Tree Details

Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir.
Habit: Tree, up to 10 m tall; branchlet stomentose.
Leaves: Leaves pinnatly compound, paripinnate;
leaflets opposite, 20 - 50-pairs, oblong-elliptic,
rounded at base, entire at margin, obtuse-emarginate
at apex, pubescent; 7-pairs; petiole. Stipule filiform.
Racemes axillary.
Flowers: Flowers white, pale yellow; bracts
lanceolate. Calyx narrowly campanulate. Petals 5,
exserted; standard broadly lanceolate, wings and
keels lanceolate. Staminal sheath. Stamens 10;
filament longlyfilifom; anther oblong-obvoid.
Ovary: Ovary subsessile, cylindric, 1-loculed; ovules
many; style subterete, stigma capitate.
Fruits: Pod linear-slightly falcate, seeds many,
subglobose, subreniform.
More or less throughout the year.
Thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, b-carotene, niacin
Diarrhea fever, diarrhea swellings rheumatism, headache.
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