, bark pale, stem - erect, cylindrical,
branched, solid.
Leaves: Bipinnate, main rachis with a large gland on the
petiole near the base and one below the highest pair of
pinnae, pinnae 2 - 4 pairs; leaflets 5 - 9 pairs.
Flowers: Heads, White, fragrant, heads umbellate, from the
upper leaf axils, solitary or fasciculate.
Filaments exserted, connate below into a short tube.
Fruits: Pods long, broad, thin, flat, straight, straw -
coloured when old, glabrous and shining.
Seeds: 4 - 12, spherical or slightly reniform, smooth,
glabrous, yellowish brown.
July – October, October – March
Amino acids, aspartic acid, theronine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, cystein, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, hisitidine, lysine and arginine
Astringent, externally applied in boils, eruptions, etc. opthalmia
College main entrance and near the auditorium