Tree Details
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Punica granatum L. | |
Lythraceae | |
Dadam, Pomegranate | |
மாதுளை | |
Shrub | |
Van Chetana Kendra, Infocity, Basan, Aranya Van | |
Habit: A small shrub with young branches 4-angled. Leaves: Opposite, entire, lanceolate. The leaves fall off from the young branches which then are modified into thorns. Inflorescence: Solitary or cymose. Flowers: Red-crimson, calyx 5-7 fid, cup-shaped, valvate. Petals 5-7, alternate with calyx teeth, with wavy margins.Stamens many inside the cup-shaped calyx. Ovary: Ovary inferior, carpels many, in 2 rows, one above the other, surrounded by the calyx, style small, stigma capitate. Fruit: balausta, globose, brown crowned by the persistent calyx.Seeds many angular, surrounded by pulpy, juicy, white, pink or red aril. | |
All the year round. | |
Alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, phenol and carbohydrates. | |
The fruit rind is given in diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the flowers is gargled to relieve oral and throat inflammations. | |
Botanical garden |